Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassBass Amps

I’ve Never Played a Supro Amp – I Didn’t Expect This – the Supro Black Magick 1991 Tyler Bryant

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00:00 Truefire discount codes
00:12 I can’t comment on factors like longevity etc!
00:50 I had no idea what to expect
1:16 the Amp as a pedal platform
5:00 the settings were roughly this
5:50 Supro speaker
6:00 footswitching – no loop
6:08 a signature amp for Tyler Bryant
6:27 not just a great clean amp
10:17 channel 2 cranked vs 1+2 cranked
10:40 I did try it on a gig too
11:00 conclusions
11:43 first time turning it on
15:35 in the room tones you can get my backing tracks and lesson tabs here. – if you like what I do and
only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

Get my PADs bundle here: (this folder will grow, and I’d encourage you to ask for different keys/songs and stuff that might suit this type of preset?)

I’ve decided to make it possible to grab both my Helix/HX Stomp bundles (the expression bundle with freeze presets has always been separate) together for £5 – – I will then email you a link to both bundles!

Try my general patches for Helix or HX Stomp in this bundle for £3 using this link – I will then send out the patches!

You can get my EXPRESSION patches in this bundle using this link – I will then send out the patches!

Try my patches for Pod GO for £3 using this link – I will then send out the patches! get my backing tracks here – if you like what I do and
only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

#Ive #Played #Supro #Amp #Didnt #Expect #Supro #Black #Magick #Tyler #Bryant

Originally posted by UCkL4v-tohdDZX7kzmL9b2UA at

30 thoughts on “I’ve Never Played a Supro Amp – I Didn’t Expect This – the Supro Black Magick 1991 Tyler Bryant

  • Played a gig a good while ago out in Port Jeff, LI where the backline was all Supro amps and they sounded so good I shortly thereafter bought one of the original Black Magick amps. It's been a great amp with no issues and excellent tone.

  • These are probably the best guitar tones I've heard in your videos. More believable, real, simple, beautiful tones.

  • They are owned by the company that owns D'Angelico . You shou try one of their $2000.00 Excels with a real rose wood finger board (335ish). Very nice. They play as nice as my 1961 ES-335.

  • The real shame is that Supro discontinued all its classic models, which it was building in the 2010s and early 2020s. They were incredible. I loved my Royal Reverb. Things like the Black Magick are still cool but more generalized mainstream offerings compared to some of the more interesting classics.

  • some of the guitar recordings were very low in volume- maybe try hitting normalize export first?

  • Beautiful. These amps truly do have a bit of magic built into them. They always sound great. Hey, if anyone is interested in seeing another great guitarist run through the features of an earlier version of this amp check out a video by Michael Casswell that Guitar Interactive Magazine put out back in 2016 when the Black Magicks were first introduced. Amazing playing and lovely tones. Honestly, I watch it several times a year for inspiration. Tragically, Michael died in a swimming accident only a few months after recording it. Search for Black Magick review and you’ll find it. ????

  • I saw Marc Ford (Black Crowes) play with his band, in a club in Spain back in 2017. He was playing through a Supro combo and sounded phenomenal

  • Sounds great on here anyways. Thanks.
    Just bought a Suhr Bella head based on your and others recommendation. Sounds wonderful.
    Now to brag… just ordered an Amplified Nation Ampliphonix and gain. Tee hee

    As always, JD

  • Glad you liked it. I commented just a few days ago that I did a gig with the regular black magic amp and I was super impressed by it. It was the backline amp, the venue was somewhat small so it was plenty loud for me. I used the 1+2 channel, both volumes fully cranked, master at noon+. Most of the gig I just used the volume knob on my guitar, occasionally a boost or overdrive and I thought it sounded glorious. Really fat cleans

  • I've had my supro black magick since early 2019 , it's seen a lot of places and held up amazingly, it's been my favorite amp ever since, I love the amp with every guitar I have, but if I'm out playing a gig or something I'm only using tele's and always my supro

  • I bought a Supro Delta King 12 at Christmas in Andertons' deal and it's turned out to be way more versatile than I expected.

  • I was thinking about grabbing one of these and ended up with my Rivera Clubster Royale Recording instead but that is a really cool amp and the Supro drive has its own sound to it. Also, I just finished watching a random vid on the Psionic Audio channel – cool shoutout!

  • Nice demo, nice amp. My first impression was how clear the low end comes through. Pretty much hits the mid point between a Marshall and a Fender amp.

  • I've never played this amp, but I'm a fan of supro amps. They tend to be somewhere between Marshall and Fender to my ear, with a pronounced midrange. When cranked, they have a very nice growl that's not ear piercing, though they get very loud (even my little 5-watters). Cool to see you demo one.

  • Is there a difference between being a member of your channel (I'm paying £2.99pm) and being a patreon? Just curious because I can't find any tabs or backing tracks as a member.


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