So I typically play “Let’s Go” on keybass! But for the last show of the tour I felt it was necessary to try the song on bass guitar…the main reason was to match the aggressiveness of the distortion guitar! I’ll upload a video of me playing it on keybass as well so you all can decide which is your favorite. Personally I enjoy playing both…brings out a different level of creativity!
For lessons: visit jraineslessons.net
For bass on your tracks, clinics and masterclassses: bookingjraines@gmail.com
Thank You for your like, comments and subscriptions!
I look forwards to serving you all!
-Justin Raines
Originally posted by UCy5ya5LyyHZgh55R4G_HZMw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vecqo1o8Y34
That's awesome
Talented , passionate and enjoyable to watch/ listen to. Thank you
brooo…this is awesome, a question mate, what headphones do you use, do they have good response?, I've been looking for good in ear headphones for bass players for a long time
???? ???? ????
Very Nice:)
I must have watched this a hundred tmes..????
This is easily one of the best bass videos ever Justin.. from the tone to the efortless groovin face the entire time. Your a Legend bro
You are incredible
Men, Your Sound is crazy
It is truly impressive that you can go from a blazing fast finger style 16th note groove to a slap groove without a massive change in volume. That kind of precision is amazing!
Everything is super clean ????
My Guy
Hi Justin… Howd u set your action? Low, medium high or high? Thanks
Hi Justin, just wanted to say Sir, we are so happy that you are posting again! I will never forget seeing God's glory with you and I and NB in East London… I actually went there hoping to see Mr. Palmer
Forever love from South Africa!
Dance, bass, dance, Justin, I mean… the same definition!
Is that the O2 in London? I hope you had a great time!!!!!
Man…watched your interview the other day……became a bigger fan…..now I want to play bass.
i wish i could like this as many times as i've listened to it…
You sound so good!! Tasty all the time!
what synth bass is that?
C'mon JR, that's amazing bro! ????
Absolutely my favourite bassist
That precision & timing, awesome as always ????
???? ????
Hey Justin, you sounded really good. I watched a lot of your video and find out there is no click in your live audio. Do you play live without listening to click ? Or the audio is mixing from separated tracks after? Thanks
Always killing it! Thanks for sharing. So gutted I couldn’t be there.
????????????????real nice
One of a kind
Justin do you still use Labella strings?
Love how you overplay but it doesn't sound overplayed. It only sounds better