Tuesday, March 11, 2025
BassBass Amps

I Turned My Metal Amp Into A Beautiful Clean Tone Beast! | Victory V4 Copper

Adding this preamp to my Kraken instantly gave me 2 more channels, a sublime chimey clean, a badly British crunch, straight into filthy high gain goodness!

Check it out here: https://bit.ly/3gNKzYK

Video edited by John Hollingworth

#victory #v4thecopper #rabeaafro

⬇️⬇️⬇️ Feel free to read this ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Hey guys, I’m Rabea. I’m the lead guitarist in Toska, Frog Leap & Dorje where I write music, make songs and have a great time with my mates. I also have my own line of guitars with Chapman Guitars, and I’ve designed numerous products with some really cool companies, such as the Victory Amps VX Kraken. Anyway, i hope you enjoy my videos, thank you for watching!

——————-// MY MUSIC \————————–

Rabea Massaad – Grinding Gears EP

Bandcamp – http://bit.ly/2E9FeLu
Spotify – http://spoti.fi/2nTv86v
iTunes/AppleMusic – https://apple.co/2E7e3k7
Amazon Music – http://amzn.to/2E8oFQ1
Google Play – http://bit.ly/2E7kQq8

Toska – https://www.toska.tv
Frog Leap – https://www.frogleapstudios.com
Dorje – https://www.dorje.tv

——————-// FOLLOW ME \————————–

YouTube – http://bit.ly/29M2DC6
Facebook – http://bit.ly/2bImlyW
Instagram – http://bit.ly/2bhVpc7
Twitter – http://bit.ly/2bRfxOU

——————-// LEARN GUITAR \————————–

I’ve created a complete online guitar course with Musicisum – Sign up here: http://bit.ly/learnfrombea

Peace & Love

#Turned #Metal #Amp #Beautiful #Clean #Tone #Beast #Victory #Copper

Originally posted by UCuVDigtKhrCVwNDc76KnPUA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycBEBHNgzm8

29 thoughts on “I Turned My Metal Amp Into A Beautiful Clean Tone Beast! | Victory V4 Copper

  • I just ordered one, lets see how it transforms my JVM205c edit: for normal listening levels the JVM master volume is normally about 5%, with this preamp, I need to jack up the master volume to about 45%, so switching back without changing the volume first isn't an option.

  • I bought this preamp and absolutely love the clean sound through my Friedman. But the treble booster channel doesn't sound very good….very weak and thin sounding. I'm not talking about the level of gain…just the sound is very thin. Any suggestions?

  • Just leaving this for anyone watching later…the switch works like this:

    Pos 1: bass cut on treble-boost channel, no bass cut on clean channel
    Pos 2: bass cut on both channels
    Pos 3: no bass cut on any channel

  • Wow… Awesome playing in the clean… Bravissimo!
    How does the Cooper V4 sound as a pedal platform? I mean with Overdrives and fuzzes? Thank you!

  • Lol ???? that’s awesome! It’s like the opposite. You stomp on the pedal to make it clean. I actually love it!

  • Yeah, the coper sounds cool.. but cooler than that are those chord sequences with the mayones. It's just so melodic and inspiring. This just shows how versatile Bea is.. Cheers!

  • Hi Rabea, just wanted to know your opinion on the V4 Copper preamp vs the UA Ruby, now that they are an almost identical price point at some retailers? If you could only have one, which would it be? Thanks for your demos and inspiring playing!

  • Rabea, you have a great attitude and teach many of us about amp and electronics man. God bless

  • Hi. Would it work as well the other way around? Having a the copper lunchbox and adding the kraken pedal?

  • Can i use this into something like ir loader?
    For example this into my hxstomp just for the ir?

  • Awesome tone, instantly bought one. It's a shame they don't make a pedal preamp of the duchess, the powered pedal is a little pricy if one just needs the preamp.

  • Hi there
    I wanted to see how I can use it with a cabzeus. serve to put these two pedals together?

    thank you very much for the videos they are very good

    greetings from Chile

  • I recently bought a DSM & Humboldt Simplifier. Do you think this method would work if I put a Kraken V4 in amp through mode to get a high gain tone, whilst using the clean fender-ish tone on the simplifier?

  • Great demo Brother. The cleans are amazing! Your playing is so tasteful also. Thanks for the hard work, and the great demo.

  • @Rabea Can you do a video with the V4 Kraken through an amp like a Fender Blues Deluxe. I want the best of both worlds.

  • From their page:

    Valve Warranty

    All Victory products come with a 5-year limited warranty. This covers any defects in manufacturing or faulty components.

    The valves used in the V4 Series preamp pedals were originally manufactured to NATO specifications. Due to the extremely high-quality construction and proven reliability we have taken the unprecedented step of extending the warranty of these from 90 days to 2 years.

  • Rabea, I have watched all the Victory V4 videos from you and Victory and they're great. I noticed on the Victory videos the V40 Deluxe and V30 were used to demo the V4's. You have used the V40 Duchess and the Kraken. Do you notice a real difference in tone when using the V4's with the different Victory amps due to the amps different tubes/valves and tones, or are they basically the same due to the V4's taking over? I'm trying to decide between either the V40 Duchess, the Deluxe or DP40 and adding a couple of the V4's. Would one of these amps be better overall if adding the V4's?

  • Was toying with the idea of getting a VC35 but now a Kraken and a V4 Copper seems like it would make a lot of sense. Basically the same price. Best of both worlds?

  • Really nice tones! Do you happen to remember what cabinet / mics you dialed in on the OX? For those of use who one it would be interesting to compare …

  • Forget the amp sounds and pedals lol. If you can play like that then you can have an Argos guitar and amplifier and sound the same lol. Awesome playing man. Very inspirational ????


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