Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Jimmy Page: A Tale of Two Tones

Part 2 is now live! Check it out here –

In terms of players, and tone, they don’t come much more iconic than Jimmy Page. Best known, of course, for his work with Led Zeppelin, as well as The Yardbirds, The Firm and The Black Crowes, Jimmy Page has paved the way for an enormous range of players and genres that have followed in his wake.

Because of this, it would be safe to assume that everyone who picks up a guitar at some point has tried to replicate his tone and his style, and it’s easy to understand why. From the raucous Telecaster tones in The Yardbirds and early Led Zeppelin, to his now synonymous Les Paul tones covering later Led Zeppelin albums, the elements of his tone and playing have always been sought after.

In this video, Jack breaks down how each of these two guitars impact Page’s tone and what they bring individually to the famous ‘Zeppelin’ sound. We have chosen the Fender Custom Shop Jimmy Page Signature Telecaster, for obvious reasons, as well as a Gibson Custom 60th Anniversary ’60 Les Paul V3 Washed Bourbon Burst – it’s widely believed that Page used a ’59, but be sure to watch throughout the video where Jack will explain our reasoning for choosing the ’60…

We’re covering Jimmy Page in two parts, the second part will be on Jacks own channel shortly so make sure to keep an eye out for that! (We will update this description with a link soon!)

Please do let us know how you think we did in capturing some of Jimmy Page’s tones and make sure to write in the comments who else you would like to see in the series of A Tale of Two Tones!

Check it out here:
Fender Custom Shop Jimmy Page Signature Telecaster –
Gibson Custom 60th Anniversary ’60 Les Paul V3 Washed Bourbon Burst –
Dr Z Maz amplifiers –
Jim Dunlop Echoplex Preamp –
Wampler EQuator Equalization Pedal –
Catalinbread Belle Epoch EP3 Tape Echo Emulation –

Jack’s YouTube channel:
Jack’s Instagram: @jackgriffithsmusic

IMPORTANT: We’re back!:


Instagram: @peachguitars
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#Jimmy #Page #Tale #Tones

Originally posted by UCG07-tB1QtjLz9RQJycLBjw at

24 thoughts on “Jimmy Page: A Tale of Two Tones

  • Very intesting thing about the middle posición in JP tone, no one talks about it and it is somthing very audible and you realize when you hear live versions..

  • I believe the brightness comes from when Page was with Jeff Beck in the Yardbirds. There are sessions prior to Yardbirds where Jimmy sounds more contemporaneous of that time in the UK. Jeff Beck didn't use a pick and sounded a lot less brighter than other guys at that time. Page is about texture and he always understood the frequencies like where the bass occupied because Jimmy played bass. He knew where the vocals should be and with his Tele, I think he chose a brighter tone than Beck in order to have that contrast. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  • Really interesting and unique content. Great for someone learning about guitar, so thanks!

  • Host! Your playing and conversions of the Zep guitar parts are incredible. I hope you are writing, recording and have a group of musicians as talented as you are. Please advise!

  • Jack is an extraordinary player, this video is fantastic. Not sure the LP tones are very Pagey but the playing is so rad that who cares. Bravo maestro

  • If you can remember after all this time… what we’re your settings on the Belle Epoch?? Perfect Page delay sound imo

  • Great video. I might argue that Page was even more important than Hendrix in the evolution of rock guitar going into the 70s and beyond. Could you also do an analysis of Blackmore going from the Rod Evans era into the Mach 2 era? And finally a breakdown of Caitlinbread pedals. I own the Dreamcatcher pedals and the Sabbra Caddabra and would appreciate your view on how to make the most of their sonic potential. Stay cool and keep rocking!!

  • Jimmy page was and always will be my guitar hero! When young i saw song remains the same. Thats all it took!

  • Jack nice opening guitar salvo to this video. Gorgeous guitar playing. Would really like to see Jack play with other band members and jam using different tones and lead/rhythm licks. Your in depth study and practice of Jimmy Page's guitar prose is impressive. It is important that you and others like you keep the musical magic of great guitarist like Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Steve Lukather, Ritchie Blackmore and others alive for eternity. We still have Jimmy, Eric, Steve, and Ritche, but they are getting older as we are too, and they won't be around forever (unfortunately). This video is magnificent, as it is a very good example of keeping their legacy alive!! Keep up the tunes!!

  • Ah 10:49!! You very very nearly hit the Presence tone! Page says that's the one album he doesnt quite recall the details of recording…

    And around 13:30 you make plain how he never really gave up the Tele bite and squish even while piloting a Lester


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