Wednesday, March 12, 2025

10 thoughts on “Inner Urge — How To Think About The Changes

  • Great advice! Pretty sure the Bb chord in the second to last measure is dominant, so you may have to adjust the dorian/lydian strategy in that spot (or not haha).

  • Oh man, this is brilliant, thank you! You've just rocked my world. And now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some woodshedding to do. Cheers!

  • If you want to give lessons/be a teacher and have us click you again you need to slow your talk, theories, explanations, and picking,
    WAY way d o w n !!!
    Maybe some people out there grasp your rap because THEY happen to be doing/approaching it the same as you..But, what is the potential number of people out here on the old information highway who are NOT in your camp; your concept of playing ? S L O W it down, man !! Stop assuming we're all hip to it, daddy'o. I had to shut it down at 5:38.


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