Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Jazz Guitar Basics for Beginners (Autumn Leaves Guitar Lesson with Tabs)

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Here are some basic jazz lines that help the beginner outline the changes on “Autumn Leaves”. The lines outline each chord and I demonstrate the concepts involved in creating the lines. The jazz vocabulary shown here is developed by targeting chord tones as well as using lines that highlight the color notes of the jazz chords.

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I use Guitar Pro to create my TABS. My affiliate link is here in case you would like to use it:

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???? Check out my online lesson pack: 20 Smooth Jazz Licks

???? 10 Major Key Smooth Jazz Licks:

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Tabs are here:

✅ How to play Summertime:
✅ Smooth Jazz Guitar Licks Part 1:
✅ Soulful Caribbean Guitar Jam:
✅ Need Licks? Here They Are:
✅ The CLASSIC Jazz Lick You Should Know:

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#Jazz #Guitar #Basics #Beginners #Autumn #Leaves #Guitar #Lesson #Tabs

Originally posted by UCfCqdLWHZTHwKdCVU-3uyMw at

38 thoughts on “Jazz Guitar Basics for Beginners (Autumn Leaves Guitar Lesson with Tabs)

  • Understand it, but for me your lines do not include enough melody notes to identify it as Autumn Leaves, if you didn't state it was Autumn Leaves I would have never known it. But good stuff on building lines for chords.

  • I’ve been playing guitar for about 25 years and I have a pretty solid understanding of theory… But if this is what is considered “beginner” in the jazz world, maybe I’ll just never be good enough lol

  • Andy: "don't judge me for using my thumb"
    *me with small hands, can hardly use thumb : "no, you judge me"
    *me proceed to cry on the corner of my room

  • I've got a question that I'm hoping someone can answer, because I've seen this before. So, for example, the Cm7 chord he plays, he only uses strings 6,4,3,2 – missing out strings 5 and 1. That shape is taken from the Em7 barre shape – so why not just finger the whole barre chord, rather then the fiddley shape he uses, having to miss out the fifth string. And even more confusing, he clearly strums the whole chord, including the 5th string which is supposed to be missed out.

    You can still pick the strings using those strings, but it's a lot more natural to hold that E-shape barre chord…. I do hope I'm making sense!
    Help!! Thanks in advance… ????????

  • No, this is in no way made for beginners! He presumes that these so-called beginners already have a strong understanding of Theory, the fretboard and Chords. 99% of Beginners do not! He should have called this "Jazz Guitar Intermediate Etude" for players with a minimum of 2 years experience. It would be nice if he actually taped lessons for Beginners.

  • I think the people saying "this isn't beginner level" are confusing beginner Jazz with beginner guitar. They're not the same. You don't start with Jazz if you are just a beginner at guitar.
    That's like trying to learn how to dance before you're even able to walk.

  • This is fantastic! The chord progressions alone are really cool to learn… then to have the lines explained, great stuff!

  • I have to ask you a suggestion, if I may: I would like to transform Slabo day, by Peter Green, into a jazzy progression. It;s Am, F, G Am. How would you do that, in a way that the original solo still fit ? Thank you very much!

  • "Don't judge me for using my thumb". Ha ha ha! ???????????????? PMSL!

    And here I was all scratching my noggin, focusing on the fact that I've been playing this song in friggin Gmaj for decades! Ha ha ha.

    Not out of inability to transpose, just pure bloody laziness on my part. ????

    Nah, brother, I use both thumb and trad depending on the situation. Thumb is cool. Economical. ????????

    Ha ha.

    Cool lesson as always, Andy. ????

  • What's so bad about using your thumb? It helps conserve energy when I'm playing four hour gigs, and I like hitting open strings whenever I can. The thumb allows me to play some dynamite stuff. Guys who criticize the use of the thumb don't know jack sh*t. Great lesson. Much obliged.

  • Thanks for sharing, Andy. I'm a new fan, subscribed and been watching your other vids. For the EfMaj7, would it be wrong to add the "B" ? ie EfMaj7/B I know it's not part of the orig song but to me sounds "ok" to incl .. sometimes 'yes' and sometimes 'no'. Thx again for sharing your knowledge ! Fr MB.

  • The album on the background "Parce qu'on vient de loin" is the first album I bought back in the days when I was 12 years old, still listening a lot of it, great, great album !!!

  • Love this! Thank you. Q): Are thumbs not allowed? I'm finding myself naturally moving to my thumb on a few of these chords.

  • Thank you for this lesson ! Downloaded to study and writing to remember these for future performances and church solos!

  • I’m a rock and roll/rockabilly player myself, but this is awesome. Seems foreign to me, but I’d sure like to learn some jazz. Your guitar sounds great btw!

  • Love the song and the lesson is great, but can I listen to this on Spotify? I can't find the right version or I'm just not hearing it right. I'm just getting into jazz so I'm not sure what to look for


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