Wednesday, March 26, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

John Sykes Inspired Fractal Preset

@LeonTodd pays tribute to the tones & playing of the late, great John Sykes.

Free preset bundle –

Get your Fractal Audio unit at and visit for more Fractal Audio Tuesday Tone Tips with Leon Todd.

#John #Sykes #Inspired #Fractal #Preset

Originally posted by UCY1w75Pa3ca99tF0D293vVg at

18 thoughts on “John Sykes Inspired Fractal Preset

  • HI Leon, I'm on 8.01 on the FM9–do I need 8.02? I load your bundle via import on there FM9 edit and choose the areas where I save the preset and cab but the preset doesn't appear or load–any ideas?

  • Hi Leon, I'm on 8.01 on the FM9–do I need 8.02? I load the bundle and choose the place where I want the cab and preset but once loaded they don't appear? Any ideas?

  • Thank your for opening my eyes to the Mark IV. I was so hung up on the IIC++, I hadn't given the IV a chance,. Now it is a favorite.

  • Thank you so much for this video. I finally found THE TONE I was looking for. For whatever reason, Mark series amps never gel with me (even with your settings), so I swapped the amp block with SLO 100 Lead (my fav amp), and cab block with my own DynaCab settings, but copied your preset layout, routing, effects blocks settings etc. I already had a rhythm tone I was happy with. But the DI clean and the "fat" switch on the amp block for lead tone…. were both revelations to me. So now I finally have the 3 core sounds (clean + rhythm + lead tones) perfected AND all in one preset. So good.

  • Awesome Preset. Thank you for the bundle. One quick question; how does the filter block off, stop the compressor and chorus from sounding- is it because it is in parallel?

  • beauti-licious tones LT.. many many thanks for all the time you took to produce this video tribute to one of the most awesome rock guitarists of modern history!

  • Killer job LT and a great tribute to a legend John Skyes. One day that FM9 will find its way to my home ????????

  • Leon, my friend, you may have been over-exposed to extremely loud amps and stages, all your presets sound incredibly bright/piercing. Maybe it’s just me. Thanks for sharing the preset!

  • Are the compressor and chorus active on scenes 1 and 2 as well, or just for the clean scene 3?

  • Sounds great!
    Great tribute for a legend

    The preamp parameters in the cab block are awesome .
    Didn't you do Akira Takasaki /Loudness video with the preamp settings with the saturation a while back ?


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