Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

How To Use The Pentatonic Scale Like The Pro’s!!! Intermediate Lead Guitar Lesson

Improve your guitar soloing today with these 3 tips. Using the C minor pentatonic scale for these examples. You can improve by -Tip #1 Playing off the root note.-Tip #2 Add bursts of speed (using small phrases).-Tip #3 Add good vibrato. These are tools we can add to our tool bag to be a better improviser. The pentatonic is a simple scale but, it’s used to create some of the greatest solos of all time! Let me know if the lesson was helpful.
Video Contents
0:00 How to improve your guitar soloing intro.
1:27 For these examples C minor pentatonic scale and C blues scale.
1:48 Tip #1 Playing to the root note.
3:42 Tip #2 Using bursts speed.
4:43 Tip #3 Adding good vibrato.

#Pentatonic #Scale #Pros #Intermediate #Lead #Guitar #Lesson

Originally posted by UCtgAVLwwg1N6bunMc_a3FlA at

39 thoughts on “How To Use The Pentatonic Scale Like The Pro’s!!! Intermediate Lead Guitar Lesson

  • Rusty I love the way you teach by repeating over and over so beginners like me have a clear understanding of
    Thanks you Rusty for sharing.

  • Perhaps a series of well known leads to learn that will push your knowledge of the fretboard – It could be a weekly series. What do you think Rusty?

  • Next amazing Lesson. Let them breath????????????????????. I don't need any other teacher. You're the best Rusty ????????????????????

  • This is truly priceless information rusty for a beginner like me ill definitely be getting my head around this thank you again sir ❤

  • Great lesson.And I admire you by mentioning great guitarrists like Page, Billy Gibbons , Angus Young.
    Thks Rusty to share your knowledge with us.
    All the best.

  • You are a really good teacher,you are teaching from the heart. I enjoy the slide and the vibrato .thank you again rusty

  • Where you been? I’ve tried to learn from many you tube teachers and wound up confused. ????

  • For Several Days
    I could Not play my Guitar. I cut
    My strumming hand, Pinky
    Finger right on the tip. And had a
    Deep cut that blead. I had to bandage it
    To get it to Stop bleeding then sleep
    With it up right. It took about 4 Days
    With Vit E Oil, Essential Oil for the cut to seal
    Back to Normal. While doing this I was just
    Watching and Listening to Rusty. Amazing!
    What I learned with Out ever picking up my Guitar.
    Which I could not also do. And this lesson
    He brought it Full Circle. I was Not adding
    And Color, Flavor Or Cinnamon and Spice.
    How Nice. I found the Holy Grail. Thank You
    Rusty !!! ????????????????????????

  • Great video glad too see someone who teaches good guitar every video I've watched I have learned from great job ❤

  • It would greatly help to move on and to progress with this fantastic teacher and his material if there was a strip of tablature (where the title is) to practice this magic, stopping the 'tape,' for example, to repeat the licks, but knowing Rusty is there behind it, ready to show it again.

  • What a great and fun lesson!

    Love the vibrato section about waiting to add it! Sounded great! Now I want to run downstairs to my office to grab my guitar and try everything you demonstrated, but it’s after 11:00pm and the wife’s asleep.

    It’ll have to keep until tomorrow!

    Thanks Rusty!

  • This is great thanks rusty your a great teacher when u get a chance will you do a lesson on double stops all over the neck and which ones work with wat chords progressions etc there’s along of videos about them but they only go over a few ! Thanks so much your lessons are really helpful and appreciated !! Have you a tip jar !!! Brian Ireland ????????

  • Any tips on how to keep the notes wringing out longer? My bends and vibrato tend to fade out quickly

  • Cool bends mate ,you really give them strings curry cool style one of a kind , you’ve really got the feel of the melody ????

  • Thanks so much for these easy to understand vids, Rusty! I’m a player with no knowledge of music theory or even the names of chords/notes. I just know how they sound! But you explain things so well and your tips have opened up my playing tremendously! Thanks for the help!


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