Sunday, March 16, 2025

Ibanez RG5121 Prestige Unsponsored Guitar Review (Burgundy Metallic Red)

Ibanez RG5121 Burgundy Metallic Red unsponsored guitar review by High Z Productions. Is this modern shred monster worth it? See the timestamps for specific sections


00:00 Intro
00:14 Not sponsored, not famous

Guitar talk
00:27 Fixed bridge prestige demo model
00:37 Initial impressions
00:46 Weight and simplicity
01:01 Some specs
01:18 Flat matte paint will show play wear
01:25 Fix bridge feels good on the palm
01:28 Other typical specs. All specs are typical of a modern shredder
01:34 Do you use the pickup voice change?
01:53 Simple control layout
02:01 Restrings are super easy, barely an inconvenience
02:16 Easy to set up
02:30 Body feel playing and sitting down
02:52 Construction errors on this and other prestige guitars
04:04 Modern prestige neck vs prestige neck from 10 years ago vs j. Custom – how thin does it feel?

Is it worth it?
04:38 Lucky in that it’s a demo and good one
04:51 Would it be worth full price?
04:57 Expensive vs. budget guitars, the honest truth
05:53 Is it worth it – the definitive answers
06:05 Alternatives
06:21 If a guitar is cheaper and meets all your requirements, is it really worse?

Thank you for watching!
06:42 Subscribe, like, comment, youtube stuff

Full mix demo
07:06 Double tracked riff
07:10 Riff part 2 with lead
07:22 Another drop c breakdown
07:28 Guitar solo over chords
07:46 Distorted lead over clean chords
07:54 Clean harmonized lead over clean chords

#Ibanez #RG5121 #Prestige #Unsponsored #Guitar #Review #Burgundy #Metallic #Red

Originally posted by UCaCB1AkvopTF8dg_U77ZgwQ at

26 thoughts on “Ibanez RG5121 Prestige Unsponsored Guitar Review (Burgundy Metallic Red)

  • I love this line of prestige and am considering the orange 5221.
    I’ve never had a Gibraltar bridge so I was wanting your opinion. Is it stable in tuning? Is it easy to adjust action?

  • Great review and explanation dude????????. I own a lot of the later made Ibanez prestiges/J customs (also the one in your video) and high end signatures and own a lot of guitars in general. But I am always drawn to the prestiges, I find the price/quality mega high on those guitars especially compared to other brands. Yes its still a lot of money but what is cheap these days anyways. Check on my collection of Ibanez guitars, its quit remarkable and btw recently I bought the 5130m in grey metallic

  • This channel is really getting a lot of things right; good production value, mostly straighforward, reasonable editing, good content, good information, etc.

    Good job mate, looking forward to more from your channel – this 'every man' niche you are in is pretty emblematic of a lot of guitar players looking for guitar content on YouTube.

  • My Ibanez Q52 also had it's high E a bit close to the edge of the fretboard, and I unscrewed the neck completely, and sanded down(a little bit) of the end of the bottom wood where it allowed me to turn the neck joint slightly and I screwed the neck back inside, and it's cool now! I did consider your advise before buying, checking the string placing, so thanks for the advise. You should see the Malmsteen signature Fender model, many people complain about High E slipping off fretboard, and it really does in a significant way, I did also see myself in the store, it's almost like you can't fret the high-E string lol. It can be on purpose I am not sure about that, Yngwie can touch strings softly I don't know or it's just an issue after all… Cheers

  • I absolutely love mine, the only gripe that I had with it was the absolutely horrible quality wiring,. garbage potentiometers that started making all kinds of noise within the first three months of owning it and a cheap switch. I ended up throwing in the Fishman Mick Thompson set and I replaced the tone control with a three-way rotary switch to select voicings and then I repurposed the original toggle switch to turn high frequency tilt on/off when things get too bright. retains original looks with zero modification to the guitar itself, and sounds 1 million times better with a little more versatility. i’m not sure what was going on with the original wiring, it was either in the switch or the potentiometers but I really didn’t even bother to check, just ripped all that shit out and replaced it. it was microphonic, noisy, and just overall garbage. I did end up hooking up the original pups in another guitar with better wiring, and the problem was not with the actual pups so they definitely could have done a better job with the wiring in this guitar for sure. everything else about it was amazing though LOL.

  • Great video, beautiful cat!

    I came here because I haven’t decided about that guitar or a Solar (when you showed a solar I was like: “yeah, I’m in the right place!”)

    The Solar AB6H SVART (made in Europe) is the guitar I’m dreaming about lately, but I’m not sure it is worth 2000 euros. I think that, for this price, it should come with stainless steel frets.
    This Ibanez is 1600 euros and it seems to have a better configuration than this Solar.
    I would love to play a Solar and feel it, but they don’t have it available in local stores here.

    Since you have this Ibanez and some Solar, would you please have any advice for me?

  • You're not gonna be stuck with a neck that's a bit off on a bolt on, you can just give it a tap or a few to align it straight.

  • Do you know that you can fix that issue with your neck? Loosen the neck screws very slightly push up on the bottom edge of the headstock, make small adjustments until the strings are centered.

  • Good review bro!????????
    Considering to take the same one.
    But not sure about active Fishmans…
    What do you think if they will be replaced for pair of Bareknucke pups?

  • you so many guitars/ expensive guitar reviews, are you rich? lol i saw this and the shadow, and custom so its weird to me to hear you say that premium is viable haha.

  • Ibanez has quit some cool e-guitars and e-bass 🙂 I don't understand to much about this, but your calm voice and the lightning is pretty great for such explanations =)

    The guitar sounds preety epulic!

  • Stunning guitar, love the look, style and finish. I was seriously considering getting this but went for the AZ Prestige instead for more versatility. This is definitely still on my wish list though especially being a southpaw and this being one of only two RG Prestige models the other being the 5320 Cosmic Shadow. How does this compare to the Cosmic Shadow?

  • Cool review mate. I was really looking into this particular model last year, but just wished they had more colors than just red and blue 🙁

  • The sound of that microphone is so good. I know this is about guitars but I had to say it. What mic is that? Anyway, back to guitars. She's a beauty. I like the curves (of course) and the purple color is so unique. I'd love to try it out as I've never had an Ibanez but I know they sound and look great

  • Very nice guitar but obviously expensive for many people's budgets. Even if I like it, to buy it, I would have to be 100% sure about it. Interesting information on the 6th string too close to the edge, because yes, it is a problem which, geometrically, cannot be resolved. Excellent review, thanks for sharing, Cheers!

  • Hi my friend ???? ! Absolutely amazing video, – it was very interesting and informative !!????????????

  • I just hate such dumb finishes on Ibanez guitars. Translucent all the way. Tops all the way. But not this solid cheap crap.

  • Awesome review!! New subscriber to your channel. I have checked out some other of your reviews. Great work keep it up. Will be watching more videos.


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