Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Kings of Leon Live Rig (Caleb Followill) Explained by Builder Barry O’Neal of Xact Tone Solutions

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Visit Xact Tone Solutions: https://xacttone.com/info/
The Xact Tone Solutions chief pedal puzzle solver and columnist for PG’s State of the Stomp goes over the gear in Caleb Followill’s rack and explains all the ins and outs of its configuration to pull off the Can We Please Have Fun tour hitting U.S. arenas this summer and fall.

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#Kings #Leon #Live #Rig #Caleb #Followill #Explained #Builder #Barry #ONeal #Xact #Tone #Solutions

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8wzMvn4Ne8

28 thoughts on “Kings of Leon Live Rig (Caleb Followill) Explained by Builder Barry O’Neal of Xact Tone Solutions

  • I guess Mr. Followill has a lot of athletic cousins who need stage hand work. I'm also originally from Oklahoma…I get it. Three giant 20+ rack cases (for redundancy) that even the builder mentioned, could be built into a regular pedal board….or at least three 8 space racks. Are The Kings Of Leon even that relevant to merit this level of old-school, 90's arena rock bloat? So weird. Great video though. Thank you PG and Barry O'Neil.

  • It's also possible to have a master/slave controller with the Voodoo Labs system. Just wanted to point that out in case someone is thinking about purchasing one, or might be worried that their current VL setup needs to be changed.

  • I would love to see one of these rig set ups with tube amps. I’ve always wondered what ZZTop and Billy’s Gibbons complete set up is. All those Magnatone heads and cabs on stage are very cool looking, yet I can’t imagine they’re all on. What’s backstage…?

  • I don’t know Caleb, but just listening to him, I can tell he’s a very intelligent and highly articulate man.

  • Two refrigerators for a pedalboard you could build on Facebook marketplace…. Also Mike fuller is jerk

  • Tube Bro Gang:
    "I'm angry because I love tubes and they are the greatest thing ever. I sold my children for tube amps. I married a mesa boogie and we have 3 little fender amp babies together. If there's no tubes, it's trash! Tuuuuuuubes!"
    Guess what?
    No one gives a shit.

  • Guess this means we might be getting a Kings of Leon Rig Rundown soon, which will definitely be cool since I've always been curious about what kind of stuff they use because last I remember Jared was playing nd Gibson Thunderbirds and that's about all I know

  • I want tech's running on state, I want beer, sweat and stomping into my stomp-boxes, I want Rock & Roll to be like me : very very Imperfect.

  • a live rig should have tubes transformers and speakers .what's the point of showing us computers ? guitar players these days have lost the feel and the touch they all sound the same.

  • Really interesting getting this perspective on rig construction, especially the stories of experience and lessons learned. Laughing as I think this, but totally serious: Is there an affiliate link for the IEC locks?

  • Thanks for such a fantastic video, how about a proper a KOL rig rundwon? we need something better than the one that cousin Nacho made a few years back.

  • Would be great to see the rest of the setup – KoL overdrive and band mix has always been spot-on. Interesting point for Strymon design department with their kettle leads popping out.

  • Awesome stuff! As someone that's always looking to reduce cable spaghetti and make wiring more reliable there are some great tips in this video. Nicely done, gents at XTS!


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