Saturday, February 22, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

How to Tighten Up Your Guitar’s Low End

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In the name of great guitar vernacular, what on earth is “tightening up the low end“? Nick Bowcott is here to put the rumors to rest with Sweetwater’s guide to tight, crispy bass that’s pleasing to the ear. Tightening up low end helps accentuate your guitar‘s natural midrange emphasis. It also lets drums and bass shine more presently in a full band setting. Nick sifts through multiple ways you can scrape the mud off your tone, including dialing in amp EQ and giving your signal definition using EQ pedals, classic dirt pedals like the Ibanez Tubescreamer and the Boss SD1, or even something newer like the Empress Heavy. For EQ devotees, Nick also dives deep into precise guitar frequencies that matter most. Check it out!

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#Sweetwater #Blackstar #Ibanez #Empress #Boss

#Tighten #Guitars

Originally posted by UC1kdsZUTDSW1BtsHEoYx4WQ at

20 thoughts on “How to Tighten Up Your Guitar’s Low End

  • Nice video guys!

    As an engineer though I gotta say, a bit hard for me to hear the low-end at times because it was being ducked so hard by whoever compressed the signal in post, causing it to 'pump'.
    A bit faster release/attack times there and/or some clipping instead of limiting/comp would make it more audible.


  • In my opinion, this is one of the most important hard rock videos on youtube to dial in your sound – very simple, clear, the explanations and time tested results – thank you Nick and Sweetwater !

  • Id watch lots of videos of this guy talking about guitar stuff while playing stuff on guitar

  • Im a huge fan (and collector) of OD's and no OD has ever made my jaw drop playing through it the first time as the MXR Custom Badass Modified OD did… Absolutely incredible for high-gain imo… ????

  • Thanks bud ive been lookn for this i dialed some lows out on my eq pedal but forgot to boost mids a bit as well but im not a fan ove overdrives i tend to like distortion but i will try my sd-1 again

  • Nowadays when i make my sound i always have less bass and are more mid range. When i started i just want bass and mid cut to darken the sound and i was always lost in the mix when playing with my band. In the early 2000's we had no information about that, not in Portugal and certainly not in the village where i live, people said if you want to be metal you should cut the mids and boost the bass, and that was the recipe.

  • Why use pedals when you can just lower the bass on your amp?!
    Unless of course, your bass on the amp is set to 0 and still you want even less.

  • Thank you so much Nick! Your tips have my tone EXACTLY where I want it! Ive recently been trying to get "my tone" via a Boss GT-Pro (discontinued) and have been messing with levels of all sorts and when it seems like I would get close, there would be something missing somewhere else. Now my lows are tight but not in bass/drum land and my mids are full and highs soaring for leads. Thank you so much!!!

  • I keep saying that each guitar is unique. Anytime I play a new guitar, I have to let the guitar tell me what it needs to make the tones that I have developed as sounding like ‘me’. I also like a solid groove to my music, so I dance in a different lane than the bass and drums, even though I play ‘heavy’. I can refer individuals to this video and say, ‘What he said.’ ????????❤️????????


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