Wednesday, March 12, 2025

I Tried Epiphone’s Newest Signature Model | 2024 Epi SG Junior Jr White P90 YUNGBLUD

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????Description: Epiphone has come out with a new signature model for artist YUNGBLUD in the form of an SG Junior with a Classic White finish. One of Gibson/Epiphone’s biggest complaints from the public outside of price is they don’t do many signature guitars for up-and-coming artists. The problem is… when they do, the models tend to get met with more backlast from purists, than love and it takes time for people to appreciate them.

I went into this guitar with a blank slate not knowing anything about the artist and just wanted to appreciate the guitar for what it is! A cool white Epi SG Junior that wasn’t currently available otherwise!

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⚙️ Gear Used to Make the Show: (AFFILIATE LINKS)
Guitar + Recording:
George L’s Guitar Lead: ebay –
Shure SM57 (Amp Cab Mic): ebay –
Audio Interface – Roland Duo Capture EX – amazon –
+ Universal Audio Apollo Twin: amazon –
Headphones: Focal Listen Professional: amazon –
Rode Videomic Go (backup audio): amazon –
Lens: Lumix 12-35mm : ebay –
Computer: Mac Pro 2013 – amazon –
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X – ebay –
American DJ Eco UV Bar Plus Blacklight: ebay –
Panasonic Lumix GH-4: amazon –
Camera Gimbal: amazon –
Camera Slider: amazon –
Rode NTG-2 (vocal + room mic): amazon –

#Epiphones #Newest #Signature #Model #Epi #Junior #White #P90 #YUNGBLUD

Originally posted by UCsNBeL5vY5GZT_g_4D3QAFQ at

37 thoughts on “I Tried Epiphone’s Newest Signature Model | 2024 Epi SG Junior Jr White P90 YUNGBLUD

  • Jared James Nichols needs to do a white single P90 Les Paul to complete the single pick up set of signature guitars! ????

  • These reviews are making my days since I currently can’t spend money on new guitars because my gf just recently got diagnosed with leukemia. Thank you so much for showing these cool guitars off 🙂

  • This is a 350$ guitar, a very nice guitar, but Epiphone is delusional with the pricing.
    Yungblud Signature ????????????
    What, you can't get James Hetfield to finally put his name on a Gibson so you got the next best thing?????????????

  • I started out on a 64 Junior back in the day & always wished I had it back, but at the time traded it away to get a V.
    So, yaa, I would consider that guitar, but more likely is I`ll find a used, but newer Gibby Jr.
    Maybe I`ll find one with a broken headstock & paint it white?
    …Like I need ANOTHER guitar, right?
    Okay, just ONE more, because, afterall, I`m GUITARDED!
    (Everybody knows musicians are addicts)

  • I personally think giving an artist like this a signature is pretty cool. Gibson/Epiphone definitely missed the boat one signatures in the 2000s, when rock bands were actually playing their guitars. Plus SG Jr.s are pretty cool, and Epiphone hasn't had one in their lineup in awhile, so this is a welcome addition.

  • This is a perfect opportunity to bring out a non-signature SG Junior in a regular finish, gig bag and priced a bit below the SG Special. I class this one as covering the development costs of things like that pickguard. A regular release would make for a great beginner guitar somewhere between the Melody Maker and Les Paul Junior

  • I ordered one from Sweetwater and it showed up with a busted neck. When I called the rep said that the call he had before mine had the same issue. Since it's a limited edition they couldn't replace it since they weren't getting anymore. Luckily, I found another one at Musicians Friend. It shows up tomorrow, so hopefully I have better luck. I've wanted a white Junior for forever, and I can't bear to shell out 15k for a original one since I'm gonna play the hell out of it.

  • I don’t think it’s a good value it’s expensive for a china made axe. And the frets looked ruff. When you showed around the 12th fret. Idk it look cool , but not for me….

  • Only in 2024 you can have a guy that plays 3 chords in the beginning of the song then puts the guitar hanging on his side and thats where his skills start and end.
    Yeah he really deserves a sig guitar.
    We really live in clown world.

  • Seems like good value guitar for a beginner but just not a fan of Epiphone once you get a taste of better guitars.

  • not a big fan of the artist but this guitar is super sick! i imagine this is how non-Green Day fans feel about the BJA sig

  • no worse value than a tom delonge strat with one pickup, and which doesnt come with a hard case. I think its pretty cool. I also think it sounds really better than I expected!

  • 1st thing you have to do, is replace the pos lighting bolt bridge, and use locking studs, or that bridge will tilt forward, causing the inevitable sitar sounds they're known for.
    Worst design they ever did, even on the Gibsons.
    Nice looking guitar though.
    Music City bridge is a perfect solution to this problem.

  • yungblood has around for years and not sure about his guitar skills tbh. He gives the emo lot a chance to be happy abotu music. kinda samey music but nice. Need some blink 182 or ramstein guitars

  • Paying a $50-$100 premium for one LESS pick-up (and a worthless sticker) doesn’t seem like a good deal to me … ????
    I guess some less-experienced humans will quickly part with that much money for this ‘deal’, though. ????
    “bright and jangly” seems right for this.

  • Please stop Trogly, I don't watch you for Chinese guitars, or people who can't spell…there are already plenty of other sites that do that.

  • Why should they give signature guitars to young, upcoming artists? Don’t you have to earn that right? Or is okay to just follow the trend and give it away to the flavor of the month? Whatever. Seems like a decent SG.

  • If you find his background in the Harrison family interesting, what's even more interesting is that they've been on the wrong side of the law for selling stolen guitars and selling/assembling counterfeit vintage guitars and amps. I wouldn't touch their business with a barge pole, at least not for anything "vintage".


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