Monday, March 10, 2025

Is The NEW Studio Really “The One” ? | 2024 Gibson Les Paul Studio Blueberry Burst Review + Demo

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????Description: In October of 2024, Gibson re-released the Les Paul Studio model after discontinuing it earlier in the year in favor of the “Modern Studio.” Their marketing package calls this “The One” – let’s check it out!

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Is The NEW Gibson Studio Really “The One” ? | 2024 Les Paul Review + Demo

#Studio #Gibson #Les #Paul #Studio #Blueberry #Burst #Review #Demo

Originally posted by UCsNBeL5vY5GZT_g_4D3QAFQ at

46 thoughts on “Is The NEW Studio Really “The One” ? | 2024 Gibson Les Paul Studio Blueberry Burst Review + Demo

  • Wow wow hold up, why would u disassemble a perfectly good guitar, why with no purpose, oh hey I gots a brand new Suzuki sv650 I think I'll take it apart tonight, hey I did like your video, thanks

  • I'll 'stick' with my 2016 LP Studio HP iin Tobacco Sunburst WITH reveal binding. It's a phenomenal guitar and IMO superior to my 2018 LP Standard HP2 (which probably needs a set of Custom Bucker Pups). The BBs are rather too bright for my taste..

  • Ce sont des guitares exceptionnelles qui rivalisent avec les les paul plus chères.

  • just got one of these after my 1994 standard was stolen. I actually really like it. The difference in price and similarity in performance to a standard is really amazing. no regrets. (I will probably still get a standard again someday)

  • I own both studio and standards and I can tell you right now. The standard is way too heavy. Sounds great. I went out and bought the 2024 studio has a phenomenal tone to iit! run it through an AC 30 and a GT 1000 board and man, I love that Guitar lightweight, grey tone. I’m buying another one.

  • Man I have a 94 Studio. Was alpine white…..more like ivory these days. I LOVE the 490r/498t set. I once wanted to trade it in for a standard or traditional but couldn’t find one that sounded better. This was the early 2000’s so FB marketplace wasn’t around & Guitar center & Sam ash is all that carried them in my area.

  • I’m blatantly killing time waiting for my Los Angeles Dodgers game, several hours from now ????LETS GO DODGERS ????❗️

  • I tried one. As with the supreme and modern, the coil split/P90 sound is just dull and a bit quieter. Didn’t like it at all

  • The constant complaining about Gibson is just old and lame, , no one is forcing anyone to buy them yet somehow they are the best selling guitar brand.
    Cry more

  • For that price I’d rather grab a used standard even if it’s a $100 and including the finish used imperfections. I’m not hung up on them looking perfect.

  • I was fortunate to get my hands on a 2019 Studio, and what made it stand out at the time was the fretboard binding—it felt special. I remember trying out some of the later models, but I had to return them due to quality control issues. Even the Standards didn’t impress me, and I ended up sending them back as well. I preferred the sound of the Studio, likely thanks to the 490R/498T pickups, plus the lighter body made it an easy "go-to" guitar.

    Another thing I noticed: the 2019 Studio came with a hard case, while the later Studios only had a softer gig bag. Even the hard case for the 2019 model felt superior compared to the ones that came with later LP Standards, which were noticeably cheaper Chinese versions.

    It would be interesting to compare the neck measurements between the 2019 model and the 2024 model. I also just read that some LP Customs are using the same pickups as the 2019 Studio. I think if you are a 80s/90s rock child the harsher tones of the 490R/498T may be more to your liking. If you’re on the hunt, the 2019 model might just be the one to go for.

  • I have a heavily upgraded Standard that I love, despite the weight. I don't gig with it so much now as I sing so I see the appeal of the Studio. I am more sympathetic to non standard finishes on these.

  • Will that piece of felt ruin the finish? I like the pick guard on but I’m just curious if it will eat through to the paint?? Tia!!!

  • My Les Paul Tribute had a similar defect in the sanding of the neck. I thought it wouldn't bother me, but over time it bugged me more and more. I ended up selling it.

  • '57 Classic pickups and 50's wiring, no coil split on my 2019 Studio and I'm happy thankyou very much.

  • I just ordered a Gibson Les Paul studio in Blueberry burst. I like this model and color. The tone is great from what I hear in the videos. Very nice guitar.

  • I’m so glad they changed the pickups. You get the neck binding and pickups that make you feel closer to the standard without giving away exactly everything you get in a standard. Now I wish they would offer locking tuners with the pearloid buttons. Not sure why they don’t I’m pretty sure a lot of people would prefer those on there standards as well.

  • Im just not sure why I should pick this over a high end Epiphone, in particular those 'inspired by Gibson'-models.

  • Yeah bought one new came in a box in a box like my studio plus flame top I got for Christmas..So I opened the gig bag and right of the bat scraped scratched hand prints finger prints action way too high and buzzzzz at the low e soooooo bad it amplified horribly..unplayable neck most definetly was back bowed and it went back 3 hours after I received it.quality control was garbage and I let them know it..side note the poker was not and should not be came in a s all bag along with other parts..

  • I like the look of these new blueberry burst studios. I myself have a 1995 wine red studio with rosewood board and no coil splits nor weight relief.

  • I like the new Studio a lot but I am having a hard time justifying a move up from my Epiphone 50’s Standard. The Epi is really awesome. Build quality and sound are great.

  • Like that Gibson is giving us some great new color burst finishes finally besides various shades of basic sunbursts. The deal killer for me is the wide and thin neck. Just can't deal with a wide neck that isn't deep enough to grab on and provide some thumb support. Makes it difficult to stretch my fingers and still have some purchase on the neck.

  • as a full time player, the bound neck is far more desirable than mother of pearl inlays.

  • I'm a long term proud owner of the 2011 worn brown faded Studio with the maple top; and have long enjoyed Burstbuckers as that is one of the only versions that came with BBs. It now has a bunch of the nitro worn off which really naturally relic'ed well over time.

  • I have guitars with burstbuckers and also with 490R/498T… I would not consider the burstbucker to be an upgrade over the 498T.

  • Listen to this guy!! "Chatoyant movement"! ???? impressive. Your presentations have gotten so good over the years, man. But I do really like this option, the blueberry burst is beautiful imo.

  • I bought my first Les Paul a couple of months ago. It's a Classic model. All 4 pots are push pull and both pickups take bridge pickup covers although the numbers on the back are diferent. Not sure why it's like that.

  • I've always liked the look of a wine red Studio, despite not exactly being a Studio fan. So if I were in the market for one as a "whatever" guitar, it's hard to go past that colour. The pickup upgrade is a nice inclusion

  • les pauls look ugly without the bindings in the body. This colour is an eye sore plus the imperfections in the back of the neck is unacceptable for the price

  • The B9* LPST01 looks good.
    my only guitar is pic guard-less Michael Kelly. No holes drilled into the wood to to protect from a tiny piece of plastic.

  • I bought a 2021 LP Studio with the midnight Manhattan blue finish and since i have added fishman fluence active pups and locking tuners, and a tp6 tail peice with a roller saddle bridge. Now im in the middle of refinishing it. I love my STUDIO!!!!!


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