I FINALLY Play the Positive Grid Spark…But Should You Buy One?
So this amp is getting a ton of hype. Today I play the Spark unedited and in real-time to show you what the actual playing experience is like!
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#FINALLY #Play #Positive #Grid #Spark…But #Buy
Originally posted by UClMRGR_QNw4Fm-3FGGyICdw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWQZJ7k49ok
I know you guys have been waiting for this one! Tones start at 5:20
These amps are full of options but… it isn't possible that you spend more time searching sounds than simply playing guitar? This is exactly what happens in your demo.
That's why a choose more simple practice amps.
I just ordered one and a new guitar ????. Can't wait to start my harmless hobby.
Very cool ????
I own a Spark and I love the fact that you can experiment with your sound for a very reasonable price.
Bought one buy itself just blah, but ran it into my 2/12 cabinet and sounds really good .
There is a lot to explore and yes its a good practice amp that wants to be pared with the internet. But I stil find myself plugging into my Fender amp. Relying on internet can be a blessing and a curse.
I like mine, but don't love it. Not sorry I bought it at all, though. The sound is a just bit muddy.
Imagine if the Positive Grid Spark 40W could run on battery for few hours, even if you could only run it on battery for 2-3 hours due to 40W, that would make this amp sooooo superior to anything else on the market, because soundwise and the app with all the amp sims and effects and implemeted spotify and gig / jam stuff is sooo more superior than anything else on the market. It is just that I need to buy the Spark Mini because it is the biggest one that you can run on battery, but I wish there was a speaker like the Spark MINI that could play a bit higher and with a bit wider sound register like the Spark 40W has.
EDIT: Just hours after I wrote this I saw that Positive GRID is soon releasing it's Spark 2 50W same size but with several hours rechargable battery, a lot of drum machines and lots of looper stuff, that is soooo amazing and the price will be basically the same LOL! I am sooooo getting one. 50W power with battery, time play guitar and headbang to black metal music out in the Swedish forests in the middle of the night Moahahahahaaha!
I don't care what anyone says, the spark is very bad as$
Thank you. I was sold on this when I noticed it at a friend’s gig. I liked that it was compact and it still filled the coffee house where he was performing. It was nice to see what else it can do.
My wired headphones plugged into the amp aren't producing sound. Has anyone else had the same issue?
It’s a great time to be alive!
I’ve had mine a couple of weeks and I can’t leave it alone. I have a Fender Bassman 100 tube amp, a cube 100 and a Fender Princeton but I use this more than the rest put together.
How crappy is the Android app?
Does this have a pitch shifter?
three hundred bucks
Great vid as always!
I’ve had mine for a few months now. As a busker I depend on battery juice. For several year I used a Roland Street Cube Ex. I liked everything about it but it was a very poor platform for using effects pedals or all in one effects processors. The Spark gives me a far better base tone to run my Roland GR55 with all its sounds. Very pleased with it.
Excellent review, thank you. Very helpful.
How it performs as an amp aside, it's a brilliant idea because it's also a bt speaker and can be used as a sound bar. It's cool to get extra features any time.
I've got a white one! I love it, as with the app it covers pretty much the full functionality of my Zoom G5n. One less thing I need to hook up. It's actually amazing how much sound this little amp puts out.
Just got mine a few days ago… even as a standalone amp (without the app), expensive but well worth the cash! Looks great (I got the white Spark 40), sounds great on both guitar and bass (better than any combo I've ever used for either in fact), powerful enough for jamming with a friend or two, lightweight enough to take around with me. Now trying the app itself, I could spend hours or rather weeks just trying everything out!
For acoustic guitar, would you recommend the spark or the fishman loudbox? it's for playing at home, I have a Furch with a K&K mini pickup
Great video. Is there a way to load the bass and drums tracks separately in a Daw?
Ok now I want one of these incredible things…
Anyone know if it can connect to wireless headphones?
i thinking about selling my blues junior 4 and buy this. since my BJ is too powerful , i am finding it impossible to use with when the kids going to bed. i hope it sounds good at reality, not like some NUX multipedal or something like that. thanks.
Darrell…would this amp be appropriate for a tenor uke?
Excellent demo
I will be checking out and in on his context
Congratulations Darrell
Pete Woodroffe Music UK
I have had one for a month. It's awesome in every way