Saturday, October 26, 2024

Johnny Marr Talks About His Guitar Sound With Boss UK – Boss GT-100

Boss UK talks with Johnny Marr about how he uses his GT-100 amp effects processor guitar pedal for getting his live sound.

GT-100 Version 2.0 free update is now available from:

Learn more about the Boss GT-100 Amp Effects Processor here:

#Johnny #Marr #Talks #Guitar #Sound #Boss #Boss #GT100

Originally posted by UCgJLtm8KUooUa0M0gG9v7sQ at

42 thoughts on “Johnny Marr Talks About His Guitar Sound With Boss UK – Boss GT-100

  • Can it make sense buying this unit in 2022? I think yes, it's out at 400 euro but I think it worth… what's your opinion guys?

  • Marr's new albums (The Messenger and Playland) are fucking amazing and under rated… People only see him as a Smith, but there's a lot lot more amazing about him.

  • I wish I would have heard of this guy sooner, his guitar playing and guitar tone is amazing.

  • I'm pretty sure there's no one I watch and re-watch more for his/her ideas about sound/playing than Johnny Marr.

  • The simple things he does, just seem to come out sounding complex, deep and vast. Now there's a true artist.

  • I find it amazing that Johnny Marr is using a Boss GT-100. Its what a £350 unit that anyone can get hold of anywhere! So much for all pro guitarists being collectors of high end boutique gear. Although he is using vintage fender guitars and amps, you would still expect him to be using something like the Axe fx or some other studio quality rack unit. I'm not slagging off Boss fx I own and have owned several boss stomps and they are solid staples for a lot of pros and beginners alike. I think snobbery is all too common in this world, and the key to finding good tone is spending time with your gear getting to know how to set it up rather than always lusting after the next thing that you believe will make you a better player! Great guitarist getting what he needs out of a good piece of kit!

  • Have so much respect for him, can listen to him talking about guitar for hours. Detailed and passionate in his explanations, more so when he designed his signature Fender Jaguar.

    Oh, and got awesome riffs too.

  • In university, played in bands which covered the Smiths and never really cared about who the musicians were, just loved to get the sound as quickly and easily as possible. Now that I am 50 and been away from guitar playing for a long time, I am rediscovering the musicians, gear and art of sound in a different and deeper way – call it nostalgia or maybe finally having the wisdom (and time) to discover the artists and character behind the what I rushed through so quickly in my youth. Johnny Marr is a class act and incredible guitarist. Love that Fender worked with him on a signature model Jaguar. The Johnny Marr signature Jaguar is on my wishlist as well as the Boss GT-100 board.

  • Shit – now I have to stop being such a pedal whore….. – I noticed he kept his guitar on the bridge pup the whole time – crazy variations in sounds coming out of that gt100

  • They say certain people with a lot of money have "fuck you money." If this is true then Johnny Marr has "fuck you feel and musicality."

  • This guy is a great guitarist. No need for a million notes per second. He fills the room w an orchestra of beauty.

  • Stumbled on this vid looking for interesting / vintage setting ideas for the GT100.  Got to be honest, I didn't recognize the name "Johnny Marr" until a couple minutes in, then had an idea of who he was, then Wiki'd him, then said "shite!  of course."  awesome sounds and a  wonderful innovator of guitar style & sounds of my 80's.
    and by golly, looks like he's a heck-of-a-nice fellow, too.
    Cheers to you Mr. Marr.

  • What style of guitar playing does Johnny play. I know people will say its his own style of playing, but how do you start to play like him ?


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