Tuesday, March 4, 2025

13 thoughts on “Is Synyster Gates the best guitarist of this generation? #guitar #avengedsevenfold #synystergates

  • These comments are fr childish. I mean yeah not everyone has to like him or even Avenged sevenfold but everyone that atleast understands the basics of playing the guitar knows how god damn technical advanced this dude is. Just one example would be the outro solo of the song Nobody. I say it again, everyone can have an opinion but facts are facts and it is a fact that this guy is really technically advanced. I mean he was even voted best guitarist of the year twice by total guitar in 2016 and 2017. Do with that what you want and have a good one.

  • I think a7x blows for the most part. I do love their self titled in its entirety. Brompton cocktail, gun slinger, almost easy, etc. I do think his virtue as a guitarist extends beyond a7x tho. Hes literally inspired a generation of guitar plays to pick up and learn to shred because he is that good and the music draws your attention and besides metallica they'reprobably the runner up in influencing young guitarists. I personally dont give anything after the rev died any listening time. Ive heard hail to the king and nightmare and theyre trash in my opinion. Id like to see what gates could do with different musicians by his side aka another band. ????


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