Thursday, March 6, 2025

I Tested This Guitar & It’s Not What You Think It Is..(Aeroband Guitar)

HONEST review of this Aeroband guitar! I put it through the ULTIMATE test. The results were completely unexpected.

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AFFORDABLE Fingerstyle guitar lessons:
Aeroband Guitar:
Incredible deal you won’t find anywhere else on the AeroBand Guitar:…
Coupon CODE :JAMIE(5% discount)
Aeroband Guitar –
Native Instruments Plug ins
Alchemy (Logic Pro)
Elite Acoustics Amp
Sony A7iii
Logic Pro x (Macbook Pro)
Iphone 13 Pro

0:00 – Intro/Unboxing
0:48 – THE TRUTH
2:47 – Guitar Features
4:15 – MIDI Sound Examples
6:30 – Extra Features
7:04 – The App
7:30 – Honest Playability Opinion
8:34 – Who is it for?

Aero guitar

#Tested #Guitar #Is..Aeroband #Guitar

Originally posted by UCpxodEwQEcY8wS5H8Z12uaw at

21 thoughts on “I Tested This Guitar & It’s Not What You Think It Is..(Aeroband Guitar)

  • As an owner of a YRG MIDI Guitar, and Fishman Tripleman MIDI pickup I'm very interested in this for use as a MIDI controller, it seems pretty decent! Thanks for the proper demonstration, everything else I see on the internet seems to be bandwagon jumpers just pis*ing on the thing because other people are. Maybe the company branded it wrong, as a MIDI controller for guitarists this seems pretty decent to me from your video.

  • 8 Minuten nur Gespräch…. sry, aber bein einem Musik-Instrument sollte man mehr vom Instrument hören…..

  • I forecast this to be a flop!
    A guitar shaped keyboard, harks back to the 80’s electronic scene. No thanks.

  • Is the baritone guitar at 5:26 a Logic Pro X plugin — or simply tuning the Aeroband down a few octaves via the guitar's settings? Thanks for further explanation on that.

  • Dear viewers: I am a keyboard reformist (decreasing the with of piano keys for women and children, etc) and inventor of the Micro Matrix keyboard (a honeycomb keyboard). My story is too long to tell, but I am compelled to respond here to the hostility towards this new instrument at hand. I understand that the commercials for this guitar are presented as an innovation to the guitar, and that is a mistake. But in their defense, it is not simple to explain and convey what such a thing is and does as a concept. It’s just poor marketing. Did you all know that when a person smells a new scent for the first time, scans have actually shown the brain lighting up as the mind final a new place to categorize this brand new thing being experienced. Anything genuinely know is threatening. Because knowledge is power. Power can bun you.

    But to attack the instrument for even existing is a very naive and Puritanical way of looking at technology and music. Most of the popular music we know and love was recorded and arranged (manipulated) to be played back through speakers. This is not natural, nor is it even how we hear and perceive a live recording. Even a microphone only picks up what it is able to relative to its construction and placement to the sound itself. Perception itself is an illusion. // I know this is not the same thing as playing a synthesizer, but the point is that MIDI guitar is what it is. It is a musical tool , as much as it is a musical instrument.

    Honestly, the first thing I thought when I saw the ad was, wow, maybe this can encourage me to play around with finding new cords on the guitar, which i feel very clumsy at (Classical pianist here). This MIDI controller guitar can literally play a chromatic run by sliding up or down the length of one strings. Or even two or three strings. This is a sound that couldn’t be replicated on a synthesizer keyboard even if you were Herbie Hancock. Because the piano-keys on a synth are staggered as black vs white, and thus they are not chromatic.

    The reviewer could have mentioned this, and also addressed pitch bending capability as well as alternate tuning and temperament. But, again, in this defense, when you are dealing with an entirely new concept it’s difficult to speak newness into words. There is that element of learning a concept, a new language.

    Yet the comments are even using work like “suspicious” and a “red flag,” ensuring us that such a hybridized sonic monster as this must be complexly useless and a scam to merely make money of of people?


    Anyway, I just had to address some of these assumptive reactions here. And thanks for Jamie for having the balls to review something that shouldn’t be an all-encompassing threat to musickind in the firstplace.

    My inventions and Theory of Pitch Psychology are here on the given forum for those interest.

    Peace out.’

    The Acoustic Rabbit Hole

  • I hate gimmicks like this. Why would anybody play this? If it's cuz you don't want your left hand to hurt, then suck it up soyboy. You can't BEND strings. You can't FEEL strings with your left hand. I mean wtf? You can't mute strings or get harmonics.

    Just buy a piano. That's what it is… but for people who think they want to look cool.

  • as a beginner with Finger pain i just ordered,,, i also watched many youtubers playing this guitar and concluded that good players make very nice sound with it thank you

  • So helpful. Do you prefer the strings glued onto the neck? Or do you prefer button frets – like the Yamaha EZ AG ?

  • "Callouses don't matter." I get so infuriated every time I hear a man say this. It's such bs. 1) Women have thinner skin than men, so yes, it IS very painful to play as a woman, even with callouses and 2) if you are a multi-instrumentalist, developing callouses to play the guitar can negatively affect your playing of other instruments, like piano, which requires a sensitive touch. I'm so over men being snobs about this, as in, "You just have to power through." Women also have smaller hands than males on average, but all guitar necks (with the exception of the brand Luna Guitars) are catered towards the size of men's hands. Gee, I wonder why more females don't play guitar? I've been waiting MY WHOLE LIFE for a guitar I can play. A guitar like this that actually plays well would be a game changer for the half of humanity that is female.

  • I would think is good for those who want a shortcut to guitar learning as u get rid of the earlier pains.. but for seasonal guitar players, it might not fare well as we are used to pressing of the strings to create variable sounds / slur/ bend..etc. Not for everyone, but i would think it fits well for younger generation kids nowadays whom prefer fast & easy learning. Just my opinion. Don't shoot! TQ


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