Wednesday, March 5, 2025


I’ve checked out amps from NU-X in the past, but never tried one of their stand-alone guitar wireless systems. This one is super compact and solves the limited battery life issue with a super cool charging case! I got zero interference during my testing for nothing but crystal clear sound. Of course I’m using my Harley Benton Guitar MAX Fusion signature guitar for the test!

The wireless unit:

VST Plugin used in the demo (Ignite Emissary):

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Guitar here (Euro link):

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Rubric: -5 points for Danzig references. -5 points for not reading the description. -5 points for not watching far enough into the video to answer your own question. -5 points for misquoting me in your comment. 20 points possible. Everyone starts with an A!


Originally posted by UCN–LUAhUtNekrhRIC24J_A at

36 thoughts on “I FINALLY Review A Guitar WIRELESS SYSTEM! (NU-X B-5RC)

  • I'm a 79 year old Bass ukulele player with lousy hearing. The NU-X B-5RC sounded good to me when I first used them, but my wife, who has good hearing, started to yell that the feedback was hurting her ears. As suggested in the manual (I did read it), I just ordered a cable extension to move the transmitter away from the active pickup in the uke. Has any else had this problem? Do you have a different solution? Thanks.

  • Had mine for years. Weekly playing for church and needed something that worked with both active (acoustic guitar) and passive (electric guitar) pickups. Many other systems don't work with both – read the fine print! The transmitter does not turn off automatically in active pickup and will continue to drain pickup battery if left in – when plugged in to passive pickup turns off after about 10 minutes of inactivity.
    Game changing not having to worry about cables getting in the way.
    Charging case puts it over the top.

  • Any suggestion for wireless guitar system which i can use on active and passive pick ups??? Ty ????

  • I just want to know if you can run additional "body packs" since I have multiple guitars that always have the strap and wireless attached so I can quickly swap guitars and hit the power switch.

  • I love Nux's wireless systems. The only thing they need to make now is a wireless headphone system for guitarists. I'm not talking about bluetooth headphones because those have a horrible latency problem.

  • Great review. I have two pairs. Love them, but more and more interruptions sadly. Anyone know how long they tend to last?

  • Does the guitar have active pickups ? I tried a cheap set of these years ago and the sound was barely there. I assumed having active pickups would take care of that. So basically the set I bought were useless.

  • These work all right until you take them anywhere. I've brought them to multiple gigs lately and they were entirely unusable at every single one. This is the second nux 5-brc ive owned and they are both the same. Fun when they work, but they fail constantly. I've had to send multiple units back. Would not recommend these for any amount of money or any application.

  • I appreciate you doing part of the demo with zero effects on the guitar. Everybody else seems to wail away with fuzz, flanger, reverb etc. — which can mask all sorts of noise coming from the wireless unit. But if is sounds good with just plain, clean, vanilla guitar, then it's probably a good unit.

  • I think for a non professional wireless that will be use at home or maximum on a rehearsal room $150 is expensive

  • Don’t do this to me, Max! (Kidding.)

    I have to say that I got a bit of a chuckle out of you mentioning that there could be eight front liners including a keytar player. I’m a multi instrumentalist, and one of the instruments I have yet to purchase for myself is a keytar.

  • I can just visualize someone hacking into a metal concert ,, With something like Tiny Tim tip toeing through the tulips… AIN'T IT JUST AIN'T IT ???? lols…. thanks again awesome info..

  • use to love mine back in the day I used it for everything as when you jam for gigs you need to use and do the same thing as for a BIG gig…….what is the range? Also will it mess up with OTHER signals?

  • Ive monitor the battery life after full charging, last about 4 hrs and 40 min.. However, it did not show low bat warning, from green and suddenly orange blinking for 10 sec and died. I tot it will turn orange for few min. Any advice?

  • I have Xvive X2 2.4ghz and Ammon 5.8ghz units. They both work fairly well. What I have found with 2.4ghz , especially around wifi and wireless home phone is there could be interference also how they are placed on the guitar also can cause some issues. Finally if your using a pedal board they have to be attached to the beginning of the signal chain which places the receiver on the floor potentially leaving the unit exposed to being stepped on…with the plastic casing this could also be an issue. 2.4ghz is prone to interference where 5.8 is a bit less prone to the same issues but the range is greatly reduced.

  • Aside from a Shure wireless system that I had back in the day, all of these new fangled wireless systems that I've tried in recent years have a lack of sustain. Feels/sounds like it loses 15-20% of power compared to using cables.

    For a death metal guy, it's a deal breaker.

  • "Idiot Proof" is a less flattering way to explain why i have to buy things that are shock proof, water proof, and dont catch on fire easily.

  • Hey wireless and rechargeable not having to buy batteries it's hard to argue against that.l still say that's one of the nicest guitars that your building it sounds great in the video.

  • Even though I don't play gigs, I would love that kit for home use! I hate cords laying around being trip hazards. That kit is so BITCHIN.

  • Max, I just purchased a Line 6 Spider V 240HC+2 -4X12 CABS and the G10 wireless.
    Man I can't keep a charge on it. I left it plugged in for three hours and still only got 20min.of play time. I'm torn between upgrading to the G-10 TII and something else. Good video ????????

  • When you went down to pick up that booklet from the floor and let a "argh" out, that's when I knew I'm watching an 80's kid with experience

  • I really like the rechargable case with this NU>X B-5RC system! I myself use the SWIFF AUDIO WS-50 BLACKWINGS system. They are very similar to this system with inaudible latency and almost 4+ [almost 5] hrs. of battery life on a single charge.

    I don't know if this NU>X system has this feature but, if you have 2 or more sets of the BLACKWINGS system, you can link multiple receivers to one transmitter. This means you can connect one instrument to multiple amps, for example. Having 3 sets, I have an almost completely wireless setup now.

    1. I use one set [1 transmitter, 1 receiver] to connect my bass to my multi bass effects unit.

    2. I link my bass effects and bass preamp together with a quality patch cable [the only wired components in my setup]

    3. I then connect a 2nd transmitter (which is linked to 2 receivers) to the output jack of my preamp unit and connect the linked receivers to my Hartke 1X15 amp and my Trace Elliot ELF head, which runs both a TE 1X10 and a TE 2X8 cabs.

    The result? I use my Hartke to handle the low end of my sound, while the TE ELF handles the mids and highs which really gives me the freedom and room to sculpt my bass sound exactly how I want. I have never experienced any kind of interference or noticeable latency. Plus, I obviously get the freedom of being able to move around without worrying about snagging or stepping on any guitar cables, as well as being able to go from room to room without any signal or volume loss. I love my bass rig! Gonna be hard to go back to using cables but, I still keep mine just in case of an emergency or if the batteries need charging.

    Great video here, brother! Thanks for sharing!


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