Monday, March 10, 2025
BassBass Effects

HX Stomp For Bass | Presets & Snapshots Explained

I’ve been meaning to make more HX Stomp based videos for a while, and having some basic information out there for us bass players as to how snapshots, presets, and all the other modes of the HX Stomp work seemed like a good place to start!

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#Stomp #Bass #Presets #Snapshots #Explained

Originally posted by UCd6Y__-1Yjb-89Euc0KAJCA at

36 thoughts on “HX Stomp For Bass | Presets & Snapshots Explained

  • I appreciate you can get the most out of the stomp.

    I started out with a floor, and have so much room to just put stomp box after stompbox and use it as a traditional pedal board. I was considering downsizing and just getting by utilizing other features of these things.

  • I use retro reel also for bass and guitar. It’s like a sweet thickening agent for quiet-still moments. It widens out the tone, if that makes sense.

  • Thanks for another great video Janek. I'm about to head out on Tour in September with only my Eich 112 Pro, HX Stomp and clip on Tuner. Snapshot 1, slight compression & EQ. Snapshot 2, same but with Octaver. Snapshot 3, A bit of delay for my Solo. On those tight gigs " Pizza Express " I might just go direct and set up a direct amp patch.????

  • Does, for example, the compressor work like a true compressor or just change your sound to sound like its been through a compressor? Hope you understand my question, and that it's not stupid.

  • one of the most underused features of the stomp imo is the fx-loops, with a mono signal there are 2. it allows to expand real pedals in such a flexible way through basically adding a steroided blend knob to anything.
    for example OC-2 in fx loop with a snapshot assigned to mix values allows to go from 50/50 dry-oct sound to jojo mayer without bending down. (perhaps adding grit if needed aswell)
    fuzz pedal loses too much low end/gets too dirty? blend in some dry signal (which can be eq'ed and to ad low end only and compressed independently)
    Can't figure out the right order fo pedals? use both fx loops to re-order certain things as needed in the chain.

    I love this so much about the stomp, it has taken my real pedals to a whole new level and makes them do things which are literally impossible in an analog board but still keeps their sound. its the mastermind of the board

    (little side note, probably not the most exciting thing but midi patch changes are a game changer for shows where a mac is clicking away)

  • I've had my stomp for a few weeks now and I have been too busy working and gigging to actually find time to set it up. I finally have some time this week so I hope I can get some cool patches set up! This video is super helpful and hopefully will hasten my efforts!

  • Putting external effects in the effect loop opens up a lot of possibilities ! It's like having a small 2-loop programmable switcher ! If I want to get a basic synth sound I'll use my Doom 2 and MF-101 in an effect loop and create a preset with this loop block + chorus + octaver (in the stomp to keep it simple). Lots of possibilities !

  • Man, I love all the sounds you come up with in the Stomp. I use mine mainly in stomp mode, but have been experimenting with snapshot mode. It is really cool to be able to turn on octave, fuzz, and chorus with just the press of one switch.

  • We play to a click so I have about 10/12 presets that change automatically, which is the main reason I wanted the stomp.
    I just love the freedom of not having to change anything myself!

  • Thanks for your inside view of your use of the Stomp. I like to use it in Stomp mode like an actually pedalboard with advantages of the stomp, especially with Command Center and a midi foot controller. I also like to use an compressor in front of the stomp like the Aguilar DB599, which is small and fits perfectly on every board. An mini envelope filter would be also nice because the built in filter are not the best. The same with the analog octave. It's pretty close but the MXR Vintage Bass Octave would be the perfect size for a small (travel) board

  • Super cool to see how you are using the stomp. I have 2 questions (1) I did not see you use any amp sims, is there a reason you chose the Stomp over the HX Effects? (2) How do you deal with any faults on the road? do you take 2 stomps with you?

  • Great video and the moral is: learn your gear. I see more "advanced" gear as an instrument you have to learn and very often great features are how you can access and manipulate your sound. That is one reason why I love Boss. In their assign menue like in the 500 series, 1000 gt and my loved SY-1000 which has 16 assings you can control nearly everthing and the icing on the cake is their Wavepedal which is an LFO. This opens up so many posssiblities to sound design.

  • Nice Video, I got the XL and I use like a pedalboard plus C4 audiosource,on the FX Loop. Also use an Electro Harmonix Dual Expression Pedal one output conected to de HX a the other to the C4

  • I have a main patch that I have built that then I use instant access switches to turn on the effects I need in that tune

    My “hack” I would tell people is that I then copy all those somewhere else and tweak for each instrument, so if I feel like playing a P or a J everything is optimized for each instrument.

  • Ive used the Helix LT for years and have a main preset for each band, one for solo/practise and a few expetimental ones. But, I've never used snapshots. It might be time for a rethink.

  • Will these presets also be available for individual purchase? If I’m not mistaken (which I very well could be) some of these are from the old HX pack (which I have and love!)? It would probably be redundant to buy it for 2 new presets( Big Boi / Oh ????), unless those from the old bundle have been updated .
    Thanks for all the great stuff you put out, Janek!

  • I’ve been using external fs 4&5 but just realized I can configure my midi keyboard to add pads, knobs & faders to my HX Stomp. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • I just started getting into using Command Center to stack snapshots in one foot switch. So now, I can switch presets with 4 and 5, cycle through snapshots with switch 1, and use 2 and 3 to turn on stuff like boosts, reverbs, or who knows what else. It’s SO DAMN FLEXIBLE. You and Ian are the reason I bought this thing, and I have absolutely no regrets. Thanks for sharing such great HX Stomp content!

  • If not already mentioned get a UPS for your recording gear. It would give you enough time to save and shut down everything safely when the power goes out plus save you from brown outs.

  • The audio is horrible (compared to what you normally do), but thank goodness you got it. The content is pure gold! I don't have an HX Stomp but I'm getting so many ideas for my setup. Thanks for uploading this even if it's not up to your own standards, it would have been a loss if this would not have come out. ????

  • From this weekend warrior who’s only used a tuner and preamp for years and just bought an HX Stomp, this video just taught me tons.
    Making a similar board to your ‘mini’ with MXR pre, Stomp, Tuner and possible wireless input.

  • I like to also use the HX Stomp as a splitter of sorts. I use the Split Crossover to separate my low end from the rest of the signal path to keep it a bit cleaner, and then i layer some compression, distortion, preamp, amp, and cab sim for the mid/top end. I then connect everything back together with a high/low cut at the very end, connect to a DI, and send it to front of house. I use it for metal, but it still holds a lot of clarity while playing and it doesn't turn into a distorted mess which is super nice.

    I want to use the presets on a song to song basis, but for the moment the sound of the band I am currently in is pretty uniform for the 7 songs we play, with one exception being a very clean and soft song.

  • Fantastic! I’ve been seriously considering getting a HX Stomp, but was worried about learning the language, if you will. Thanks to this, I’m in. No longer worried.

  • Please do a walk through of how you make patches. Along with checking levels of each effect in a patch to be ready for performance. Thanks Janek!

  • This was great. Thanks! I use stomp mode primarily but have always been curious of what I'm missing out on with the other modes and it's great to hear about it from the perspective of someone working with it in real scenarios. I use a preamp in the FX loop as my primary sound while adding effects with the stomp to compliment the main engine. I also like the global EQ I use in the Stomp. Keep up the good work!

  • I’m glad you made this video I have been wanting to get one, but not sure if it’s for me, or if i should just stick with individual pedals, luckily you caught the audio with your phone, it sounds fine


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