Thursday, March 6, 2025

I’m trying to love Seagull Guitars…this one is hopeless though

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10’ Ernie Ball Cable

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One Spot Power Adapter Kit

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LR Baggs Venue DI

LR Baggs Session DI

Fender Acoustic SFXii

Fishman Artist 30:

LR Baggs Synapse Personal PA

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Dunlop String Winder

Wirecutters for cutting Strings

Snark Tuner

Paige Guitar Capo

EBL 4 Bay 9V Lithium ion Battery Charger with 4 Packs Rechargeable Batteries

Screwdriver Set

#love #Seagull #Guitars…this #hopeless

Originally posted by UCx2eeVX04jN3Ki1u74ehLIw at

20 thoughts on “I’m trying to love Seagull Guitars…this one is hopeless though

  • The guitar isn't the issue. A $5k Martin won't help sloppy, clunky playing as per the "before" clip. Try taking it to a proper luthier and it will sing.

  • I fell in love with my very first acoustic while waiting for my Godin Session to be set up for nines (it came with tens but I bend a lot). I tried a Seagull S6 Original (G-chord gives goosebumps on that guitar), a Breedlove Discovery S Concerto and an A&L Roadhouse.

    The S6 sounded best and the Roadhouse was the easiest to play (because of its smaller body). I was very unimpressed with the Breedlove. Then I saw a dreadnought on the side wall that was completely covered by a transparent blue finish (you don't see that on acoustic guitars every day, eh?). I thought it looked beautifuk so I pulled it down and played it for awhile.

    Tone-wise it was no match for the Seagull but playability-wise, it was pretty close to the A&L which was really impressive for a traditional dreadnought. In both tone and playability it was noticeably superior to the Breedlove. I asked the shop owner about the guitar and he told me the price. The only word that I managed to get out of my mouth when told the price of it was "SOLD!".

    The guitar? Oh, it's a Beaver Creek BCTD101TB that cost me only $220CAD and came with a free Beaver Creek-branded gig-bag. It's a Chinese guitar made of spurce laminate, nato, agathis and rosewood. I felt like such a lucky man to have fallen in love with a guitar without knowing what it was because it means that my love for it is real. I had never heard of the brand, didn't know where it was made and didn't know the price. All I knew is that it looked great, felt great and sounded great. The low price and free gig-bag were just icing on the cake. It's like falling in love with a woman for her personality and then finding out that she's stunningly beautiful.

    The gig bag isn't padded and so is little more than a dust cover but it's better than nothing and all of my gig bags are made to accomodate full-size electrics so I would've needed one anyway so that was a really nice bonus. Since I bought it, I have picked it up and played it literally every single day. One day I'll buy a Seagull S6 Original but as long as I have my TD101TB, I'm in no hurry, I'm happy as a clam!

  • 2 of my friands have the same model…both times I tried them they had old strings and were set up badly…

    Recently changed the strings on one and adjusted truss rod, and wow it's an excellent guitar now

  • I have a late 1970s Contessa acoustic with a V neck profile and a completely flat fingerboard and it's literally the most uncomfortable acoustic guitar I have ever picked up but very unfortunately the most amazing sounding acoustic I have ever picked up, enough that it inspires me to torture myself for a couple hours every time I do talk myself into picking it up. every specification about this acoustic is against the grain as far as my preferences even down to the extremely small vintage style frets. I was given the instrument free of charge by someone that just had it sitting in a closet so I figured what the hell and took it home. I both am in love and hate this guitar all at the same time. if it were not for the way that it sounds I would have thrown it in a fireplace already but because of its sound it lives.

  • I have not heard anyone griping this much about Seagull.

    How about take it to someone will skills and experience to Actually Set it Up.
    What you did is not a set up or reasonable evaluation.

  • I own the Seagull Artist Mosaic and it's beautiful. The sound from it is rich and warm.

  • The neck is 1.8”. That shitty add on pickguard is killing the tone. S6 comes with no pickguard. Not supposed to have one.

  • I'm Asian with smaller hand. The neck width is wide, make it harder to play. The sound it produces is the best i've heard. The projection is super making it a very dynamic guitar which enables you to play really soft to really loud.

  • I have a Martin D28 1971, a Martin 00015M and other 12 strings, like 1980’s Lawsuit Era Takamine. I also have a Seagull Entourage Rustic that I got for less than $300 and I play it a lot live, either solo gigs or praise and worship. I love the color of that guitar, that sunburst…but I have to say, some times I love it and some times I don’t know. I don’t hate it, I guess it’s my go-to guitar (don’t want to take my Martins), but I wish that it was more…balanced??? I guess that’s it, more balanced. It feels that’s way too high pitchy for me, at times…and that’s the problem. Can’t make up my mind but I do play it.

  • Granted, I'm kind of a noob but had a few guitars prior then bought a Seagull because I wanted a wider neck which the S6 has. I bought a used 1985 S6 Original cedar/cherry one for under $300 and LOVE IT. Yeah there may be better guitars but for a used solid top made in North America commonly found about $350 I don't think you can do much better.

  • What Gordon seagull won’t tell you can’t do a next reset, the neck is epoxy to the body no one will touch it, plus the next pocket is poorly constructed causing cracks in the body top

  • Sounds amazing considering the huge pickguard! 😉 Kudos for the If We Were Vampires intro! 😉

  • I do have a great Seagull but it's an Artist Mosaic and they are so much better than the S6. Mine is from 2019 so it still has the wonderful solid cedar and solid mahogany combo. So warm but powerful. I have mine set up nicely but it does have that big neck profile which takes some getting used to. The newer ones are slimmer. I am somewhere between a beginner and intermediate player so I'm not playing complicated stuff….mostly strumming and my Seagull is great for that.

  • I’ve played two seagull guitars that I love all the other I’ve played were god awful. The other two, a coastline folk my buddy still has and a preforming series dread I had to sell to make rent in college; were awesome. Both guitars were early production though.

  • Seems a pickguard that huge would dampen the top from vibrating correctly. Usually you only see guards that big on jumbos. I am not a pro though, so I don't really know what I'm talking about lol.


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