Wednesday, March 12, 2025

How to Solo on Acoustic Guitar

Going over some tips on how to solo for acoustic guitar. It’s really a combination of several techniques that I’m demonstrating together. Thanks to Tribit for sponsoring this video so checkout their Stormbox Blast speaker:

TRIBIT StormBox Blast Portable Bluetooth Speaker

Here’s the backing track I’m using:

And sign up for the Patreon for more:

I’m using a D’angelico Tammany Excel acoustic guitar:

#guitar #guitarlesson #acoustic

#Solo #Acoustic #Guitar

Originally posted by UCzZCiVjRPPDCpP5l7HIGRtA at

32 thoughts on “How to Solo on Acoustic Guitar

  • I like your style of teaching. For me the perfect practise of something i learned a long time ago. I had to figure the stuff out by myself, so its very cool to understand the bigger sense. Music is like maths.. everything has a rule or a sense… i mean everything except for the blue note… Or am i wrong? Ok i appreciate your channel and you have a new subscriber. 😉

  • ⛹‍♂⛹‍♂ yeh i wanna learn how too play a simple solo that,s sounds okay

  • Sean, you're probably not looking at this anymore, but just in case . . .in this video, you were using a pick. What about soloing when fingerpicking? What do you do with your right hand? Do you do the usual thing you do for fingerpicking in general where thumb covers strings 4-6, and index/middle/ring fingers each gets a string? Do you do everything with your thumb as if it was a pick? What's your right-hand technique? Thanks.

  • This is such an excellent course! Many thanks, Sean. You're great. Cheers from Belgium.

  • when I get a job ill will join your fan clubs, I can learn from you. Tks. 🙂 I appreciate you. to bad I missed you in Florida. It's my home. I live about 1 hour from Chicago, saw that was where you were from. crazy small world. enjoy Cali it's beautiful but not for everyone. 😉 keep on strumming, I look forward to your videos. Also loved the reaction vid with Nana about mgk. my dd and lol so hard and I needed that laugh. I even subbed her, she seems really cool.

  • You were basically playing one of Van 'The Man' Morrisons hits. Very enjoyable even at practice demo 'noodling mode'.
    You're The Man too.

  • Hey thank you, Sean. I’m a singer then a rhythm guitarist and love to put simple, beautiful lead melodies when the song calls for lead guitar… You are helping me know the fretboard better in a lead kind of way, so thank you for that. ✊????✨

  • Hello Sean, I really enjoy your videos and, although off topic, I was hoping that you might be able to answer this question ?

    Should a singer use the term 'register' (or 'range') rather than 'key' ie: 'I can't sing in that key" when speaking about their vocal range ? I've heard many singers over the years, both in person and in videos, say that they "… can't sing in this or that 'key" or '''thats not in my key, I need to sing it in a lower/higher key" etc.'. So, the question is: Isn't it that yes, they can sing in the 'key' a ('key(s) is either major or minor etc). The key of C for instance can be played up and down the 88 key piano (middle C = C4), beginning in many different places (in different registers). And again, a 'key' only specifies how many sharps or flats, or in a Maj or min key (generally speaking).

    Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated Sean and I'm sure very interesting to your subscribers too !!

  • How did you start at e and get that pentatonic scale. What pattern/shape is that?

  • It would be so so nice if the hand picture changed with the words/note, or if you had a tab there to show the shape..
    great video as always..
    I did learn something..
    but We would have learned more if We knew better what to do.. thanks

  • Hey Sean, you've done it again!! The old dog got a new nugget!! LOL Thanks buddy!! 8) –gary ^^Never stop learning!!! 8)


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