I can’t explain it. I love pantera. Always have always will, but my hot take was dime was out of tune (not in 440) and his tone was awful.
The skill and attitude make up for those things I don’t like about him. Pantera fans get mad when I say he sounded bad. Na, just the tone. I could tell he would have sounded good with better amps, but its a shame he got murdered before he could record with them
Yea I scoop the mids and roll the treble back on my amp and use the mxr 6 band to push the mids and a lil of the highs. Then I use the master effects eqfh which is a pq3 clone to further dial in the eq. I need the pq4 for the century amp the three band just won’t quite get there.
False he boosted the kids a shit tone and added gain to it which is why it’s so in your face aggressive. He used a Randall amp either century 200 or rg100ht, into a blue mxr 6 band, Furman pq3 or 4, aphex aural excited at times, and a doubler to double his tone to make it sound like 2 guitar players
Not many people realize but dimes tone had a surprising anoint of crunch in it. And it is rather difficult to get it with the amount of distortion you need along with the cut mids. But that’s why pedals and eq’s are amazing
My favorite guitarist ever and ive tried to get close to his tone but went all wrong on my very expensive amp purchases because my guitarist friends growing up preached that "Tube Amps are best!"
So…. i got close and iove Dime but … why try to sound exactly like anybody else ? Im cool getting my own sound but inspired by Dime greatly.
This is awful advice… its mediocre advice. Just let people figure it out instead of feeding bullshit to them… they need Jaguar speakers, an RG100es, Bill Lawrence l500xl pickups, 6 band EQ, Furman pq4, mxr flanger doubler… otherwise its gonna sound off…
dimebag was a good player but he had some of the worst guitar tones under the sun. this doesn't sound like Dime at all it's far too non-bee-swarm sounding
This is stupid. More reason to have your face stuck to a screen. I don't have to have Internet or make monthly payments for my amp setup and get his tone just fine. "You wanna come over and jam on guitar? Yeah sure let me grab my laptop"????
How to sound like pantera: Be an Elon Musk fan
I swear bro, every sentence in this video is wrong
I can’t explain it. I love pantera. Always have always will, but my hot take was dime was out of tune (not in 440) and his tone was awful.
The skill and attitude make up for those things I don’t like about him. Pantera fans get mad when I say he sounded bad. Na, just the tone. I could tell he would have sounded good with better amps, but its a shame he got murdered before he could record with them
Yea I scoop the mids and roll the treble back on my amp and use the mxr 6 band to push the mids and a lil of the highs. Then I use the master effects eqfh which is a pq3 clone to further dial in the eq. I need the pq4 for the century amp the three band just won’t quite get there.
Whats the tune he plays at 0:09? I heard it in another video & cant find it
FXXK! His tuning way is mad..
Or You could get the CFH plugin … lol
You not getting that tone from Bias fx. sorry
False he boosted the kids a shit tone and added gain to it which is why it’s so in your face aggressive. He used a Randall amp either century 200 or rg100ht, into a blue mxr 6 band, Furman pq3 or 4, aphex aural excited at times, and a doubler to double his tone to make it sound like 2 guitar players
Not many people realize but dimes tone had a surprising anoint of crunch in it. And it is rather difficult to get it with the amount of distortion you need along with the cut mids. But that’s why pedals and eq’s are amazing
While he wrote awesome songs and was a unique player, I hate his tone. I'd never want to use a sound anything like what he used.
While YOUR tone sounds fun, that is NOT dimes. Pkus you say some silly extra stuff
If you don't try, you will fail.
Keep at it dude !
How about giving some insight on some of the cool tech stuff that him and his guitar tech did? Lame ass video…
My favorite guitarist ever and ive tried to get close to his tone but went all wrong on my very expensive amp purchases because my guitarist friends growing up preached that "Tube Amps are best!"
So…. i got close and iove Dime but … why try to sound exactly like anybody else ? Im cool getting my own sound but inspired by Dime greatly.
is racism required to get his tone?
pickups need to stand distortion?!? WTF?
This guy shouldve done more research.
What about with a real amp and not that simulated garbage?
What software is he using?
what software is that
What software are you using?
sounds nothing like his tone actually
Look at those damn eyebrows gowith5his interesting speech
I really loveeee punishing tones
I dont want to sound like anyone but me .
What the online amp thing your using?
How do you play on a Levato mini amp
This is awful advice… its mediocre advice. Just let people figure it out instead of feeding bullshit to them… they need Jaguar speakers, an RG100es, Bill Lawrence l500xl pickups, 6 band EQ, Furman pq4, mxr flanger doubler… otherwise its gonna sound off…
Pick ups that could withstand a ton of distortion. Lmao. Shut up.
Day Thirteen of asking for Tom Sholz tone
You need a whole lot more midrange than this to sound like dime!
That doesn't sound like dimebag's distortion
Dimebag Darrell is a legend but why the hell would you want to sound exactly like Pantera? Just come up with your own unique sound. Experiment.
All you really need is a Randall Cab, or an Amp sim with a sound alike of said cab.
Why would you want to sound like someone else?
what application is he using to get these pedals and amps?
Dose quarter step flat mean d# standard and c# standard????
dimebag was a good player but he had some of the worst guitar tones under the sun. this doesn't sound like Dime at all it's far too non-bee-swarm sounding
Absolute dookie guitar tone. Sorry dime fans
Alternative: get a Mooer pedal it has a pantera setting and abt 80 other things????
Say the N word
This is stupid. More reason to have your face stuck to a screen. I don't have to have Internet or make monthly payments for my amp setup and get his tone just fine. "You wanna come over and jam on guitar? Yeah sure let me grab my laptop"????
worst tone ever
Who tf would want to sound like dimebag ? His tone was scooped trash.
Would be great to have a full video on this with the full chain settings, pedals, cabs, mics, IR’s etc ????
To bad Pantera is just shitty thrash metal
Crank the gain to 9 or 10? No sir. I’ll give you a hint: it’s not 9.
How about Trendkill tunings? I mean, that shit was like G standard ???? ( Sandblasted Skin for example )