Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Important tips for creating the optimal neo-soul/r&b guitar sound

????Get My Guitar Sound Here [Best Amp Plugin] ????

????The Best Budget Guitar Interface [used in all of my videos] ????https://www.thomann.de/intl/focusrite_scarlett_solo_3rd_gen.htm?offid=1&affid=84&subid=yt-ctv

????The Best Budget Neo-Soul Guitar ????

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#Important #tips #creating #optimal #neosoulrb #guitar #sound

Originally posted by UCF9ee0WoaiklZE3T2WRDJHg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVH2ZxFcx4o

10 thoughts on “Important tips for creating the optimal neo-soul/r&b guitar sound

  • It’s all a personal preference at the end of the day…forget about name brands and be yourself that will make you world class Trust Me

  • Please do a video explaining programs (such a s logic pro ) and how you use it.. (I mainly want to know if I need to but an amp and pedals of if I can just use a program like logic pro )

  • Great video man! Are you using Bias because you actually like it better than tube amps or because it's just easier to record? Also, do you think Kemper Amp is nice for neo soul?

  • Just found your channel…thank you dude! I’m new to recording and tone so I’m struggling to get the sound right but your content has helped a lot

  • Du bist doch Deutscher? Das ist genau wie ein Deutscher Englisch sprechen würde.


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