Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassBass Amps

Is this $99 Fender Rumble A GREAT guitar amp?

I picked up this Fender Rumble Bass Amp on Craigslist for $50 and I decided to plug in the Telecaster into it to see the tones I could get out of this solid state practice amp and was pretty blown away with the sounds I could get out this for the money I paid. I wish that beginners amps were this good when I started, good work Fender!

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#Fender #Rumble #GREAT #guitar #amp

Originally posted by UC5ICHtE_m0S-M24Ktx3EXRQ at

23 thoughts on “Is this $99 Fender Rumble A GREAT guitar amp?

  • Im a bassist finally picking up a guitar for myself and I have been wondering how my fender rumble would make my guitar sound, thanks for this video showing it.

  • Just a small point, the rumble 40 is $199 on sale, $249 regularly. I’m not really sure which one you’re playing through, you didn’t say. But used prices are fluctuating greatly lately. Just a heads up, man. Rock on ????

  • Thanks for putting this together. You mentioned that it was great for guitars with single coil pickups. Does this mean that you don't think it would be so hot for humbuckers?

  • I just discovered the Rumble 15 for guitar. Sounds so much better than any 15 watt guitar amp. I added a compressor, delay and a Rat distortion pedal and it sounds like a much more expensive rig. Even clean it sounds full, robust and rich. The only small ampos I'd ever recommend would be the Kustom KGA 10 and the Kustom Mod-20. Otherwise, its the Rumble all day everyday.

  • I have an Ampeg RB-108 that sounds great with guitar—especially jazz guitar. Bass amps often have active tone controls, so sometimes it takes a bit of time to dial them in if you’re used to passive controls (which most guitar amps have)

  • I assume you are using the Rumble 25? Anyway, you solved my problem. I play bass through that same amp, and at present I’m looking to pick up a reg guitar. Semi-hollow body Gretsch. I’m surprised by the nice smooth tone. A reverb and tremolo pedal and I’m all set. Saved a little jingle not having to buy another amp. Much mahalo.

  • I totally agree … my 63 telecaster sounds very good through the rumble 40. Surprisingly good.

  • My bought a fender rumble 25 about 8 months ago after watching a video another guitarist did on the same subject. I picked it up brand new with the tags still on it for $50. It's now my go to amp.

  • It’s actually really good. I’m a SG guy and they sound awesome on this bass amp. I own a Tele as well and it sounds superb.

  • I just got a Rumble 40, gotta turn the bass knob all the way down, but it has a great clean sound.

  • Thanks for the video. I guess it's the 25 but would it have killed you to say which Rumble it is? Your guitar is out of tune too.

  • i like it personally i’m a bassist and i’m secure in knowing that my guitarist buds have something to jam on when they come over (i have a rumble 60 watt)

  • I was just wondering how I would be able to get the electric guitar sound still on this amp?

  • nothing really that surprising – ever since the days when bassists gave away their Bassman amps to their guitarist buddies when they moved on to louder rigs, we were rewarded when curiosity got the better of us and we discovered some great tone. Glad to see Fender keeping up with that tradition, however unwittingly 🙂 Good find.

  • Which rumble is it?  I have a 15 and 25 watt (I play bass too) and I routinely play guitar through them.  Yes they sound great very full and not thin or shrill.  I think the 15 sounds better because of the smaller speaker.  Great vid thanks for posting.


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