Monday, March 10, 2025

I Totally Get the Fuss About the Ibanez AZ (It’s Great)

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#Totally #Fuss #Ibanez #Great

Originally posted by UCrlsD6OalGm8pIqKVo81k6A at

31 thoughts on “I Totally Get the Fuss About the Ibanez AZ (It’s Great)

  • Thanks Leon, great video. That guitar sounds amazing in every pickup selection and I'm completely in love with the colour!????

  • "Holy Schnikes!" Besides Leon's phenomenal Musicality, this dude like, BECOMES the Music and that's what makes his incredible performance AWESOME. You're a "Natural" Leon, a born Musician. Thank YOU for the Inspiration as well. You floor me every time man!

  • I really like the whole deal, wish we could get that color in the US, other than that for the money and what’s on it, it’s a deal.

  • QUESTION Im buying a new Ibanez after decades. I have only had 2 LACS Ibanezes with Floyd Roses. Now there are these nonlocking tuners that make me wonder if they stay in tune using whammy. QUESTION Would you trust these nonlocking tremelos? Do they stay in tune? Prestige AZ?

  • I appreciate you playing some clean sounds and actually doing a few riffs. Every review I watch, they play riffs dirty and distorted, but only play CHORDS when playing clean, and that doesn't do the sounds justice. Not everybody plays distorted all the time. I play clean, including solos, more than half the time. You gave me a better idea of what this great (and affordable) guitar will actually do. Thank you.

  • Absolutely great review.

    I know this sounds stupid. But I absolutely hate green guitars. lol. I have a few AZ guitars and love them as much as you. I just want to barf over green lol.

    Thank you so much for your awesome video and your playing ????

  • Got your solo/Test turned up to 11 – Neighbours Loving it – They Banging on the wall.

  • I have the black one (best color imo), I replaced the tuners with normal locking gotoh tuners and put seymour duncan black winters. I’ve had the guitar for approx 2 years now. This is my favorite guitar ever, I’ve had around 10 total and currently have 8. If you think about buying it, don’t think. Just do it, or check it in the store. It’s truly amazing and truly versatile even with stock pickups, I just lean towards metal much more and stock pickups sounded either too warm or too neutral for my taste. Black winters work with all 10 AZ switch modes btw, if anyone wondered 🙂

  • Need to work on that phrasing slightly, but killer chops nonetheless. I love the song you're jamming to!

  • I just wish they did good colours in left handed. My dream guitar. I love my RG1570 but this is a more refined and classy version imo. That green is gorgeous.

  • Great demo and nice guitar Leon. You too me back to the 80's PowerHour on Much Music (Canada's version of MTV) haha.

    Made me think of a cool interview with a cute Vee-Jay Erica Ehm had with Kip Winger and Reb Beach. You might dig the tunes they do and they sound great for using simple Shure Sm58's and 57's first thing in the morning.


    Here it is if interested:

  • that is a VERY Nice guitar. But for the $2k pricepoint, I Feel like people are doing the same things for a cheaper price. I guess if youre playing shows and stuff it's nice to have something like this to show off, but for many people who are just playing for fun, do a bit of shopping.

  • I absolutely love this guitar, such a workhouse. Literally could be a 1-guitar collection because of how versatile they are.

  • Beautiful guitar! The vol/tone pot right next to the picking hand drives me absolutely nuts. I wish to God guitar manufacturers would leave some room for the picking hand.


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