Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

How to Use Fuzz in Church & Worship Music (No More Fear!) | Browne Amplification T4 Review
Fuzz is often seen as too aggressive or chaotic, but I’m here to show you how to make it work for you, no matter what style you play. After attending an incredible masterclass with Stu G from Delirious and Josh Scott from JHS pedals, I was inspired to explore how fuzz can actually enhance your sound in a controlled, musical way.

In this video, I’ll be using the Browne Amplification T4 Fuzz, a versatile pedal that’s perfect for those who are hesitant about fuzz’s harsh, spitty reputation. Whether you’re looking to add some depth to your lead tones, a subtle boost for rhythm, or even create a unique synth-like texture, I’ll walk you through how to make fuzz work in a worship or church setting.

#FuzzPedal #GuitarTone #WorshipGuitar #ChurchGuitar #T4Fuzz #GuitarTips #MusicGear #StuG #JHSPedals #BrowneAmplification

#Fuzz #Church #Worship #Music #Fear #Browne #Amplification #Review

Originally posted by UCXfsH7oJ93jUk0lWiE4d83A at

10 thoughts on “How to Use Fuzz in Church & Worship Music (No More Fear!) | Browne Amplification T4 Review

  • This past Sunday I was going for sparkly clean sounds, and after first service for Pastor said, "I don't know what it was, but it just seemed like e didn't have much energy." So I picked on some pedals for second service and then he was talking about how much more energy second service had ????

  • I use Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face stacked with TS808 during worship services, of course depending on the song. Very nice sustain for soloing also ????

  • That Bilt josh is playing is so good (way better looking than his red one imo)

  • Actually recently used fuzz in my church.
    I don't think it's applicable in many situations, but, man, it delivered for that song i used it in

  • Dude!

    Thanks so much for putting this out. Stu’s fuzz tone has always been my favorite.

  • Two great fuzz pedal options for this genre: 1) Mythos Pedals AU-79 Golden Fleece (not the standard GF), and 2) Beetronics Royal Jelly!


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