Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Is this a GUITAR or a BASS ??? Ibanez SRC6MS Review

the Ibanez SRC6MS is extremely unique and brings a new way of looking at a familiar but also unfamiliar stringed instrument.

#Ibanez #bassguitar #shortscalebass

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0:00 Slideshow
1:58 Introduction
6:31 Bitching
10:01 Into a Bass Amp
13:24 Mid Switch
16:00 Low Interval Limits
23:32 Into a Guitar Amp
25:28 Into a distorted Amp
26:09 Careful with Headroom
28:00 Into a digital Model
29:38 MY2CENTS

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#GUITAR #BASS #Ibanez #SRC6MS #Review

Originally posted by UCrPHxHPnSvHzNNYbJlYoyGQ at

39 thoughts on “Is this a GUITAR or a BASS ??? Ibanez SRC6MS Review

  • I’m obsessed with these. I really want one. I have to discuss this with my wife. That won’t be fun.

  • amazing explanation of the low interval limitations. Ive always wondered why certain harmonic intervals suddenly sound so bad once they get too low in octave

  • This is by far the best review for any sort of Bass VI I've seen. Everyone else either says "this is for guitar players that play like guitar" or "this is strictly a bass", but this clears up so much and goes into both very well. I'm a beginner player and all of this made perfect sense to me

    Edit: I did end up buying one of these based on the info in this review. It's a great instrument

  • great video. You explained why I hear several octave frequencies and harmonies in the background when I boost distortion and reverb on a regular guitar.

  • да просто она неправильно рассчитана, поэтому они все такие не строят вообще и никак! увы и ах.. а жаль… могла бы получиться одной из самых чудесных 6-струнных мультимензурных басух!!! просто ибанез не захотели делать на cotr, а другой поставщик просто не смог сделать такого уровня и качества гитару… да и cotr последнее время сильно косячит по мультимензурке особенно….. а жаль….

  • These basses are fire. why do everyone complains about Ibanez better ergonomics for playability. ibanez is the third most popular guitar and bass line on the market. Thumbs down on all the hate.

  • Pretty sure this is just Ibanez's answer to the popular Fender/Squier bass 6 that is popular because of how it Djents.

    You're the first to show it as an actual bass. But it's meant to Doom sludge Dent. So of you're not gonna do that, of course it's gonna be a bit weird.

  • Love this, best review online, you got a new subscriber here. Love your Newf, btw!

  • It's an acid trip of an instrument lol sounds much better than the Squire Bass VI or the Eastwood. I have always wanted a guitar with a lower standard tuning because standard on guitar can sound like too much

  • I can't tell what I'm supposed to pay attention to, his outfit, the video, or the guitar in the back.

  • I was actually debating between this and a fretless bass.
    I think you sold me on the fretless bass.
    I see why this wont work for me personally.

  • You just earned a subcriber. Consdering, you arent afraid to talk shit. Too many people water down their emotions way too much for 'the perfect shot' on camera. I love the realism.

  • It – will – chiug. I hate when neck (the head actually?) is heavier than the body. That sucks. Apparently not when sitting and playing. Although … I would say this is the entry point for smaller (younger) female Bass players. Or for new Messugah .. or Fear Factory album ?

  • The interval limits problem seems similiar to the complexity of tuning a piano and having to choose a temperment rather than tuning it to the correct frequency.

  • "I don't understand it but I want one" sums this up perfectly. Can relate, 100%.

  • I feel its like a Viola or cello of guitars. Its not a bass or guitar but it could fill the middle of a mix.

  • The "lower interval limit" is BS. Its true that it sounds different below the "limit", but Alice In Chains had a platinum single in "Would?", and breaking that "rule" is the main flavor of the song. The low guitar part in the verse actively ignores the so-called limit and makes that G major chord (transposed to Gb major) the saddest, darkest major chord I've ever heard. Who says a major chord has to sound happy? Don't listen to people when they tell you what you can't play. Stravinsky breaks this "rule" all the time as well. The lower interval limit is just what some ancient, moldy music theorist doesn't personally like, and he probably thinks mayonnaise is too spicy.

  • Man, i can just imagine the layering possibilities using this with my drop A 7 string and using this as the bass and then layering the guitar tracks! I might actually NEED this in my life. I’m actually looking to get a bass anyway and as a guitar player this might be the perfect solution. For the price, really can’t beat it.

  • The fact that it has medium frets instead of jumbo is such a massive disappointment. All the Ibanez guitars I like have jumbo frets and I love that. But they went with medium frets on this. I hate it.

  • As that nice man Tony Franklin demonstrated, you need to go fretless to play a low major third. ????

  • Not to mention atonal, microtonal… this AXE just might DESTROY 12 Tonality!!! ????????????????

  • then if you have the money, the next problem is finding the string at limited marketplace (somewhere, the gov is a clown). 8 string set is maxed at .74, but this def a djent machine


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