How to use the CAGED System on the Guitar
This week on How To Tuesday, we look at how to use the CAGED system to find any chord on the guitar. It’s a slightly longer lesson to give you a more in-depth look at the theory behind this idea, so stick with it. Hope it helps!
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#CAGED #System #Guitar
Originally posted by UCf5WyhQHoYKy2ZcY1l51w7A at
Thanks, Martin – it was definitely something I used instinctively from the start (1965!).
Short simple.. straight to the point… love it.. thanks Gareth….
Mr.Gareth thank you for the tutorial and god bless
So if I used a cappo on the 3rd fret for instance and played a c chord it'll still be a c right.? If so then couldn't I play the shapes in any place along as I bar open strings?
I came from PGG which I've been watching for a few months, and I'm just browsing the vids here for the first time. I picked this one first because I learned how to play using the CAGED method (self-taught from a book, after years of playing by ear), spent quite a long time playing with countless other people across the US, touring, studio recording, and I never met a single person anywhere who had ever heard of it. It's kind of awkward to try to explain, but when it clicked for me, I can't think of a guitar without thinking about CAGED. Makes improvising so simple once you wrap your head around it, too.
Does it actually work for Major Chords?
The audio on this is really shitty. Poor acoustics. Between the echo and that putrid background music it's really bad. Wear a mike next time in a better room and turn off the goddamn music.
Good one
It's very useful thank you very much
Aaaaaaaaaahhhh, I've watched a load of caged system videos but I never got the 'why' until viewing this, it's just playing the same chords at different positions using the patterns of the open chords, which repeat in a known order. At last I get it.
cheers mate????????
great video on not just what it is, but WHY use it????????????
Thank you so much for teaching us for free
One thing to keep in mind is that the "root note" string will be the same string as the original shape's, regardless of what chord is being played. (i.e. any chord played in the E shape will have its root note on the sixth string.)
0:18 Did you just said Ey?
I love you and the stuff you do just cool cool cool
ok but why the music?…most annoying.
wasnt expecting to see the goateed dwarf from ptg giving a lesson on the caged system! good surprise, subbed!
what the funk?
should i use capo to play this caged system?
yah I get it. Thanks Gareth. its like a cycyle of chords.
so shape just means finger positions imitating the open chord positions but playing a different chord up the neck with bars?
Gareth plz make a tutorial of new jingle bell fingerstyle by sungha Jung…….. Or u can shr staff notation…..I think this is the best jingle bell ever by sungha Jung so plz make for us
You should do an arrangement for "Say you wont let me go-james arthur" please
Important stuff. thanks
please redo your andy mckee tutorial of rylynn. especially with your new equiptment . please
Nice video, is this applicable for minor chord too? Thank you for your lesson.
Good intro to the CAGED system. One outside comment: Could you get rid of the background music? It interferes with the sound of the guitar, and the lesson you are trying to teach. Mucho gracias!
Great tutorial. thank you
This is probably the 3rd video that I've watched on the CAGED system and you made it "click"! Awesome job explaining that man!!
What type of sweater is that your wearing????
how to clean your guitar/strings
very good vid. really annoying and distracting having background music..what`s the point of that??
Very useful! I'll use this in my upcoming arrangements of a few songs 🙂
Check it out my covers so far:
can you show us how you cut your nails for picking????
Gareth what about a video on "slapping" in fingerstyle?
Love this series, much thanks :^)
thankyou Gareth ..Ive been thinking how do Sunghajung come up to chords he use ,, Now, I knew that he also uses that system… Im a fan of yours since 2013 … thankyou very much!!! Im from Philippines! Please do also the systems for other basic chords like A B C D E and F if there are.
Sorry, may i ask something. When we have found our root note, which "shape" we should apply towards the note?
I am looking forward for your answer. ANYONE will do. Thank you.
Great video! Really cleared up some things.
you look so cute :3
Where's the main point of FINDING chords with CAGED system? Is there any trick?
This was very very helpful thanks gareth
this gave me a lesson idea – how to master barre chords
Didn't get this lesson. There wasn't a specific way to find chords with the cage system
Interesting, thanks!
More theory. plz Gareth. <3
super helpful, thanks for putting up