Sunday, March 16, 2025
BassBass Lessons

Intermediate/Advanced Adding 5ths to the Bass with Song Idea in C Major – Guitar Lesson

Easy 5ths in Bass Lesson

This lesson gets into more intermediate and advanced usages of adding 5th in the bass.
To me, Intermediate level guitar playing you should know the Major Scale and how to use Triads of that scale. Also, you will learn how to add notes to those and build more complex chords.

Advanced guitar playing takes these ideas and applies them to “real” music in more complex ways. So “advanced” can mean many things, as you could play various genres. I try to demonstrate these ideas more in a real song, which actually did just come to me through jamming with the ideas.

Also, I show how to use your Ear to play a bit more advanced part, where you need to hear the melody to make it easier to play.

The way I got “good” at guitar — meaning I can learn most songs very fast and also jam and create new ideas easily — came from learning songs like I demonstrate here, where I could see the chords and ideas, versus just memorizing TAB or chord charts.

I would encourage you to take these ideas and them modify them into your own thing. At the end, I jam with these ideas more and you can see I come up with new ideas by doing that.

The fun of music and guitar comes by creating. This is also the best way to “feel” and really “get” the ideas.

#IntermediateAdvanced #Adding #5ths #Bass #Song #Idea #Major #Guitar #Lesson

Originally posted by UCj2WbOX8jyCrQl57Kbi2Rzw at

2 thoughts on “Intermediate/Advanced Adding 5ths to the Bass with Song Idea in C Major – Guitar Lesson

  • Really interesting. Will get the guitar out when im back home over the weekend and follow along. I always find your lessons to be informative and easy to follow so i much appreciate these videos!


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