Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Hughes & Kettner Era 1 & Era 2 Acoustic Amp Review & Comparison

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Gear/links mentioned in this video (if applicable):

Era 1 ––hughes-and-kettner-era-1-250-watt-acoustic-combo-amp-wood&intsrc=PUI1_5713

Era 2 ––hughes-and-kettner-era-2-400-watt-acoustic-combo-amp-wood&intsrc=PUI1_5713

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Sennheiser MKH 416 Microphone –
Neumann U87 Ai Microphone (for singing) –
Neumann KM 184 MT Stereo Set Condenser Microphone (for instruments and amps) –
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#Hughes #Kettner #Era #Era #Acoustic #Amp #Review #Comparison

Originally posted by UC5sAUZuZVD58aAEYVrcunXw at

26 thoughts on “Hughes & Kettner Era 1 & Era 2 Acoustic Amp Review & Comparison

  • Thanks for an excellent review. The only one Ive found on YouTube that’s worth a damn Including those posted by the manufacturer. I’ve just bought an era 2 and am waiting for it to arrive.

  • Hi @aaronshortmusic Aaron,
    Thank you for the insightful review. I am considering buying one of them, but still not sure whether either one would suit what I’m looking for.
    I’m playing classical guitar and need an amp that reproduces the (miked) sound of the instrument as natural as possible. It also needs to be powerful and warm enough to get a good sound in venues of about 100 people.
    Do you think the ERA 2 is sufficient enough for this ?
    As an alternative I’m also considering a line array like the EV M30.
    What would you recommend ?
    Thanks in advance for your reply !

  • Very good demo. I have just got an Era1, and can agree 100% about your review, it’s truly an awesome amp. I have an AER Compact 60 amp, considered (and confirmed) a brilliant acoustic amp, and this Era1, in my opinion, is its equal in sound, with added excellent features. Try one if you can, you will likely not be disappointed. ????????

  • Hello good clean demo – is there a tilt version of this amp or you need to always have it on a stand? Thank you

  • If I use the D.I. out, into a powered speaker will I lose the effects I have dialed up through the powered speakers?

  • Currently enjoying your video but I do enjoy your style of introduction and explanation.Look forward to more acoustic info.

  • Hi Aaron, what is the name of the song you sing? The sound is excellent! For my part I have an Acus One which unfortunately no longer produces so I am looking for an equivalent. THANKS

  • Bonjour Aaron, merci pour cette vidéo !
    J'hésite énormément à prendre le Era 2 car j'ai peur qu'il soit beaucoup trop puissant pour une utilisation domestique.
    À l'inverse, je trouve qu'il a une plus belle sonorité que le Era 1, ce qui n'est pas surprenant en soit.
    Pouvez-vous me dire si, même à bas volume, nous conservons le charme de cet ampli ?
    Ou me conseillerez-vous de partir davantage sur le modèle Era 1 ?
    Merci beaucoup pour votre prochain retour
    Musicalement, Guillaume

  • Hello Aaron, I will be playing in church where they do have their own P A System. All along I was looking at the H & K ERA 2 then of course your good advise is to go for an acoustic amp that they sell in my country like the JBL or other. My question now is that should I still buy myself an acoustic amp. because I only play in church and not in venues or outside the church. I was also very impressed with the Bose L 1 Pro 8 thinking that I could use this as an amp to play my acoustic Martin D18ge guitar through. `please advise me as you have all the knowledge. Kind Regards.

  • Where you put the mic in front of a single speaker on the ERA2 I would not expect much difference however the sound in the room may be different. Perhaps a room mic would be a better comparison. No need to compare the line-out sound between the two.

  • You left me wanting a real demo. I need to see you with a guitar and camera. A test like this doesn't do it for me. I'm over 70 with years of experience. I need to see the real deal.

  • Hi Aaron. Thanks for yet another great review. I have had a Fender acoustic SFX II on trial from my local music store and have managed to dial in a decent sound using a Takamini C4B ii built in preamp but it was fiddly. There are useful effects on the fender but they can't be altered. It seems like a lot of bells and whistles for the money which makes me think that the ERA1 is maybe more versatile. Have you tried the new fender acoustic amps yet. I'd be interested in your review but couldn't find anything much

  • Hello Aaron, I have been listening to your playing on the Hurt and Kettner for some time now. I play in Church and most times play at home as well.
    I really love the Hughes and Kettner era 2 amp due to its beautiful projection of sound quality. against the era 1. What will your advise be in purchasing this amp or is there any other very good amps on the market that can do the same job. Further to this I live in South Africa and there are no agents here to fix or repair or service these amps. Please advise. Thank You.

  • the two amps are at completely different volumes which ruins any head to head test before you've even started

  • It sure would be great to be able to afford these higher price point amps like the H&K ERA, or the AER 60/4, a guy can dream. You do an awesome job on these reviews tho, have you considered reviewing the Mesa Boogie Rosette 300? Btw, "People Make Mistakes" is a beautiful tune, sounds a little like early Elton J.

  • Thank you for this very good test. For me the Era 2 is really exceptional. It remains to be seen whether the wood is of good quality over time. The coated black wood version looks more solid, but is it also good acoustically? moreover it costs a hundred euros more.

  • Great review and comparison Aaron, thanks so much for doing this and really showing off all the features of the amps in such great detail 🙂

  • Yet another very interesting interview Aaron. Well done, I admire your enthusiasm for everything music.


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