Wednesday, January 15, 2025
BassBass Amps

Is the Quilter V803 THE BEST BASS AMP?!

Quilter Bass Block V803 Bass Amp Demo and Review!

Link to all info on the Quilter Bass Block V803 here:
Bass Block V803

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#Quilter #V803 #BASS #AMP

Originally posted by UClTgXIOc-OAFPrFNfHqP6uQ at

18 thoughts on “Is the Quilter V803 THE BEST BASS AMP?!

  • I'm sure with a 4×10 on top of that 15 this amp would sound even better, I liked that intro mid range treble sound but i would add some low end. That "SVT" setting is where it's at for me ????

  • just bought one on a whim after parting with my 800 a few years ago. huge bummer as it was a wonderful amp- but honestly this looks even better.

    awesome demo. definitely covered all the pertinent territory for me- "terrible sounding hard picked psuedo-distortion tones", "annoying string rattle"* and all. ????????

    * – just to clarify: i don't agree with those descriptors at all lmfao. your demo rules. instantly subscribed

  • Can you please demo this amp with a bass that has been properly setup to get rid of that annoying string rattle, played by a bass player instead of a guitarist soloing on a bass, and without the terrible sounding hard picked pseudo-distortion tones throughout the demo?

  • I just got one today. I read the manual 1st. I messed around for 15 min. and this thing is tits! Highly recommend.

  • I have a old Kustom groove 210 combo that sounds very much alike and was a bargain new. Can recommend that used or the quilter for rock/pop if you like that attack and don’t want to go fully ampeg or fender.

  • While I appreciate the demo & some of what it has to offer, on most of the different voicing options the low end just sounded extremely muddy & lacking articulation (& I'm not judging via inadequate laptop speakers)! For me, it's a LONG way off from being anywhere in a competitive vicinity with numerous better sounding heads & shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as an SVT.


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