Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Kmise Tremolo guitar effect pedal demo & review $24 brand new!

In this video we demo and review the Kmise Tremolo micro effect pedal. Basic and simple to use and easy to dial up some good tremolo tones. Adjust the rate and intensity and away you go. Pedal is only $23.99 on Amazon and eBay – very budget friendly and simple to use and tons of fun. Check it out as we demo the sounds and go over the features of this pedal. Enjoy and email us any questions. And rock oN!

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Kmise Tremolo guitar effect pedal demo & review $24 brand new!

#Kmise #Tremolo #guitar #effect #pedal #demo #review #brand

Originally posted by UCMxQuIZh7sy5lSXA0IlsYyQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AY7N1VBQ00

18 thoughts on “Kmise Tremolo guitar effect pedal demo & review $24 brand new!

  • For more lessons on gear and effects check out my GEAR GUIDE DIGITAL COURSE. Its a complete guide that eliminates the distortion from the seemingly overwhelming number of choices and settings we have today. Over six hours of video lessons where we teach all about guitar effects, signal chain, which pedals go where in the chain, best methods to power pedals, which pedals to place in the effects loop versus which to put in front of the amp and why, stomp boxes versus multi effects, setting up my whole rig as far as the signal chain, and much more. Watch a video preview and read all about the course here: https://nextlevelguitar.com/gear_guide/ – feel free to email me any questions and have a rocking day! -David Taub, Next Level Guitar Inc.

  • Ordered the kmise. I have a Movall pheonix tremelo and mosky audio ch vibe on vibrato. These replace a hotone tape echo.

  • I just got myself this pedal and it doesn't work properly… The true bypass isn't working…
    With mine the pedal only works when the effect is engaged…. when its not engaged I have no volume whatsoever…

  • the thing is is i do wantcit to be compared to more expensive peddles, tone only . as you know a squire can sound better than an american strat that cost 10× . so yes i docwant it compared ….

  • What kind of tremolo pedal is it? Is it optical like most of the cheaper trem pedals? Thanks.

  • Just liked and subscribe to your channel but I’m a bit disappointed with this tremolo pedal test. Most of my friends use it for vintage sounds and rock/rockabilly/soulblues chords or licks from the fifties, I don’t we can estimate properly the possibilities of this effect with you kind of guitar and type of chords. Maybe if you have the occasion it would be great to have a more precise test concerning this pedal or effect to have an accurate opinion. Sorry I’m French and maybe my English is not so good but you understood my point. Thanks and keep rocking.

  • All of my 60's vintage amps the tremolo drops the volume. The optical tremolo I like but it still has a loss of volume. Does this pedal really keep the volume?

  • Some reviews of this pedal show the light flashing at the rate of the effect, pulsing to the speed of the volume swell 1 to 1. Is there a reason this pedal isn't shown to pulse in this review?

  • I have had really good luck with cheap wet effects.
    I have found my self to be super picky about distortion, fuzz and compression and paying out the @$$ for them.

  • Must be pretty cool if you spent an hour jamming with it. Good to know about the plastic shafts. I had a cheap foot switch destroyed on day by accidentally stepping on it.


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