Monday, March 3, 2025

Just got an Acoustasonic, and I’m sending it right back because of this ONE FEATURE!

-Just got an Acoustasonic, and I’m sending it right back because of this ONE FEATURE!
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#Acoustasonic #sending #FEATURE

Originally posted by UCXdG2bTITo_9dH0heqkXlDQ at

42 thoughts on “Just got an Acoustasonic, and I’m sending it right back because of this ONE FEATURE!

  • Wow – you would have thought that Apple made it! You should have maybe checked it out at a local music store?

  • I sold my American one quickly. But I am very happy and gigging with my Player Tele. $499 new too. It uses a regular 9v battery and I have a pair of rechargeable lithium 9v batteries.

  • I don’t blame this dude at all for not wanting the hassle of charging a guitar. I’ll stick with my Les Paul .

  • I remember seeing these when they first came out and really wanted one. I had no idea about the charging system though! ???? That there would be a deal-breaker for me and yes, I too would go for the Mexican version if I still wanted one. As it stands, I grabbed a PRS Hollowbody II Piezo and couldn't be happier

  • Dude, when i grew up , i would have done many things to own that fine guitar. I think the younger generations are very picky . Jeff becks first guitar was 2×4 lumber with rubber bands . He was very happy to have it. Rock those guitars people… don’t worry about little bs problems. Do that when you are making good money playing .

  • I have a jazzmaster in black and yes, it is annoying to have a rechargeable battery. I mainly use the accousiticsonic at home or if I'm only going to play for less than an hour for fear of the battery dieing on me. Sitting with it is also annoying so I play standing up with a guitar strap.

  • I personally hate the look of it. Same with cutaway acoustics. An acoustic should look like a dreadnought in my opinion

  • If it were a USB-C I would make a purchase. I hate carrying around rechargeable batteries for my acoustics.

  • I replace all my 9v batteries in acoustic guitars with rechargeable ones and drill a hole in the battery cover so i can recharge it easily or replace it with a regular 9v in an emergency

  • I have the baby brother to this, the Highway series, it's almost half the price and has a regular 9v battery.

  • I’m sorry, I agree, that is the ugliest guitar ever…and too expensive. I tried one and it was not my cup of tea.

  • I absolutely fell in love with the idea of this guitar, as a casual guitarist who plays acoustic solo… but both acoustic and electric with my band! But I never ordered one, simply because of the USB port. I was shaking my head wondering how a company like Fender could make a misstep like this, especially at their price-point. Makes the guitar useless for a live scenario, as we all know… anything can happen in a live situation, and you need to adjust on the fly! Great vid!

  • So sitting with a "real" full sized guitar is in the too hard basket? That's not even a first world problem. That's a Karen problem.

  • I owned the Mexican version for a little while. I liked the feel and the acoustic sounds it produced, but the electric sounds were just awful to my ears. I sold it and used the money to build my own acoustasonic from scratch. The concept is good, but for my money, the modeling they used on the classic telecaster sounds just doesn't work.

  • 9 volt batteries suck. My Yamaha uses 2 AA batteries. Cheaper and long lasting.

  • "10-voice Hybrid Tele with Onboard Rechargeable Battery" one of the features stated in huge type. Maybe learn how to read?? Also, the battery is stated to have a 20 hour life between charges, so even if that's half true, you shouldn't need to worry about a 3 hour gig.

  • No idea if anyone’s mentioned it yet but if you want a guitar like this that doesn’t have the ridiculous charging requirement then you might want to look into the Kramer Ferrington. It’s essentially the same concept but executed way better. The KFS models have a stratocaster body shape that translates way better onto an acoustic than a telecaster body shape (though they also have the KFT telecaster shape range if that’s what you want) and in my opinion they are really good looking guitars. They aren’t all too difficult to find and I believe I picked my KFS-2 for around 300 bucks. It’s a solid guitar and a ton of fun to play!

  • I was thinking about this guitar the other day thinking it looked cool but Jesus Christ I had no idea you had to charge it!? Thank you for the vid!

  • Micro usb and not easily replaceable battery is bad. I personally hate the way the acoustasonic guitars look and would never buy one because I think they're ugly as sin.

  • I wouldn’t buy a light for my bike because it was micro usb, but sure I’ll take a guitar with it ????

  • I really wish there was a 3rd solution, where they run off the standard pedal board, can charge a lithium and have a spare spot for a 9V when needed, lmao

  • Glad I never purchased one of these, so many points that would really annoy me.


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