How to Solo Over Common Chord Progressions – Lead Guitar Lesson
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Hello friends,
Welcome back to Swiftlessons for another lead guitar tutorial. In today’s session I’m beginning a series breaking down guitar soloing techniques over common chord progressions, starting with the in G major. We’ll begin our lesson by reviewing our major pentatonic scale positions and how visualizing chord shapes can reveal melodic possibilities. With those prerequisites covered, you will be able to learn each lick in this solo with confidence and apply each concept to your own playing. Let’s get started!
Enjoy today’s lesson with tabs, backing track and Guitar Pro at:
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#Solo #Common #Chord #Progressions # #Lead #Guitar #Lesson
Originally posted by UCjdxyPMmtiBLrmsM2Ok-AUg at
The Spark is bad little bedroom amp. Not enough to gig with, really. But a cool little amp.
You talked too much
How are u my tachear I,m Eric but tank you soo much you teach well I like solo , I want to be with you
How are you ,how can we be friends on whatsapp
Great lesson, I'm very much obliged. You make things that are unreachable easy to understand and play. Thank you so much!
Good coachin' right there…Thanks ????
good lessons it was; thx mch
Would it be simpler to know that your 5 and 4 sit above and below the 1 and the 6 sits back 4 frets from the 1 and just arpegio of each interval as the chord changes , whilst improvising within the G maj pentatonic >PS I have been subsribed with you for quite awhile and you have helped this newb heaps
That's the first solo I'm learning ever. I'm excited ????. Thank you so much
Very good video
are you playing with finger plus pick this is awesome
Nice .
Awesome video brotha
Great lesson but it help me alot more if you some how can tell me where i could buy or obtaining the jam track that you’re demonstrated.
Thanks a whole lot
Got some Chris Buck tones in there—love it
Great tut.. i love it.. thanks man..
Hello Rob,
You played really well.
I finally get it, what it needs to solo ????
Thank you so much for that lesson ! It seems now to me more simple, not trying to play as an exercise…but simply playing guitar with fun! And Michael Craig, I agree with you! Hello to everybody from France!????????
This is cool thanks. Do you got some more like this, that actually shows a guitarist about playing notes with the chords.. So many different ones and also the way most guitarists try to learn, someone always says "play the scales and the right notes to stay in key", but this is something that almost no one really teaches how to do this. So a lot of players know scales and chords, but when they try and play to the chords it sounds like an exercise, not a song. So how to get past that situation?
Loved how you explained your reasoning by showing the chords so we can apply it to other shapes! Thank you
Slide into the BB king house pattern.
Great lessons thanks you again always ????
Thank you so much . I've never had a guitar/music teacher, and your lessons got me to the point of making a song.
I've been playing for 4 years now and your lessons are gold for me.
Much love
This lesson makes me to subscribe this channel
but calling out the frets is cool too
you should call out the notes instead of 16 on b etc.
chords are what I think of when I solo i only kbnow 2 pentatonic scales LOL
Cant wait till you get a better cam tabs work do nice job on this tutorial.jam on..