Sunday, March 9, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

How To Use Effects Pedals as Outboard Gear | Recording Tricks

If you don’t have the dough for expensive outboard gear, but you’ve put sweat, blood, and tears into building the perfect rig of pedals, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. With the addition of a reamp box and a few of your favorite pedals, you can throw effects on dry tracks with ease. In this episode of Recording Tricks, Sean shows us how to use effects pedals in lieu of outboard effects.

Read more on Reverb:

#Effects #Pedals #Outboard #Gear #Recording #Tricks

Originally posted by UCHP-KQAJgXu4Wo2Xq4-eNow at

28 thoughts on “How To Use Effects Pedals as Outboard Gear | Recording Tricks

  • Hello. I tried to do what was demostrated in the video, but when I engage the pedals I have a lot of noise. The noise is there even when tha pedal is not engaged. Do you know that is happening and how I may fix it? Thank you very much

  • The best video on Youtube covering this topic. The hosts of other music production education channels love hearing the sound of their own voices, and never get to the point until like 20 minutes into the vid. This is sweet and to the point. bravo

  • Not just level it's also impedance. The internal routing blabber is useless. From interface line out > reamp box > guitat pedal > active DI > preamp

  • Can you do this live as well? That way you can get the feel of the effects, but record it DI so you can tweak to perfection?

  • If u reamp without DI box the audio that u recorded with amp and mic to the effects with pl and then back to the interface with pl – no amp involved – should u use DI box ?

  • I want an analog Limiter, but could not afford it by this time, how will you approach mastering with guitar pedals

  • Beginner question: so you can’t use pedals as outboard gear through reamping if you want to mic an amp?

  • I was thinking you would need a DI box to go back in to your interface.
    I've heard some people say you should and others haven't mentioned it.
    Seems like you really don't.

  • What if I am working on the hardware side with a mixer? How do I connect a 1/4 aux send to an xlr input on the reamp device? Or can I patch the aux directly through a pedal chain back through the aux return?

  • There are WAAAYYYY too many tutorials like this one in which the content provider assumes the viewer knows 99% more than what they do. People wouldn't be looking up "how-tos" on YouTube if they understood stuff already! You could just read up on it in a fraction of the time!

    How about this: Don't assume people know anything. Take them step-by-step, explaining along the way. Then you'd have people who really understand things. Doing it like this, you get an annoyingly piecemeal sense of how everything works together. And you have to watch 30 videos, assemble the content in your head, and only then MAYBE understand the topic.Videos like this really waste people's time.


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