Incredible acoustic blues CHORD and SOLO
Are you getting tired of playing the 12-bar blues the same way all the time? Want to be able to put licks, riffs, walks, and chords all together to create a much more interesting sounding blues that you can play on your own, without a band?
This guitar lesson video will get you there. By choosing in advance specific measures to solo or play other tricks, you can train yourself to play self-accompaniment style blues. This lesson shows you how to train your ear to get used to hearing the changes so you won’t miss a chord change.
This lesson is great for anyone who enjoys playing acoustic blues guitar, or wants to learn general chord-melody and accompaniment style guitar playing.
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*You can download tabs for this exercise from my website:*
*More information about Blue Morris and guitar lessons in Vancouver can be found from*
#Incredible #acoustic #blues #CHORD #SOLO
Originally posted by UCyarQYleEOjuzSGeXpZoFQg at
Don't forget you can download the tabs from my website: ????????????
The best "12-Bar Blues" tutorial that goes far beyond the usual repetitive I-IV-V chord progression explanation.
My man, you can't imagine how helpful this is!! I'm far ahead with all the necessary technics to play this but not understanding the 12 bar concept was the dead end for me. Now I can finally play it blues! Thank you bro – hope your channel grows!
Thank you very much. It helps a lot
Thanks Blue! I've watched tons of videos on how to play the blues mixing rhythm and solo, but none of them ever broke it down measure by measure making specific suggestions of when to play the solo and how to move back and forth between solo and chords. So, I found this video very helpful!
I love this video. It is one of the best I've seen on this topic. I have seen countless other videos but you explain it the best. I like your keeping it simple approach. I just want to pick up my guitar and play by myself to relieve stress. Craig Ewinger
This is gold.
Great lesson and makes good logic. What guitar are you playing?
The explanation I've been looking for for years!!
Just amazing????
Beauty lesson!
Just fuck play …stop talking !!!!
Some of us need basic stuff
This is great! Just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!
Great lesson! Thank you very much for sharing!
Hi Blue, just discovered your site, on holiday actually, and had some light bulb moments. thank you . There is one thing… or should i say a load of things I am struggling with but one thing I have noted is that I can not get correct is the timing or duration of my solos.
I know I want them to last for two bars but cant really get the timing in. Dont know if that is clear….. Any suggestions or tips !!!
Great job! Thank you
Which guitar do you play?
Can’t find tab down load? Found it
Blue is the best teacher on YouTube. I have been watching videos for years on Youtube. Finally found the best. There's no need to go anywhere else.
Beautiful lesson that took a ton of work to create. It is much appreciated.
Ufff man you are i been looking for this explanation for a long time, thanks!
superbly explained with the magical words 'keep it simple'
10 months old with inspiring instruction unfortunately the link no longer works..
thanks for the thought process
Great lesson- can you do a video on turn arounds maybe a few different ones and then same ones in different keys. Thanks. Have bought both your books. Appreciate the help
Woah, this is a great, great lesson… Thank you. Subscribed!
Cheers also from Vancouver
Good one Blue! I like particularly the timing of the changes
Excellent lesson, thank you!
So cool