Saturday, March 15, 2025

Is the Ibanez Ichi10 the BEST headless guitar for under $1000? (Quest Series Review)

The new Ibanez Quest series includes a signature guitar from Ichika Nito. Is it any good? Here is all you need to know about the ICHI10.

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00:00 Ibanez Ichi10 played in a song
01:02 What is the Ichi10 Guitar?
03:05 Close up look at the ICHI10 Specs and Features
09:04 ICHI10 Pickup Playthrough Test (Alter Switch OFF)
14:23 ICHI10 Pickup Playthrough Test (Alter Switch ON)
17:22 The included ICHI10 GIGBAG
19:12 The Guitar Geek Review of the Ibanez ICHI10

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#theguitargeek #Ibanez #IchikaNito

#Ibanez #Ichi10 #headless #guitar #Quest #Series #Review

Originally posted by UCI5i6aBbINMIEkYW3b6olHg at

45 thoughts on “Is the Ibanez Ichi10 the BEST headless guitar for under $1000? (Quest Series Review)

  • I love the comfort that a headless guitar provides. Because I value tuning stability, hard tail is the only way to go. The only thing I would improve upon is upgraded electronics… Full sized Chicago Telephone Supply potentiometers, Alnico poles, and push-back wiring. Love the neck woods, fret work, head-stock hardware, and bridge and saddle hardware. Wonder how it compares to an equally priced Strandberg – if there is such a thing.

  • Fun fact: if you select the bridge pickup and engage the alter switch, you sound like Alter Bridge.

  • What is missing with the reviews of this guitar, is to be played and tested like a "normal" guitar.

    Nobody plays some crunchy riff, make crazy bends with a fuzz or do what we do.

    I've had the same issue in the past with an Ibáñez guitar : lack of enthusiam. Looks like a guitar I would buy but won't play.

    Your review seems to confirm that like every Ibáñez guitar, it's a great tool that nobody want to use. I wanted to like this guitar, but it's like a perfect female robot, you can't fall in love.

  • A few years late to the party……. but I loved this review and I think this may be the guitar for me. Itchy and Scratchy. Great reviews – Thanks!

  • I own a sister of her, a Q54, since more than two years. I'm still deeply in love with her. And I don't mind at all that she doesn't have a tremolo.

  • Also because of the 24 frets the pickups do not sit in the positions like in a Strat. Use 22 frets and Vintage Pickups and you are very close to nail that Strat sound

  • How is this guitar while standing up? Like me you are a tall person, will the extra strap button help to push the neck to the left ?

  • Cool guitar! I would swap the positions of the switch and the Tone control, so that I could get the Tone closer to the picking hand.

  • His name is EECHEE. Not Itchy, as in when you get a mosquito bite. Makes his name sound… odd. lol

  • I like the shape and the weight(or lack thereof). It’s a beautiful guitar, but for $1k, I’d want better pickups in a super strat configuration. #itchyandscratchy

  • Itchy and scratchy. Nice review! Definitely one I will be considering. Recently watched your review on the Ibanez SEW series, which got me browsing the Ibanez catalog. Definitely some models there to consider now I am looking for my first HSS or SSS style guitar (got a HH style Gretsch G5220 as my first and only electric at the moment).

  • Such a beautiful piece of work from Ibanez. Definitely getting one in the future

  • I am liking guitar guitar. I am looking for something like that. I saw it in a shot some time ago and ignore it completelly. I think the strings were in a very bad condition that destroy any intention of picking it up. Lets say the strings were a bit… itchy and scratchy 🙂 . But I went back to the same shot looking for some light guitar, and try the same line but a 7 strings. This thing is so light that I had to get used to it. I went to to shop looking for an strandberg, but for some reasong they don't want to have them. The sound is a bit modern no matter the single coils and the one I try hada a HB on bridge. But it is soooooo light and confortable and inspiring in a weird way that I will get one to do the final test. I was missing studing siting placement from the strandberg. And I don't like the tele type socket. Very good review. I also don;t like how they place the bridge pickup on this model.

  • Good review – I tried one – very nice, apart from the chunky neck.
    I will ask my tech if its possible to "shave" the neck, so it`s slimmer…

  • How do your big hands get on with the narrow 42 mm nut width? I would have bought a Q Series guitar already if they were 44 mm or wider!

  • This video is clearly an advertisement. I'm happy with my guitar thanks and the best headless guitar is a used one not this

  • Your video is professional, very pleasant and natural. Thank you. I just bought it a few days back and it all seems ok so far. Cheers.

  • Purchase one Saturday it's great it's like a 6th generation fighter jet. It's really fast and sleek and comfortable like a high-performance EV car this is something totally different super sleek play ability Ultra fast but the neck is not thin. This is even a generation or two ahead of Ibanez S models. It definitely fits in 2024

  • This guitar is very tempting does it sound similar to like a vintage fender if so I'm so down it would be a merge of my favorite sounds and my favorite look I'm a big single coil guy

  • Ichi and scratchy! Excellent review of this new awesome Ibanez model. I love the look of the guitar and was surprised by how fulsome it sounded. (Heh-heh, he said fulsome!) As a Strandberg owner, I'm really curious to try one of these, especially curious about the build. For a future video, I'd love to see how the guitar sounds through some distortion settings!

  • Would u recommend this for a complete beginner? I'm really tempted because it's small and lightweight.

  • I own the same guitar and I love it. But I made an upgrade according to my taste, I changed pickups, Dimarzio air northon on neck, Dimarzio area 67 in the middle and SD hotrails on bridge. The switch is only used for splitting humbuckers, otherwise it is in a standard binding. I installed ICHI pickups on my Mexico strat and they work perfectly. And of course, the NECK IS PERFECT!!!

  • Just wish it also had a tremolp. it would be a no-brainer for me. It's so beautiful, and the small body is just so practical!

  • 1st of all , thank you for the video/review.
    i rarely find them not good. and you’re always funny, so that’s a bonus.
    this guitar has been on my top 10 list for a while, now…
    i’m more of a Tele guy, but i am 3PUp Tele guy.
    And i was under the impression that this design would be great ergonomically..great to play. and you’ve just confirmed that. 😉
    But the tones…. MEH…
    i was looking for a more trebly tone. not glassy. But not as dark as this sounds..
    and it is too expensive to being a modding guitar.

    PS: one of the reasons i liked it in the 1st place..was actually the fixed bridge. 😉
    but each to his own take, right 😛

    cheers from Portugal

  • Yeah…. that guitar is definitely designed for "Japanese-sized" people… I'm 6'3" and there's no way that thing is big enough.

  • Hello!!

    great Video! i ask you.. what do u think about this guitar? do u like in comparision with Strat or Les Paul? How are the pickups ? Has the guitar a good single coil sound and a good humbuker sound or not? Do you ever try stranberg guitars? Do you prefer ibanez or Strandberg? Thanks a lot!


  • Itchy and Scratchy. Thanks for the video. I found it not cos I was looking for a review of this guitar, but rather wondering about using three single coil pickups in headless guitar I'm building. I think I'll go for it!

  • The luminescent fret markers are invisible on stage. Thats my only complaint. I had to put some hoghlighter yellow duck tape on there so i can see while doing shows.

  • Ive had this guitar for a few months. I live on the beach in Florida and play 4 nights a week on average, mostly outdoor.
    Basically the worst conditions possible. Tons of heat, humidity, sweat, and other guitar abuses.
    This thing has been perfect. My band does big dance steps and runs around and stuff, so the reduced weight is phenomenal. The ergonomic shape is great. The electronics have been 100% reliable. It stays in tune well even in poor conditions. The tonal options give me everything I i need for a 4hr show covering several genres and styles. I have several fairly expensive guitars (to me, at least), but they all just sit at home now. My Les Paul is too heavy and cant give me those chimey single coil sounds. My Strat isnt quite as heavy as the Les Paul, but it's so much heavier than my Ichi, and there are certain beefy tomes i cant get with the Strat. My SG doesnt stay in tune, and the neck dive messes up dance moves.
    The Ichi checks every box.


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