Monday, March 10, 2025

Is this a joke? New Fender Stratocaster Review.

Fender Player II Strat – honest review of this very bad electric guitar.
What about Fender Standard 2025 made in Indonesia? I shudder to think.
Fender Player II Strat:
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0:00 – Fender Marketing
1:52 – Finish and tone
3:05 – Tuning Issues
4:32 – TerribleFretwork
5:23 – Poor Hardware
7:16 – Better Choices
8:10 – Cheap Tremolo Can Work
8:28 – Fender Standard Series 2025

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#joke #Fender #Stratocaster #Review

Originally posted by UCy3BbkwNem2vmd0I7EeNzlw at

27 thoughts on “Is this a joke? New Fender Stratocaster Review.

  • I would like to clarify that I am not saying that all those guitars are bad. It is just that for such money I expect that I am not playing roulette but rather I get a better or worse made INSTRUMENT TO PLAY, not a semi-finished product for further processing. Especially since for 1/3 of the price you can find guitars without such glaring shortcomings.
    >Fender Player II Strat:
    >FGN Boundary:
    >Larry Carlton S7:
    >Harley Benton ST62:

  • I haven’t tried out any guitars since 2018. No need, since I’ve got a 2001 MIM Fender Nash Deluxe and an Epi 335. No need to get anything else, since both are awesome. (Of course, I have no disposable income anymore either, but that one’s on Biden.)

  • I can't wait to see how Fender or other YouTubers respond. This is a pretty savage takedown. I so much appreciate the honesty.

  • Just think, if it was stamped squire is would make sense and be no issue. Its just down right offensive and repulsive Fender would degrade their name with this Indonesia fire wood.

  • Cheap hardware? The hardware is the same as the American series lol. I've seen problems with tuning on the American series too. I think everything needs improved, not just the player series

  • Nice work.
    Interesting for me is the bass side of things, Can you check out the Indo New Standard Basses please ?

  • I bought a Jet recently. Similar price to a fender player but the quality is much better.

  • Bought a player II as well. Had to return it.

    The QC was pretty bad. I was bummed out. Will not buy another one anytime soon.

  • I just bought a Stadium strat copy for my son and it's plays just as well. I bought an Ibanez gx70qa for myself and it blows away the competition

  • I purchased a 2025 Fender Standard Stratocaster HSS just the other day. Yep, they've gotten so-so reviews so I thought, for $500 (discount at my local store) they must be good. Whenever something gets bad reviews I like to grab one to see what the fuss is all about.

    I've been playing guitar semi-pro for about 50 years and have been through every manner of Fender guitar.

    Out of the box it needed very little set up. The neck is perfect. A little wide, but frets are rolled and there are no sharp fret ends. Like every Strat ever made it has tuning stability issues. I don't think I've ever bought a Strat that doesn't, and every Strat I've ever bought gets lockers automatically unless it's my JV Modified Tele which comes with excellent lockers. Sound wise the HSS configuration is very cool. That bridge pickup really snarls. The finish is Black and the paint is even and glossy. One thing I really like is the neck being matte finish. That coupled with the profile makes for a really comfortable ride.

    Having played it nonstop for the last week I really can't find anything bad about it. It's certainly the same if not slightly better than the Classic Vibe I have, and the thing is, the Player is now priced too high. So it makes sense that Fender brought out a Fender branded Standard that is at a decent price point. I wouldn't pay more, but at $500 ($599) you really can't go wrong. I've owned way worse Strats that are far more expensive. This guitar has some heft to it making it a solid player, and overall feels like a quality Strat. And the fact it's made in Indonesia doesn't bother me at all. Fender does a decent job of QC in all their factories, and the Indonesian plant is no exception. I recommend this, would gig without a backup, but like almost every Strat, you have to take steps to stabilize the tuning if you're going to use the tremolo. Just a fact of Fender life. And $59 for a set of Fender lockers is a better investment than paying $900 for a player and having to put lockers on it anyway.

  • you really got pissed off about the fenders. Well, I guess it had to happen eventually.

  • It's amazing. Squier has put out classic vibes of better quality than this for a fraction of the price. I don't think you will get a good guitar out of fender unless you get an amercian model and pay the hefty price tag.

  • These $800+ MIM’s make zero sense to me. First of all if you’re in the market for an affordable strat, a Sire or PRE Silver Sky SE is a far better guitar and costs a few hundred bucks less. After tax you’re talking almost $900 for a MIM player II.
    If you want a 900$ strat why wouldn’t you just get a lightly used american strat for 800-1000 w/ a hard case and not have to change a thing? These make no sense to me. By the time you get one, take it to a luthier or put time in it yourself to make the frets decent, and then upgrade the pickups etc all the sudden you’re 1300$ into a Mexico strat and you’re spending all your time arguing on the internet trying to tell everyone that your MIM destroys custom shops ????
    If you need a brand new guitar for some reason- a squier classic vibe is way cheaper, so are Sire offerings and silver sky SE. I will never understand why people pay american guitar money for a MIM

  • I know a lot of people expect a perfect guitar out of the box but the truth is that many of them will need a thorough setup and some tweaking. Sharp edges and tremolo issue aside, the guitar sounds great but it may need an intonation adjustment.

  • Check out the new brand "Jet Guitar" JS-300 or the JS-400 best value for the bucks! and it's a good platform for modding!

  • The player IIs are some of the best Fenders there are. The nut was needing a cut to fit better, otherwise, it’s one of the best guitars I own. Clickbait.

  • sharp edges are not directly their fault in my opinion but have to with wet/dry wood, season changes and air humidity. But of course it's their fault using wood that has grown to fast an dried to fast that makes the wood shrinking different than wood tha has been grown slow and stored for longer time before using.

  • An honest man on You Tube! How refreshing! Thank you Sir! My Indonesian made Squre 40th Anniversary strat was crap, nut almost cut my hand, frets super sharp, neck needed tweaking, after a day of fixing all that I plugged it in and shazam a tin machine, sounded shit. My Chinese made 2014 60th Anniversary Squire Strat is made flawless, sounds superb and way better guitar all the way around.

  • The problem with Fender is that they are not consistent, some guitars are good, others not, in my experience mostly are bad, Fenders to me are just junk, playing Suhr guitars now and trust me they are superb.

  • Fender and quality have never been the best of friends
    Years ago i decided i wanted a USA Strat, then the fun began despite trying as many as i could find
    they all had issues.
    I bought the best sample that was free of blemishes then asked a good luthier to do a full setup.
    This transformed the guitar, but it made it more expensive.
    Now they have intruduced a new Stndard Strat made in Indonesia, from what i had seen they are dire
    why pay more than a Squire CV for a worse guitar ?


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