Monday, March 3, 2025
BassBass Effects

I Review A Victory Amp

This might surprise some, but today I review a Victory MKI Kraken. A 50 watt lunchbox amp that has some things going for it, and some things working against it.

Lee Anderton Victory co-owner video

0:00 Intro
1:06 Deja Vu
4:46 Specs
7:14 Master volumes
8:31 Overdrive
9:39 Clean
10:38 Power Switching
12:30 The Bad
17:11 Amp Feet
22:00 Footswitch
26:30 Conclusion

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#Review #Victory #Amp

Originally posted by UC9BJuXT406zELAfmEd7zh5w at

41 thoughts on “I Review A Victory Amp

  • just look at the back of the amp before you set it up, sounds like your complaining just to complain.

  • Well… You are just a big pussy. Nobody cares who is invested in the Victory Company… Get on with your life.

  • I hope you make a video on Randall amps. Haven't heard from them since they released their Diavlo and RG series.

  • It’s a bit ironic that you’d post a review of the Victory amp that Rob Chapman openly disliked in a blindfold challenge.

  • Last sentence is a reason to unsubscribe from Lee's channel …. Sounds bad … Is bad ,, intention is bad …fin ????????sell the last one …is like Gibson …ups . I never subscribed now I know why … Lee isn't a sympathetic nice person for me …

  • Dude I opened a business and my friends reviewed it without it even being in conversation… What is your actual issue about advertising standards and victory amps? You did an "investigation" and my god I am appalled that people want to support their friends. Speaking of sour tastes, every time I come on this channel to see content it's just negative dramatisation.

  • I'm sorry man but you've really lost a lot of respect for this video. Instead of a good Amp review focussing on tone and what the amp can do, you spend almost all the time talking about silly nit-picking things that honestly don't hold any water. You keep hitting the switch on the back? Come on man that's on you. You scratch it cos you put it on a handle? I've never put a small amp on a handle man, find another place to put it. You go on and on about the footswitch, even though it's identical to the marshall one? It's also pretty easy to mod a new connector in there.

    What you could have credibly talked about was the fact you're locked in with their tubes, as far as I know they use there own stock of random tube nobody else has?
    You could have talked about how the tone controls work, where you end up setting them on each channel and if having 1 tone stack limits the two channels.
    You could have dialled in some tones and compared it to other amps through the same cab and speaker with no processing.

    But instead you just went on a pretty shallow attack and lost your credibility.

  • Most guys who do guitar videos try to look hard and serious.
    I love KDH rocking the Goofy and Donald Duck hooded sweatshirt.
    Makes me happy every time I see it.

  • I bought a new set of deeper feet for my Mk1 Sheriff 22 for a fiver from eBay – never understood how they got that so wrong. All the knobs reset to 5 every time I take it out of the gig bag – every time. That bass control could have been on a slide switch for an extra £1 and it would have never been a problem. So many tiny details that could have been solved with a minute's consideration and so may pro guitar reviewers who never mention them?!?

  • makes cool sounds, I can see why people like it. It's just not for me. It fizzes too much and not a fan of those active pickups. I like different stuff. I'll keep using my old Carvin head or the ToneX capture.

  • Entertainment-wise KDH is great fun. Clever, insightful and humourous. This kid should study law. Chapman's business dealings however are unsurprising. His reactions and his reactions to his fanboy outbursts are somewhat surprising though. Ugly..somewhat like the way a cult deals with sceptics and dissenters. That said, KDH could let it gonat this point. QED. We know..lets move on. Amp sounds nice enough though

  • Personally I’d rather watch Anderton videos than listen to your self righteous whining. Lee Anderton is living rent free in free in your head. Did he piss in your cornflakes or something? Let it go.

  • Look YouTube created these false every hero's like Chappers. He built an army and brand off of his persona and then subsequently that persona came to bite him on the arse. Why? Because he and his brand is about as authentic as an idea from Beheringer. He applies his persona through influence and marketing research at Andersons to use OEM factories to create his 'concept. It's private label at best. Rob Chapman is a YouTube influencer that reverse engineers other peoples IP and then markets it to his wanton audience – nothing is real except his ego.

  • No offense dude but everytime I look at your face it feels like I just got sexual assaulted

  • Oh god the more i watch the video…. About the footswitch, its the same principle that apple uses to make repeat business, and thats all it is, business! And good business at that.

  • To answer your question about the amp feet not being included so it can fit on other cabs as you say. I would imagine its a sales tactic. Ya know like apple does? If anything its just good buisness, nothing else.

  • You're putting it on top of a badcat combo amp. It's not made for that, it's made for a cab, so I'm not understanding your point? And the thing about the button on the back? Did it happen often? After the first time would you not be like, oh I bet it's the button on the back as you trouble shoot. I dunno, man. Seems kinda nitpicky. I'd love that amp, looks like they covered a lot of things.

  • Honestly, who gives a shh if he has a partial ownership in it and doesn't parade around with a banner announcing it everywhere he goes, if you buying it for someone's name is attached to it instead of using your ears then you don't care anyhow, they are good amps, Lee is a good dude, straight nothingburger!!! KDH why u waisting time messing with Lee again? He ain't done sht wrong, easy for anyone to lookup ownership of Viktory amps but who cares, it's shit or not shit!! Move on

  • Good video! I also have some problems with different gear. If there is something I don't like, no matter what, a guitar, a pedal… I just trying to find a solution. Just do it better. I think it will not be a problem to change the feet and to install a small led at the front on this amp. I know it can be disappointing to do all the things the company normally is responsible for…
    If you can't fix a problem in a special case, you need help from a professional electrician or luthier or whatever, but this costs extra money… I personally have to work on some guitars and a fuzz pedal to make these better, just for my liking. At least it's all about saving money for the companies and it's good if you can fix the problems by yourself.

  • It’s not exactly rocket science to solder a better stereo jack plug onto the footswitch cable – or to drill a hole in the pedal and fit a stereo jack socket. Also, is it not a generic two-button footswitch with a three-conductor cable? You can buy better ones than that for a LOT less!

  • The Orange Amp Channel switches are WAY TOO BIG as well. One of the first things I did was buy a boutique made mini switch for the RV100MKII, this was before Orange started making Orange brand mini switches. The Revv Switches are like the size of a fucking Quad Cortex!

  • I found a comment under one of your videos (by one of ex-Andertons employees) saying their profit margins on Victory are 35-50%. That's insane for this industry.

  • In spite of the potentially unsavory business practices of the higher-ups in the company.. I genuinely think the Victory Kraken is a pretty damn solid little amp, and I regularly use mine. That is neither a pass nor condemnation at said higher-ups and business practices.

  • Time for KDH to try and make some more money off other peoples channels. What a leech.

  • I think you make too much of the footswitch point. It's a mini head for studio and home use but also capable of gigging if you want. The footswitch is fine for the first two with the option to upgrade if you want to gig. Don't really see a problem.

  • I had a dream last night that Victory had released a lunchbox Steve Vai signature head. Waking up dissapointed …. ????????

  • Put the amp on the floor behind the cab and make sure your settings are where you want them. Problems solved.

  • KDH, I love these videos. In the YouTube sea of everyone shilling gear and talking about how fantastic everything always is, it's a breath of fresh air when you rip into flaws like the short feet on the amp head.

  • Hey KDH! On the footswitch situation; I never actually used mine, as I was using a Boss MS3. The control in/outs on the unit were able to take over as the footswitching with the gains and channel volumes on the Kraken head…so anyone using a similar system may no thave those issues you're discussing.

    One thing you didnt mention that was an issue for me was how insanely bassy gain 1 was compared to gain 2. I was able to get around it, though it forced me to prioritize EQing for one channel really.

    My favorite thing was using the CH1/CH2 volumes though. I would level match gain 1 and 2 with Vol 1 and 2 respectively, and vol 1 would usually be at least a few notches higher. Whenever id need a solo, my preset would stay on gain 2 and switch to the CH1 volume and LORD was it a good boost in volume. ( I was using Gain 2 for distortion, gain 1 for cleans). I wish more amps had the ability to have independent gain and volume channels.

  • I remember checking out the Sheriff 44 and digging that amp in the 30w cathode mode. Sounded great


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