How to Professionally Record Guitar Videos
52 Week Guitar Player is closed for enrollment until mid-September. We will only be accepting 100 students
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#Professionally #Record #Guitar #Videos
Originally posted by UCLaXWd4nnhaaLSPJeolEUzw at
You're not gonna post anyway because you're scared but at least you know how now. Also, 52 Week Guitar Player is CLOSED until mid-September. We just closed in June so now is a super early time to get on the waiting list . We'll only be accepting 100 new students (see related video "How Good is 52 Week Guitar Player Actually" for more info)
Lol when does recording on an iPhone signifies as broke instead of a DSLR? And DaVinci resolve is free on both windows and Mac. Instead of paying for final cut
This ended perfectly ????
Well im a broke ass and a bitch ????????
Yo, for anyone who has a scarlett 2i2, should I use the INST button when recording guitar? I heard it makes something better but I dont know what. Also I plug into the right input but brandon pointed to the left one idk.
A personal opinion. If you use Windows, use DaVinci Resolve. Otherwise, use DaVinci Resolve. It's the best, it works on fruit based hardware, and it's free. No brainer.
Is that an SFX ring I see you wearing??? I am beginning to make some videos.
I used to think you were just crazy. now …
My ass is beyond broken…so i play acoustic and record on phone
Lov it omg????
Thanks ????
goddamn i love linux
My guitar is worth $200 bruh tell a way without the interface.
You can use Reaper and DaVinci Resolve on a Mac too
Imagine if this guy was bald and had toattoos
Thank you
Great information for people learning to move onto digital production
Got flamed about 5 times in this video, but now I know how to record my guitar!????
Right, I'm saving up for a scarlet 2i2 ????
How dude recorded if he showed his camara
What if I want to record the sound coming from my amp?Can I have the amp,guitar and audio interface all hooked up to my computer?
Industry standard? Or bedroom enthusiast standard?
It’s affordable and decently reliable I suppose.
Broke ass frrr
I'm a broke ass btch and I thank you for giving me options to use ????????
Apparently, I'm a broke-ass b!tch
What's he adjusting the tone in?
Left the video now bcoz I am broke ass.
Wasn't expecting the last part ????
him pointing at the xlr port while talking about plugging a guitar lol
How to record guitar like a normal person.
Step 1: Get phone
Step 2: Press record
Step 3: Play guitar
This was amazing
note: if you have a mic, record the guitar through the mic instead of DI… it’ll sound better… or do both. But DI on its own lacks its own sound… Also the air features on your scarlet can add very good quality to your mix!
Daddy money
Thank you so much I am a bitch
I use a 2i2 audio interface into my laptop. My Canon M50 Mark ii connects to my laptop using a usb cable. OBS software Records everything in sync and NO editing afterwards. Great for quality, rapid fire content creation. It’s like streaming straight to a video file.