Jackson’s Most Violent Guitar..
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** My videos may or may not contain products that were given to me with the expressed intent for me to make an unbiased review. I may also receive products at a discount in return for making a video on these products. In such cases, the opinions expressed are my own, and not the opinions of the companies providing the equipment. I try to mention this when relevant.
Links in the description may be affiliate, and I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. **
0:00 I Tried A Jackson Dave Davidson Warrior..
1:22 Unboxing
3:04 Jackson Dave Davidson 7 String Warrior Specs
4:20 The rig I’m using
5:26 Pre Set Up And First Impressions Demo
7:08 Dave Davidson Warrior Setup
11:12 Post Setup Demo and Thoughts
12:00 Clean Channel Pickup Demo
13:51 Chugs On The Jackson DD WR7 Warrior
14:25 The Good, The Bad, And Your Mom
#jacksonguitarsofficial #jacksonguitars #jacksonguitar
#Jacksons #Violent #Guitar.
Originally posted by UCKyIN3WgOtdp-35rpgbFINA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw5NULUf844
You know you want one too! https://www.zzounds.com/a–3990820/item–JAC2916507
Almost as ugly as a BC Rich or the Kelly. I hate it. Actually, it's worse than both of those. I think I'd take a Tele over that, and that's the LEAST metal shape of all time.
Warrior is the best shape ever
The warrior is like a Death Metal Dean ML
Thanks for reviewing the WR7 dude! ????????
if only it had a 26.5 scale length like his new ones 🙁
I would buy this used, and completely change all components…for $1500 and no locking tuners is a huge no no…then I would put a kahler in it IMO. Have fixed and flutter bridge.
When is the devil pedal coming back in stock?
The only shape i don't have..yet, 184 and counting.
I have the walnut one. It's sick but I rarely play it. Still not sure if I should sell it or keep it just in case because it does rip.
Whats the guitar 4:53 ? Thanks for reply
hey, can you do a video on a cort x100
Waiting on the Ibanez k7 this summer. Narrowed it down between one of them or one of these for my next
Dream guitar right there!!!
Use 2000 sand paper on that tape spot
love your videos, can you snag a wylde audio berserker for a review
never seent this channel before. subbed cos the peavey XXX
I wish so bad it was a 6 string I would buy it. I just can't take on another 7 string. turns out I prefer a drop tuned 6 to a 7. I already have 2 nice Jackson 7 strings ????
Not a fan of Floyd Rose bridges. But the shape is great.
The warrior is my favorite guitar shape so comfortable to play ????
Dude, I have 2 of those. I replaced the bridge with a Seymour duncan Black Winter, and the other one, I replaced with Seymour duncan Jupiter. Both make MASSIVE improvements compared to DiMarzio Imperium stock pickups. Both Seymour Duncans make it sounds way more aggressive and heavier !
That shape is so cool, i would love to have one
Jackson needs to release a reverse headstock, 26.5" scale, 7 string, tremolo Warrior!!!
Theyll probably do that scale length with the Ferrari Red and Lambo Yellows with maple fretboards though. Too bad I'm not a fan of those colors nor maple boards with those colors… Oh well.
I remember buying the natural mahogany model when it was 1300 unfortunately the body started separating
1,200 MSRP for a modern 7 string FR guitar isn't as pricey as I'd expect
What string dampener are you using?
Hey Taylor! Long time viewer but my first time commenting. At the start of the video you say the strings are too low, I was just wondering what string height you aim for when you do a set up?
Keep up the great work!
Ive been playing one for a couple years. I love it. Everything you said was 100%!
Great playing and solid review on a weapon of a guitar.
If you tighten the screws to the claw, you can take out TWO of those springs. I use 3 springs in my 7 string. Flutters for days.
little anecdote about the "noisless" floyd rose springs: i put some in a pro plus series soloist that i bought recently. spring noise was reduced, but i've got some weird hum as if a ground wasn't connected properly. took me a while to nmotice cause in use a noisegate and just turned it up a little more to cut the hum when at band rehearsal. at home with my practice amp it was unbearable though. turns out, your trem springs are a ground connection between the strings and the trem-claw. there's a reason that a ground wire is soldered to the claw.
took out the springs, scratched off some of the laquer on the attachment ends and voila, stuff's properly grounded again, noise gone.
Sick looking guitar. Revocation is good but to wanky tech for me. I prefer my deathmetal to be caveman unga bunga chugs haha.