How To Record Metal Guitar Like a PRO
In this guitar recording tutorial, I go over how to record professional quality modern metal guitars from home with the gear you already own, using Ableton 11 though these techniques can be used in Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Reaper or any DAW. If you’re a beginner with recording, don’t worry as I go over every little important step of the process. I have been recorded by some of the best engineers out there and these are some techniques I’ve learned from them, as well as things I’ve picked up along the way. This video is coated in nuggets of information so don’t skip over parts, even if you already know the basics.
I’m Brendon Padjasek of the band Structures from Toronto, Canada and welcome to my channel based on modern metal, djent, and deathcore music, production, mixing and song writing.
When I mix bands, I often times get guitar, and bass tracks that are not ideal. Either out of tune, out of time or just have some issue that I can’t remove in post. With these techniques, you will be able to record flawless guitar tracks without spending any extra money.
Thanks for watching!
The Episode This Song Came From:
Shot on:
Lumix S1 – Sigma ART 24mm-70mm f2.8
Lumix GH5 – Sigma ART 18mm-35mm f1.8
0:00 Intro
0:46 Important Practices
1:35 Begin Tracking
1:52 Notey Sections
3:06 Chugs
3:36 Noises
5:07 Bends
5:58 Lengths
6:06 Chords
6:45 Save Time When Possible
7:33 Riff Complete
7:52 Rough Take Comparison
8:08 Final Nuggets
#guitar #metal #recording
#Record #Metal #Guitar #PRO
Originally posted by UC10dd1vCJDcT_HzYB3-X-Ww at
Let me know of any subjects you'd like me to cover here. Thanks for watching!
gold mine of good info, thanks!
Great and to the point tips, awful unnecessary use of stock footage to express all the emotions one or two watchers might feel. Don't do that. We're all happy if you just explain the process.
I really cant stand all these "hilarious" cuts and edits, it makes learning absolutely impossible for me. Too bad because this guy has a lot of wisdom to impart
I saw that 5:23
These stock images/Vids are absolutely killing me!????
Hey, man, how do you get Ableton to automatically open a new track for separate takes while tracking the same part?
Wwhhaattt? I never ever record one section at a time. I always play straight through at least a few bars. Yes tuning sucks when recording. Evertune bridge is a must for a recording axe.
The editing with all the stock footage is really distracting. But the knowledge bombs are worth it. Maybe just tone down the video edits next time.
objectively your tips are great, but on a subjective layer there is a reason why so much of the modern music is so bland, boring, too perfect, and at least I still do listen with fascination to the old albums with all their flaws, slightly out of tune notes. While most of the modern bands are nice for a few spins but then then leave my mind immediately, bar a few exceptional bands which still try to retain that magic mojo on their records – and I don't mean using purely analog gear, but rather just retaining an imperfect, human feel.
Guitar with a evertune bridge is a life savor.
Fuck this modern shit. Sitting at your apartment all alone and recording every little bit till it's perfect, maybe while drinking some detox tea because it's healthy lol,just fuck it. No rock'n'roll at all, fuck.
This works great for core genres, but how do you go about less robotic style recording for something like old school thrash?
Wow, this is some valuable advice, and it puts the wildest ideas in closer reach. Looks like the patience factor is key. Thanks man
I couldn't tell if this was supposed to be satire or if you actually record like this… What a painful and consuming method… If it works, it works but lordy this would not work for me haha
Lmao im dyimg from the random stock videos after your sentences ???????????? the video is awsome btw
Toggling between the soft elevator piano music in the background and the dark metal riffs is absolutely maddening. Terrible editing decision on your part. Plus you were already bouncing all over the place in an attempt to make this a kinesthetic experience. Big fail overall. ????????
bro at this point just use a midi guitar plugin
Can you do a video on advanced metalcore and deathcore guitar techniques? Or a How to play like Dan Sugaman tutorial? like sweep Picking diminished runs and shit? That would be Pretty helpful. Btw this video helped me a lot!
I want to know how the noise at 8:01 was created.
At 5:40 you mentioned that the two takes "almost sound like they're the same take", for such a small fragment of the song, why do you want two separate takes instead of making a duplicate of a single take that you like?
poor guy getting destroyed in comments
what would you think better. 2 tracks or 4 tracks? for the guitar
But did you direct inject or mic up an amp?!
You mean… “how to EDIT guitars like a pro” ????
At least you show it how it is unlike Lucas Mann where everything is one take with him. Thanks.
Nice i no longer have impostors syndrome for chopping up everything note by note lmao
I'm sorry this sounds informative but the editing is too distracting to get through the video
How do get ableton to separate each repeated take like that?
Nice im starting a new album , doing most of the recording my self at home , i do the same kind of recording , i love the tone you have on your distortion loads of body . Any tips on that would be greatly appreciated, i play out of drop C no locks or whammy
Can evertune bridges help with the constant tuning in the recording process?
That Structures logo inlay in the 12th fret is SICK.
5:45 Your guitar record is in-auto-(off) how can that sound come out when you re-play (space)
what a shit fucking tutorial … zero explanation of anything just a mess
Or just properly intonate your guitar instead of tuning to every single note lol i get why and I get checking the tuning frequently and muting string noise but tuning down to the dominant notes in the riff just seems stupid to me as someone who wants to sound as close to my recordings live as possible. Doing this will just make you always hate how you sound jamming or playing live. Kinda sucks the life right out of the guitar imo. I guess i just consider a few cents off as being part of what a guitar sounds like. Even how you fret the guitar can knock it a few cents hence why you’re doing a million takes. It just is what it is. Unless you’re severely out of tune non-musicians aren’t even noticing. Just like they aren’t noticing im using the same modeling, EQ , and IR live as I recorded with…
Sounded good though for sure! But plenty of other mixes out there didn’t go to that extreme and still sounded killer…
Oh shit, not you over here giving out modern industry standard sound tips and tricks for free on YouTube! Goddamn fr fr I spent a grip some years back to learn exactly what this guy is telling you so PAY ATTENTION!
Keep up the good work my dude! Haha
Not sure if i missed it but are you taking the clean input and adding effects after or using an amp setup and binging in the signal with the effects? Trying to get my input to stop sounding muddy / muffled. Thanks!