Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Joe Bonamassa’s Gibson Les Paul tone tips guitar lesson

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Issue 384 of Guitarist magazine’s cover star shows you how you can get a wide variety of tones from your Gibson Les Paul without the need for additional stompbox effects. Want to throw away your pedalboard, plug straight into your amp and use your guitar’s onboard controls as tone-shaping tools? Joe shows you how…

For a private guitar lesson from Joe Bonamassa full of hot blues licks to learn, buy Guitarist magazine issue 384, on sale 25 July 2014.

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#Joe #Bonamassas #Gibson #Les #Paul #tone #tips #guitar #lesson

Originally posted by UCcniHc5ivrNMY2HUocYmzAg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkGCvLstPrE

33 thoughts on “Joe Bonamassa’s Gibson Les Paul tone tips guitar lesson

  • If you need that clown Joe Bonamassa to figure out how to get a good tone out of a Les Paul, you should be playing the kazoo instead.

  • Great video! Shows how versatile a Les Paul can be! Probably helps to play like JB though. Keep em coming!

  • Thanks Joe! I was a drummer for a long time and of all the guitarists I've played with over the years only two knew what those round things on the guitar were there for! ????????

  • The only case I'm not happy with using the knobs this way is when I need the middle position, both pups on stage. Then it's a pain in the ass. Otherwise it really works for me.

  • i just discovered joe bonamassa (ive been just getting into blues n blues rock.. stones,clapton,hendrix,yardbirds,john mayall etc) ive always been a les paul guy but hard rock and metal were my choice as a kid im 25 now and im appreciating blues and blues guitar so much.. and i just have the most fun in the world playing a backing track and just jamming out from the heart for 10 mins to each track makes me feel i have a band lol but anyways my tangent aside i discovered joe through guitar world mag ive seen his name before but i thought he was a gibson luthier or something! then i saw a video of his les paul cusom black beauty thats when i dived into his music and everything and hes a amazing musician i hope to play the blues like him soon!

  • A good video,but it would have been helpful to see the amp settings; astone controls are relative to the base.

  • Joe, When someone of your status in the music business takes time to bring us less gifted pickers, it's a grand day! I am grateful to you, maestro.

  • I had no idea I could get my 200 watt Marshall major that I bought from Richie Blackmore to sound like this.

  • Because Joe is being modest here, the true difference is that he is a consummate player with fingers like magic because he has practiced practiced and then practiced some more.
    As peter green told me back in the 60s " a lot is in the hands and fingers".
    Such a brilliant demo though Joe. Thank you.

  • It took me 5 years of playing to realize volume knob is for the tone too, not just for loudness

  • For the love of Eric Clapton! Seriously Joe, I swear your playing would translate much better and fuller through a proper strat. I hear you and watch you and cant process why you are playing a Gibson. Gibsons have since been improved upon, I mean you are right there next to the guy playing the Rickenbacker.


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