Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Jazz Chord Shapes Guitar Workout

This is an AMAZING jazz chord shapes guitar workout to master guitar 7th chords all over the fretboard. *** FREE Booklet: Learn just 8 shapes to play any jazz chord progression:

Weekly Lesson #54

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Lesson Content Outline with Timestamp Links:
0:00 – Lesson intro
0:43 – About this guitar 7th chords method
1:56 – Example of the cycle exercise
4:22 – Major triad template
5:29 – Full guitar 7th chords cycle off of C
8:50 – Examples of chord quality cycle in real music
10:05 – Full jazz chord shapes guitar workout walkthrough
18:46 – Why and when to use this exercise
20:29 – Get my ‘any jazz chord’ method booklet

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The blog post version of this lesson:

Links Mentioned in this Video:
• Guitar chords series playlist:
• Episode 8 about the theory of 7th chords:
• Episode 7 about having 6 places to play any chord:
• Free ‘Any Jazz Chord’ booklet:

Get any of my FREE PDF downloads that are awesome for guitarists:
• Chords with Color, Free Booklet – Amazing chord options chart:
• Any Jazz Chord, Free Booklet – Learn just 8 shapes to play any jazz tune:
• The Top 3 Pentatonic Scale Patterns PDF – Exercise for more melodic soloing,:
• Solo Guitar Arrangement Pack – Free Sheet Music with tabs:

Help me help you by taking my Guitar Goals Evaluation (super short, two-question survey that takes less than one minute):

Lesson Description:

When I first started making guitar lesson videos people told me that I should make short “clicky” lessons to try and go viral.

I tried a couple times, but that’s not me. I don’t like to look for shortcuts.

In fact, I think the abundance of quick-win topics like “top 3 guitar hacks” is why it’s so hard to actually learn and go deep on YouTube.

My goal is to provide substantive lessons with exercises that really work to help us improve on the guitar.

This jazz chord shapes guitar lesson does exactly that.

This robust exercise for mastering jazz chord shapes on the guitar is amazing.

True, it’s not an overnight guitar hack, but it’s a resourceful approach that you can come back to for years.

Check out related videos I’ve made on similar topics in these playlists:
• Technique:
• How to Learn Guitar Chords Series:
• Chords:
• Music Theory:
• Chord Melodies:
• Jazz Guitar:–As3MSfPDwjfrqcC

#guitarlesson #jazzguitar #guitarchords

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This is a fantastic jazz chord shapes guitar exercise for learning guitar 7th chords all over the fretboard. This kind of thorough practicing is what it takes to truly master theory and technique on the guitar at the same time. I call it the chord quality cycle exercise because it cycles through all the 7th chord qualities that exist in a major scale with the addition of the diminished 7 chord.

I hope you enjoyed this lesson and found it beneficial. Let me know what you thought. Thanks! 🙂
– Jared

➡ Enjoying my free weekly guitar lessons and interested in giving back? You can support my channel and help keep it going by donating here:


#Jazz #Chord #Shapes #Guitar #Workout

Originally posted by UCjHMWH0YwQ1Fq3wvBc2ClAw at

26 thoughts on “Jazz Chord Shapes Guitar Workout

  • I can’t get my fingers to make the F half diminished on the 6th string root. I think it’s too high cause my fingers keep slipping out of the frets. Any advice?

  • Jared, your lessons ate a cut above everything else on YouTube. What are your thoughts on using the thumb on the low E? I'm struggling to twist my fingers into these shapes, the thumb seems to work for me.

  • I'm still learning all the fingerings and getting comfortable but this workout is improving my understanding a lot

  • Of all the channels I watch about jazz guitar, this is by far the best. It's given me the outlook that jazz guitar is not a black art! It makes things simple without over simplifying it

  • Hi Jered this is Alan/ (or Al ). I think you are great,where did you find the time to learn all this stuff. By the way, could you try and talk a little slower, thanks. Al

  • I stopped playing guitar 6 years ago but I love watching and learning theory just because it's cool . I played over 45 years and just one day , stopped . Lost interest … I love watching guitar lessons because the guitar is so complex …

  • What I dig about it you have simplified an otherwise complex endeavor. Now I can teach others to have confidence in themselves!!!!!!!

  • Sir I Reiterate. U R. The man. Best 7ths lesson by Far. All the others are scavenger hunts for a 6th. I DEEPLY THANK YOU. U. ROCK. OR JAZZ LOL

  • If you slice thru scales like hot knife thru butter THIS will humble you and make you a man my son lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • This is great. For me, it "completes" your teachings on shell voicings. Just learn the simpler shells for each root and add in the missing 5th. I also appreciate your pointers for us more limited acoustic players. Too bad my fingers can't reach to those 4th-string roots.

  • So glad I found your channel through reddit today! Your teaching style is great. Only halfway through this video and Im stoked to see the other content on your channel ???? I hope you have a TikTok ????

  • Excellent video! Already will give a try to put them all in one scale and check again on your next video 🙂


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