Thursday, March 6, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Is THIS the Worst Drive Pedal Ever? The Boss Metal Zone….(Maybe the Waza version is better) for 60% off All Access Membership with TrueFire

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00:00 Truefire 60% off All Access
00:20 I’ve never played a Metal Zone
1:10 hard clipping with a more advanced EQ
3:50 for the circuit curious
4:08 why the Metal Zone sounds sort of weird
4:45 @OlaEnglund using it in the FX loop of an amp
5:18 3 Word reviews from you guys
6:25 hearing it in standard mode for the first time
10:55 trying the CUSTOM mode – WOW
14:05 conclusions and opinions
15:39 into the Fuchs Four Aces Dumble style clean you can get my backing tracks and lesson tabs here. – if you like what I do and
only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

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#Worst #Drive #Pedal #Boss #Metal #Zone….Maybe #Waza #version

Originally posted by UCkL4v-tohdDZX7kzmL9b2UA at

25 thoughts on “Is THIS the Worst Drive Pedal Ever? The Boss Metal Zone….(Maybe the Waza version is better)

  • Sounded pretty damn fine to my ears. Shows what can be achieved when a bit time is taken over dialling it in. For a single coil guitar that sounded, big, rich and warm without any trace of nasty metallic fizziness.

  • Think preamp with the Metal Zone, between 0 and 10 O'clock is great, anything past 12 O'clock….. great preamp though especially driven by your favorite drive…..

  • It makes me sad when people bash this circuit. It’s a great pedal.

    Biffy Clyro is textbook on how awesome this pedal is: I think it really shines with single coils into a cleaner amp. I believe this is for whom this pedal was designed: guys with single coils and not hot pickups and clean amps who want to chug. It really nails the sound here!

    Another memorable metalzone user is Lee Malia of BMTH who used a metalzone into a gained out Marshall.

    I’d be very curious to see the difference in dialing the MT-2 for single coils and humbuckers is! Thanks for the vid JNC

  • Wow, as someone that is primarily a legato lick player, that custom mode really appeals to me, I think it sounded great, very Mesa Mark-like, liquid lead tones

  • MT2 is my first pedal I bought in around 1991 when it was first released. I was in high school. My friends also had it but they didn't know how to adjust the damn thing and were calling me.

  • since Metal Zone won an ice skating competition, It out spins other pedals.

  • FYI, a gyrator is an active circuit using capacitors (and resistors) to emulate an inductor, so you can have an inductor in a circuit without having to actually have a coil in the device (which could pick up noise inductively). A gyrator by itself isn't an EQ circuit, but can be part of an EQ circuit. Passive EQs commonly combine inductors, resistors, and capacitors ("LRC," with L being the symbol for an inductor) to build a peak or notch kind of response. Gyrators can be used to simulate such an EQ without using an actual inductor, or allowing you to tune the inductance (via a pot) more easily than you could tune a real-life inductor (which can be done by inserting a metal core). —Tom

  • Hah! I was shopping for a Boss volume pedal a couple years ago, and someone on Reverb was selling an FV-30H together with the MT-2 for much less than the volume pedal, so I bit, figuring the MT-2 would be fun to have, not for its actual Metal Zone function, but rather either to mod or to use for pedal experimentation. Concentric pots and accompanying knobs are actually a bit hard to find and expensive for someone just wanting a couple to experiment with (esp. small ones that can fit in a pedal). The MT-2 has two of them.

    My dim recollection of the one time I actually played through it is that whoever designed the circuit made the two EQ stages way too broad, with only small ranges of them actually useful. Then again, I'm not a metal fan at all, so I suppose maybe I'm just not the audience. It was cool to learn of the Waza version's C mode. —Tom

  • My vote is for the old DOD american metal pedal, even at its lowest setting, it was indistinguishable garbled noise-couldn’t tell one note from the next-next up would be the mad professor golden cello????

  • The OG Metal Zone was probably my first "real" pedal when I was younger. I know it gets a lot of hate, but it did the job for me back then.

  • A clarification on what i hear a lot: it's not used IN the effects loop. It's best plugged directly INTO the effects loop return, bypassing your amp's preamp and replacing it altogether. Put another way:

    ????✋guitar>amp input>effect send>Metal Zone>other effects e.g. delay, reverb> effect return

    ???????? Guitar>Metal Zone>other effects e.g. delay, reverb>effect return

    It's not a post preamp effect like delay or reverb. It IS the preamp

  • TPS did a video a couple years ago seeing how close they could get an MT2 to sound like various other famous drives. Long story short, the eq is so poweful that they could, in fact, get pretty close to the other pedals on their board.


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