Sunday, March 9, 2025

Is the Vega-Trem Ultra Trem as good as they say?

A couple of months back, @VegaTrem sent me this VT1 Ultra Trem to put through its paces. You might have seen it in some of my recent videos. Here’s my run-through and my thoughts on this product.

This is not a paid review, but the product was provided to me to use and review as I like.

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#VegaTrem #Ultra #Trem #good

Originally posted by UCzpSxXldR60V78bt_7Uldnw at

32 thoughts on “Is the Vega-Trem Ultra Trem as good as they say?

  • Ive been a bass player my whole life but I bought a strat in 2022 and put a vega trem in, it just seemed like common sense and now I can't imagine using anything else

  • Thank you for posting this, I've found this to be very helpful.
    There is one Strat I'm looking at using this on, and I wasn't aware until now about the proximity of the bar to the volume pot which is something I use a lot when playing. I'll have to figure a way to overcome that obstruction.

  • So sometimes I find myself switching between e standard and then a half step down, how would that affect my experience with this trem?

  • Fabulous guitars….!!!balanced well…headstock….tremolo seems to work well…let me guess $250 dollars…my 70 was$200 USA….

  • Hi Chris! I’m considering the VT for my Fender Malmsteen. How is the string spacing? With the original bridge the first string tends to slip off. Cheers!

  • I've been paying the cc off like crazy so I can get one in December, these really do look great, great review thanks for your upload

  • Spot on. The VT is hands down one of the most prominent improvements on the trem concept in decades. All the advantages of a floating without the drawbacks, and obviously a huge improvement on a crappy standard trem. I'm personally not a good client for guitar myths, but I must say the VT added a vast tonal improvement, more clarity, note separation, sustain… which may seem surprising because of the relative small size of the block. Lastly, the all steel design is just a gorgeous bit of engineering and design. Oh, and sweet playing man!

  • That intro! Hell yes mate 🙂

    I think that, on balance, the Vega Trem is as good as they say. Being able to experience a full range of motion, without fine tuners, but with stability is the dream!

  • i have one in my YJM strat. I love it. at a guitar camp, i showed it to greg howe and now his kiesel model comes with it.

  • Nice one Chris ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • How about the price point Chris, think it’s as much as a very decent second hand guitar

  • Vega trem feels amazing and stays in tune but….makes your guitar sound anemic.You loose bass and midrange.For me it felt like the guitar lost energy when using the Vega trem.My guitar is a partcaster with a F am standard body from 10,Buddy guy neck,am standard trem from late 80s,Van zandt vintage + pickups.I agree on what you say about other tremolosystems feel stiff after using the Vegatrem.I had to put the Fender trem back into my guitar and that old tremolo unit brought back the sound.Its like you have two different sets of pickups.Another thing I noticed was that using the recommended springs on the Vega made techniques like bending and vibrato harder.I use 9s in standard tuning and Vega recommend low tension springs,i used medium tension to make the system more stable.Unfortunately a product I can’t recommend.

  • That's a really interesting innovation, this bridge pivoting system was really clever. Impressive stability and pitch range. I'll check out someday in the future (right now, it's very expensive in South America). On my strats, I replaced my string trees for Graphtech Tusq XL and that was one of the best (and cheapest) upgrades. Great to see all this evolution.


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