Monday, March 3, 2025

I Finally Found a Set of Fender Hot Noiseless Jeff Beck Pickups!

Why I Purchased a Set of 15-Year-Old Pickups. This is an overview and quick playtest of the Fender Hot Noiseless Jeff Beck pickups. Fender released these pickups in the early 2000’s and they are a great sounding set of pickups if you want capture a really stratty tone without the buzz.

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Video Chapters
0:00 – Hot Noiseless Pickups History
1:28 – Jam Track
3:39 – Installation & Routing
4:19 – What about the Lace Sensor Pickups?

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Originally posted by UC-oSaKCCEffJph0F7m6_xfA at

21 thoughts on “I Finally Found a Set of Fender Hot Noiseless Jeff Beck Pickups!

  • Nostalgia trip time! I thought I'd give these another go. I mentioned we'd do some isolated tones in the video – it'll be on the next playtest. I didn't hit record on the computer ???? I'll do a full pickup test on a separate video. I got mine on eBay but they might show up used on Reverb (linked below).
    Find the pickups here:
    ???? eBay –
    ???? Reverb –
    (affiliate links)

  • I've got a set of cunife pickups on mine. I couldn't be more satisfied. At first, I didn't like them. Found them to be a lil bit too much jazzy sounding to me. But then I got used to it and now I love them. Interestingly enough, they're not advertised as noiseless but are very quiet.

  • Sounds great, I think we would all like to hear what amp/ cab is Sim and/or amp you used in this video. Thanks, and lots of respect ????

  • I also recently bought a set of those pickups they sound great! I just can’t do low output pickups, they sound so weak

  • Didn't know beck used them.. interesting… I thought they were just a little lower overall … The strat sound without 100 percent punch… Just a bit mellower..

  • i got so sick of my 70's reissue strat sounding like luke skywalkers light sabre when i first got it, so i swapped the pickguard for an eric clapton loaded pickguard with noiseless pickup. Couldn't be any more happier with the sound. Fender should make all their pickups noiseless.

  • I didn't like the first generation of Noiseless when I tried them, and I also hate that they only come in cream covers, but you got nice tones here. cheers

  • I'm glad I got to see this. I'm looking for a set of hot noiseless. But I don't want to have the bother of routing the cavity.

  • $900??? LMAO! Some people have NO clue & will try to scam any1!
    I saw some1 on GT a while back trying to sell an old DT Bad Monkey OD for over $600 after that JHS nonsense! Pedal was worth no more than ~ $80!
    (& Brett Kingman did the SAME thing 13 years ago! NO price jump!)

  • They’re not really discontinued. You can still get them in special runs made for retailers.

    I recently pickup an American pro ii special run with the painted headstock, candy apple red, ebony fretboard and hot noiseless.

    They were absolutely the worst pickups I’ve ever had and I ended up returning the guitar.

    They are very compressed, lack dynamic range and expressiveness.

    This video is proof that you can present anything in a positive light.

  • I have the newest ultra noiseless pickups in my Fender American Ultra and the vintage noiseless pickups in my Ultra Luxe Telecaster. I really like them. Cool video ????

  • I've the Fender noiseless in two of start style guitars. They are basically stacked single coils. Super clean sounds.

  • I just put a set of Texas specials I bought about 25 years ago in my 1st electric squire Strat which has been sitting in my
    Cupboard forever into my
    Mexi Strat which has all brass nut and saddles. Thought I remembered them to be bright pickups but the thing screams now. Takes gain like a champ and even the bridge on its own is very useable. Stuff all hum too with full shielding

  • Hi Shane, I’m a lefty with the same 50 original strat as yours, strangely mine only weighs 6.2 lbs can you believe!! Think you need to match the colour of the tone nobs and selector tip????. To be honest I’ve swapped out so many pickups in mine. My pickups now are Raw Vintage 50s set only 5.4k in all 3. Check out the reviews. Regards Dave


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