John Sykes Inspired Fractal Preset
@LeonTodd pays tribute to the tones & playing of the late, great John Sykes.
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#John #Sykes #Inspired #Fractal #Preset
Originally posted by UCY1w75Pa3ca99tF0D293vVg at
HI Leon, I'm on 8.01 on the FM9–do I need 8.02? I load your bundle via import on there FM9 edit and choose the areas where I save the preset and cab but the preset doesn't appear or load–any ideas?
Hi Leon, I'm on 8.01 on the FM9–do I need 8.02? I load the bundle and choose the place where I want the cab and preset but once loaded they don't appear? Any ideas?
Thank your for opening my eyes to the Mark IV. I was so hung up on the IIC++, I hadn't given the IV a chance,. Now it is a favorite.
Thank you so much for this video. I finally found THE TONE I was looking for. For whatever reason, Mark series amps never gel with me (even with your settings), so I swapped the amp block with SLO 100 Lead (my fav amp), and cab block with my own DynaCab settings, but copied your preset layout, routing, effects blocks settings etc. I already had a rhythm tone I was happy with. But the DI clean and the "fat" switch on the amp block for lead tone…. were both revelations to me. So now I finally have the 3 core sounds (clean + rhythm + lead tones) perfected AND all in one preset. So good.
That's a sick tone. Johnny Sykes was a rock god.
Awesome Preset. Thank you for the bundle. One quick question; how does the filter block off, stop the compressor and chorus from sounding- is it because it is in parallel?
Tremendous, as usual????
beauti-licious tones LT.. many many thanks for all the time you took to produce this video tribute to one of the most awesome rock guitarists of modern history!
Killer job LT and a great tribute to a legend John Skyes. One day that FM9 will find its way to my home ????????
Thanks, Leon, it sounds amazing, and is a very fitting tribute to an incredible guitarist.
Leon, my friend, you may have been over-exposed to extremely loud amps and stages, all your presets sound incredibly bright/piercing. Maybe it’s just me. Thanks for sharing the preset!
Are the compressor and chorus active on scenes 1 and 2 as well, or just for the clean scene 3?
Why are the settings blue?
Sounds great!
Great tribute for a legend
The preamp parameters in the cab block are awesome .
Didn't you do Akira Takasaki /Loudness video with the preamp settings with the saturation a while back ?
Cheers Leon for another one of your Sykes presets????
Love it, thanks Leon.