Saturday, March 1, 2025
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I Played On Rory Gallagher’s Amp :)

Huge thanks to the owner and Rowan for making this a reality. 🙂

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#Played #Rory #Gallaghers #Amp

Originally posted by UC45DvlXhHi7K3uHZDwUPvKA at

46 thoughts on “I Played On Rory Gallagher’s Amp :)

  • If anyone deserved to play through that amp it is you Dave. You embody what it means to be an artist at his craft. Cheers!

  • There is a gig where Rory played laundromat with his first solo band after Taste, using Stramp Equipment. It's on German TV. He's promoting his first solo album. His bass player at the time is also using Stramp Amplication. ???? ???????? ????

  • Is that Rowan from Keld amp works ? , you lucky boy
    I have a Flynn amps Hawk Boost , play it through my Vox AC 15 ????????????????????????
    I think Rory used this in 71/72 on the fantastic footage of Beat Club .
    If you haven’t watched it check it out Early Rory and band absolutely tearing it up .
    Love Rory ????????????????

  • Oh Dave ???? Good Gravy what a dream come true and when you kicked that treble booster in and with that 62 strat you hit the RG tone ????. Awesome memories to last a lifetime mate ????

  • Hey !!!! Great video !!!! You've got to try a Matribox on your Subzero amp in the clean channel ! Awesome !!!!

  • When I saw Rory Gallagher he was playing in a band called Taste, it was at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester, about 1970 ish, he was playing through a Vox AC30 which was perched on a stool on the stage. I walked in the FTH and thought "A bloody AC30 on stage (I don't remember it being miked up), and wow, it was loud enough, believe it or not. Vocally, he had two PA column speakers (4×12" speakers ?). Ironically, the week before, Deep Purple were on, and the stage was covered in Marshalls, so Taste's stage looked bare in comparison!

  • Dave you deserve all the good things coming to you. Being humble is a good trait to have. Good people deserve the help of other good people. Just remember that it’s your talent and honesty that draw us to you. Best of luck with your upcoming tour.

  • Thanks Dave for your response about the Hughes and Kettner. So do you have a recommendation for a 20 watt head. I only have combos this will be my first adventure into amp heads. Thanks again.

  • What an amazing opportunity. I’m so happy you had the chance to play that. I do agree I’m sure I’ve see Rory play the red stramp Live on camera l. But my YouTube searches I can’t find footage. I do have Rory live on vhs and dvds maybe it’s on them I will have a look ???? but happy for you Dave not many people can say I’ve played through Rory’s amp ???????? ????

  • Not being much of VOX style amp player its seems like it has great dynamics even at low volume and the treble is bright but still punchy and not to ice picky or harsh if that makes sense to anybody
    Your lucky cat Dave,,not many people get chances to play on there heros gear,,but I honestly think ya did Rory pround playing the amp and posting it for the world to hear

  • For most of the seventies Rory used a Stramp p.a.- columns stacked either side of the stag- bass player Gerry MacAvoy used a red Stramp stack

  • Nice demo Rory ehm, I mean Dave! I was genuinely amazed that it was a solid state, so much compression and gain! I really enjoyed it ????

  • What a honour for you, couldn't happened to nicer person. Happy for you. Jealous but respect to you.❤

  • Amazing opportunity for you! Great sounding amp! Hopefully one of John F’s amps land in that shop one day!

  • Yeh man language is pretty limited theres so much more going on, smiling with you

  • Nice video and great playing as always! Is the Stramp a solid state amp? If so it's probably one of the best I've heard.

  • Seen Rory many times,mainly Manchester free trade hall in 70s 80s , great showman and probably my favourite along with Frank Marino ????

  • Next stop? That JCM 800 combo that weighs the same as an Imperial Star Destroyer lol that thing sounds incredible

    P.S. pleasantly surprised by how good these sound – not the player or the provenance so much as the sheer age of them. The tremolo sounded pretty damn good


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