Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Jet City Custom 5 Amp Head | Review

Read Issue 60 for free at: http://bit.ly/Gi_60_JimiHendrix

Jet City Amplification is a relatively new amp company, starting up in 2009. Their mantra is to be able to deliver great sounding amps at affordable prices. With that being said, Sam Bell test drives Jet City‘s Custom 5’ amp head, which is the most affordable in the brand’s range of impressive amplifiers

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#Jet #City #Custom #Amp #Review

Originally posted by UCS3QTujyp5t2nSSzktYFzWA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie8TWzmjF-c

12 thoughts on “Jet City Custom 5 Amp Head | Review

  • I jhave just bought one….not fan of that tone, but this little amp is a good base for making a boutique amp. I keep the chassis , the transformers and the choke, and I'm gonna do a custom amp point to point. An Hybrid with the clean part of the Dumble ODS, and the Trainwreck express. Clean to crunch with the Dumble, and dirty with the Wreck, 2x12AX7, for the preamp, a couple of switch, and a 6L6GC for the single ended power amp. Put that in a combo with a Celestion G12H75. It should be a nice combo for the studio.

  • It's a shame this doesn't do crystal clean i'm looking for something like this that just does Crystal clean with an FX loop! no channel switching… Great demo Sam this is helping me on my quest…

  • Is jet city making these? I played a JCA20H with a Friedman mod and it was arguably the greatest sounding sub $500 head ever made. I know Soldano designed Jet City stuff a while back, but they sort of disappeared. I ran across the video bc I was searching the Friedman modded JCA20H. I want it to keep at a friends house so I don’t have to carry stuff back n forth. And I remember the tone of that head. Man was it killer. Idk what the guys at Friedman did to it, but it was out of this world! The base JCA20H is damn good straight from the box, but that mod took it into another tier. Hopefully they are building these heads with those mods included! That would be sick!! If Jet City is back, I welcome them!

  • Question is: where the hell can you even GET a Jet City in the US? About every authorized dealer no longer carries them. Did they Die?

  • That was one mesmerizing intro! Thanks for showing it off. It was a fantastic overview.

    I was just researching a similar model. Appreciate you can find the low wattage heads for a very reasonable price. Really enjoyed the tones on this one. It wouldn’t be too difficult at all to get a slight crunch on single coils.

  • Nice demo, I must say, I'm not a fan of the amp's sound though. It sounded like a fuzz or a supersaturated transformer, kinda like a broadcast pedal, a nice sound for a pedal but not a good choice for me as an amp sound….

  • Great vid. Not a fan of that amps tone. That's why these are great so we aren't disappointed after buying. Thank you.


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