Monday, March 3, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

IS RYAN BURNING OUT? – MusTWANG – Secret of the Oozeiphone – Body Glove Spirit – 544

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9450 Mira Mesa Blvd.
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00:00 MusTWANG
16:15 Thanks Patreon!
19:23 Oozeiphone
25:40 Is Ryan burned out?
45:18 We got mail from Adam Patrick Johnson of @CoverBandConfidential
52:40 Body Glove
1:00:15 This week’s music was sent by CJ Lukas of Chet and the Renegade and is called “Human Disease” (

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45 thoughts on “IS RYAN BURNING OUT? – MusTWANG – Secret of the Oozeiphone – Body Glove Spirit – 544

  • I just found out that you you are my fav Guitar youtube guy. I love that you don't shred and play music I would on gear. Hang in there!

  • Naw it doesn't look comfortable to play. That's cool that they're in El cajon though. My first car was a 63 ranchero

  • Yes… burn out is common and it sounds like you are a bit depressed. I have the same feelings and I don’t do YouTube videos. Interesting discussion about what to do to get out of burn out ! Thanks Ryan! Kids can wear you out .

  • Well I have noticed ALL creativity has slowed down on YouTube for months, something has happened to youtubers but I'm not sure why everyone is slowing

  • Ryan just needs to hire a production assistant like Rhett Shull has to take some of the workload off his shoulders. More time to just focus on playing and demoing product and less time editing.

  • I wanted to do the gear review thing. Instead I just release when I feel like it. Focusing on my band right now. I don't want You Tube as a carrer. But, for those that are successful that's great. But, don't burn yourself out. I like 60 cycle hum because I like different things and I like the surf guitar. I now want a 7 string Jaguar guitar and Source Audio spring reverb pedal. Keep up the great work.

  • The hatchback of guitars is the Epiphone Les Paul Special II, specifically in the violin-ish burst. Gets you from point a to point b, good starter, easy on GAS.

  • The Ibanez Talman was the hatchback of guitars. The way that offsets are the station wagon because of surf connotations, the Talman is kind of not quite of the time for it. Instead they are repurposed for Midwest Emo/

  • Okay, did I miss it or have you ever done a video on Amp's? Trying to pick an amp and really don't want to get lost in the 2 guitar stores in town. Last few times it's the I need 1 thing under a hundred dollars, I leave the stores hours later with a few hundred dollars of stuff. Really need to budget this amp and only get the amp this time and having trouble deciding what is good????.

  • Burnout is very real!! I’m in the midst of my second one basically because I don’t get pro help the first time. Seek assistance, please! For you and your family’s sake. ????

  • Ryan has been living that rock star life for so long that, right now, he just wants to farm and surf for awhile.

  • Ryan just do live casts for awhile
    until something else inspires you.
    Most viewers don’t watch your show for specific reasons, we watch your show because it makes us feel like we’re part of a family with similar interests!

  • I have no idea why creators don't take time off. Have a rest, it's good for the soul and hardly impacts the stats, which shouldn't come first. Rock on man.

  • I'm worried for you, Ryan. You and Steve provide the screen entertainment I enjoy the most. The world will feel emptier if you stop. I hope you find your mojo again.

  • This is weird. Ryan instantly looked better when he put the watch on. Like a handsome light switched on. I too am a lefty (with finesse stuff) and a non-watch-wearer, so I know what you mean about not wearing it. Just know that I think it might change your life.

  • Ryan take some time off. Send the kids to school, get some tacos, and sit on your couch and get fat for a couple of days!

  • Shorten your videos to 15 to 20 minutes per. You will save time, get the same amount of views, if not more, and you won't have to complain about burnout.

  • Ryan everyone is burned out the past couple weeks. Buddy, you are in SOCAL and so you can catch up with weather. I think we're all sweating the political front too, whether we're political or not. You know what will pick you up? You're in San Diego. I see over in El Cajon there is a holy grail 1971 Wurlitzer 4373 spinet organ with some dust on it, and a mystery case on top (guitar?). Anyway it's listed as 3 Level Church Organ – $500 (El Cajon) , says WORKS PERFECT! . It's not a church organ, it's a great spinet 1971 WurliTzer 4373 Organ with Orbit lll Synthesizer

    Just like the old Lowrey organs, Wurlitzer's have the Vol. pedal-edge pitch bend ( Lowrey called theirs the 'Pedal Glide').. I'm not affiliated, I'm in Ohio. lol But I know electronic organs. I was just looking for something in your area you might like. That it works is a major plus. But don't leave until your hear it. Old electrolytic capacitors like to dry out, and they might be saying "works great" from 5 years ago.I see an original magazine ad on E bay, " Wurlitzer Orbit III Organ Synthesizer 1971 Vintage Print Ad 9.75"x13" " THAT's the model. Jan Giradot's organ List has it as well. The 1986 Organ Blue Book on archive d'''''' org has the 1986 Organ Bluebook w/ all the features. It has a 2-spd built-in SpectraTone Rotary speaker. Morelock's Wurlitzer Parts and svc has every part. They are in Mississippi. They are old school so have to play phone tag. Check condition of 12" speaker cone. If it's split along the cardboard edge it will blow the diodes in the power supply. Clean the dust off the photo cell and lightbulb on the Spectratone. TWO AMPS, Solid State. Everything Wurlitzer has great Amphenol connectors thrue the 60's, but changed sometime in the 70's to Molex Connectors. The majectic tones of the 4300 series Wurlitzer 1964-1973ish can be heard on the album – John LaDuca Wurlitzer 4500/4520/4300 Organ Side1 , and side 2 posted separate. ( I po sted). They might even have some WURLITZER BRASS HORNS stashed in that place. In long rectangle black vinyl case.

  • I have no useful comments on burnout. For me, many of life's regrets come directly from burnout – (but there was also not another option I could find – it had to happen.) As humans tend to dwell – I probably just don't consciously remember any of the times burnout led to a new good opportunity – I'm certain they exist. I attempted the sabbatical thing – and I was greeted with both some of the best things in my entire life and some bad things. (the good things outweighed the bad, certainly.) I guess that is the duality of life – fully experiencing both good and bad at the same time. (My sabbatical unexpectedly ended early. No regrets for trying tho.)

    Although not intimate with Jordan Peterson's work, I heard a discussion one day that I still ponder. They were debating whether men who lack purpose fall to vices. That is – if lack of purpose yields binging on the things that make us feel happy: eating, women, loafing, drinking… maybe playing music and drinking beer at the lake? hehe. No idea how far that idea goes. Also, no idea how to check in with yourself to know if you are meeting whatever "purpose" you think you should have.. or heck, "what is purpose?" I have no idea – just something that I heard that resonated a bit with me, and I've yet to fully comprehend. Just a thought that might be helpful.

    I also read an IG post the other day where the lady basically said – at the heart of every internal negative feedback loop is fear. As I disagreed, I thought about it all day – and found something bothering me because I feared the outcome. Once I was aware of it – I addressed it. The outcome – there isn't one (unknown) – but at least I don't have to worry about it. I guess it is like in "Forbidden Planet" where the monsters of the id can be feed unlimited power if we let it. Anyway, first time an IG post has ever been useful – I guess. haha

    I suppose the best we can do is to pray that our paths are illuminated and trust god to be alongside us as we take each step into the unknown.

    By the way – I really do appreciate your channel. As I'm still new in my electric guitar journey – your channel has offered lots of new things for me to think about…. But I also can understand how lack of innovation can lead to boredom. Years ago, I was into synths – and I got to the point of "oh yeah… another subtractive synth with 2 oscillators… wahoo (sarcasm)…" so I can imagine "oh yeah…. another screamer pedal…. wahoo." lol. but for those of us new – it really is helpful.
    Thanks – and good luck.

    Whatever option you choose… is the right option… for now…. with what you know now…. 🙂

  • Tele is a standard/old-fashioned pickup truck (its u-tele-tarian)
    I would love to see a "woodie" themed Tele
    Gibson ES is a station wagon
    Strat is a Chevy Impala
    Jazzmaster is Buick, Jaguar is Lincoln
    SG is a Corvette
    80s shredder is a T-top Trans-Am
    Les Paul Burst is a Cadillac
    Black/White Les Paul Custom is an Escalade
    PRS is Bentley/RR

  • when i first saw the pt cruiser advertised thought it was going to be suburban size…what a buzzkill to see it in person

  • I luv old cars, I like old guitars, but I've never seen an old car inspired guitar that wasn't silly….

  • Hey , it's hot at the beach too, Ryan.???????? I understand burnout. I worked 35 yrs in neuroradiology along with being on call all those years. Burnout is inevitable. It really sucked to work all week and then have to be on call for the whole weekend. It really sucked before cellphones, always had to carry a pocketful of change and know where all the public payphones were if iI left the house. You just have to find a way to change up your routine. Look up the surf reports and take some time to hit the waves. Your work will still be there. Wish you well, you'll get it worked out.☮

  • I really hope Ryan isnr burnt out, or at least I hope he can get through it without taking a break- I really enjoy his shows. I personally have hit a very similar slump in my life- its hot AF and I dont feel like doing anything but staying cool!

  • Burnout is definitely a thing, and to be honest, I don’t know how you YouTubers can keep it up. It’s a LOT of work. I can definitely tell when people are mailing it in, but I can’t blame them either. I have a home business, and I have days where I can NOT get myself to work. Any distraction is enough to make me stop. But, it’s work or starve with your own business. You just have to work through it.

  • Dude… you look exhausted, Ryan. Head exhaustion or just not getting enough sleep? Or is the burnout real? Talk to the wife, homie. Always helps to have a partner to help you get back on track.


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